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Pakistan's Role in stoping the Bosnian Genocide.

of pakistani did put efforts to stop this crime, where r the appreciative words and congratulatory words from bosnian authorities now??, is it that, bosnians dont want to appreciate us and others like us or its like there were no efforts infact...
Throughout the 1990s, the Pakistan Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) was used by the CIA as a go-between -- to channel weapons and Mujahideen mercenaries to the Bosnian Muslim Army in the civil war in Yugoslavia. According to a report of the London based International Media Corporation:

"Reliable sources report that the United States is now [1994] actively participating in the arming and training of the Muslim forces of Bosnia-Herzegovina in direct contravention of the United Nations accords. US agencies have been providing weapons made in ... China (PRC), North Korea (DPRK) and Iran. The sources indicated that ... Iran, with the knowledge and agreement of the US Government, supplied the Bosnian forces with a large number of multiple rocket launchers and a large quantity of ammunition. These included 107mm and 122mm rockets from the PRC, and VBR-230 multiple rocket launchers ... made in Iran. ... It was [also] reported that 400 members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (Pasdaran) arrived in Bosnia with a large supply of arms and ammunition. It was alleged that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had full knowledge of the operation and that the CIA believed that some of the 400 had been detached for future terrorist operations in Western Europe.

During September and October [1994], there has been a stream of "Afghan" Mujahedin ... covertly landed in Ploce, Croatia (South-West of Mostar) from where they have traveled with false papers ... before deploying with the Bosnian Muslim forces in the Kupres, Zenica and Banja Luka areas. These forces have recently [late 1994] experienced a significant degree of military success. They have, according to sources in Sarajevo, been aided by the UNPROFOR Bangladesh battalion, which took over from a French battalion early in September [1994].

The Mujahedin landing at Ploce are reported to have been accompanied by US Special Forces equipped with high-tech communications equipment, ... The sources said that the mission of the US troops was to establish a command, control, communications and intelligence network to coordinate and support Bosnian Muslim offensives -- in concert with Mujahideen and Bosnian Croat forces -- in Kupres, Zenica and Banja Luka. Some offensives have recently been conducted from within the UN-established safe-havens in the Zenica and Banja Luka regions.

The US Administration has not restricted its involvement to the clandestine contravention of the UN arms embargo on the region ... It [also] committed three high-ranking delegations over the past two years [prior to 1994] in failed attempts to bring the Yugoslav Government into line with US policy. Yugoslavia is the only state in the region to have failed to acquiesce to US pressure.5

Ironically, the US Administration's undercover military-intelligence operations in Bosnia have been fully documented by the Republican Party. A lengthy Congressional report by the Republican Party Committee (RPC) published in 1997, largely confirms the International Media Corporation report quoted above. The RPC Congressional report accuses the Clinton administration of having "helped turn Bosnia into a militant Islamic base" leading to the recruitment through the so-called "Militant Islamic Network," of thousands of Mujahideen from the Muslim world:

Perhaps most threatening to the SFOR mission - and more importantly, to the safety of the American personnel serving in Bosnia - is the unwillingness of the Clinton Administration to come clean with the Congress and with the American people about its complicity in the delivery of weapons from Iran to the Muslim government in Sarajevo. That policy, personally approved by Bill Clinton in April 1994 at the urging of CIA Director-designate (and then-NSC chief) Anthony Lake and the U.S. ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith, has, according to the Los Angeles Times (citing classified intelligence community sources), "played a central role in the dramatic increase in Iranian influence in Bosnia.

Along with the weapons, Iranian Revolutionary Guards and VEVAK intelligence operatives entered Bosnia in large numbers, along with thousands of mujahedin ("holy warriors") from across the Muslim world. Also engaged in the effort were several other Muslim countries (including Brunei, Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Turkey) and a number of radical Muslim organizations. For example, the role of one Sudan-based "humanitarian organization," called the Third World Relief Agency, has been well documented. The Clinton Administration's "hands-on" involvement with the Islamic network's arms pipeline included inspections of missiles from Iran by U.S. government officials... the Third World Relief Agency (TWRA), a Sudan-based, phoney humanitarian organization ... has been a major link in the arms pipeline to Bosnia. ... TWRA is believed to be connected with such fixtures of the Islamic terror network as Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman (the convicted mastermind behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing) and Osama Bin Laden, a wealthy Saudi émigré believed to bankroll numerous militant groups. [Washington Post, 9/22/96] 6
I know this thered is quit old, hope u wouldn mind some short insight from ex-bosnian soldier regarding some claims made here

Pakistan did proved some weapons to us. Most notable was ATGM Red Arrow system. Had decisive role on Sarajevo front, and in one of most important battles on that front. We smuggled it on our back across airport runway which was guarded by franch foreign legion - hated these fucks, most of them were serb sympathasers. We "loved" ukranians, for few bucks they would do anything:lol: With out that system we woudnt have a chance against serb tank offensive in early '93. So, yeah, we r thankful. Especially, we, ex-soldiers.

Didnt see any ISI members, but Im sure they were involved in some way. Iv seen few iranian & arab instructors. We didnt really need people, we had enough people who knew how to fight. Obligatory millitary sevice & training in Yugoslavia was good, we knew how to fight. We severly lacked weapons and ammo in first year and a half of the war. Armor and artillery was almost non-existante. AT systems too. That was our biggest problem.

As for so called jihadis, claims about thousands and thousands of jihadis r just BS and serb propaganda. Little more then 300 of them were here. They formed a unit called EL-Mudžahid ( al-mujaheed), it was part of 3th corp. It was mixed unit, half of membership was local. And yeah, pakistanis were members. Afghans, Somalis, Sudanis and arabs from Yemen to Tunisia. They didnt played some decisive role in the war, in the time of it's forming -late 93- we had more then 100 thousands battle harden soldiers. They stayed remebered by battle for Vozuča, oblitared serbs there. After piece deal was signed most of them left, dozen of them stayed b/c they started families here. Almost all of these who stayed were infact students in ex-Yugoslavia when war started. After 9/11 our shitty gov led by former communist sent some ex-members unlawfully to Gitmo. Gov fell months after that. They realised them few years later, proclaimed innocente. They r now especting big pay up, ordered by court in Strasbourg.

Also some non-muslim westerners fought along us. Few brits, germans and franch. One member of franch foreign legion left service and joined us. Lost his leg in Vareš.

Serbs had bigger numbers of foreign fighters in their ranks. Russians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Romanians, even Japanese. Russians had 3 units, but serbs often left them to our mercy.because of their killings in Višegrad, we didnt have any for them. One of their cementaries is just few minutes from my house and Sarajevo-

Someone mentioned millitary parade and shahada banner. No, that wasnt foreign muslim brigade. It was 7th muslim brigade from Zenica and surrounding more conservative towns and villages. Part of 3th corp. It was local sufi brigade. But they r more often intentionaly potraid as foreign muslim brigade by serb propaganda. Parade was held in 1997., by then El-Mudžahid didnt exist anymore.

By chance, today is Memorial day of our Army. Started in snickers, no one gave us a chance. Well, they didnt know our history. Salute to all of mine brothers in arms, and our fallen martyrs!
Sallam Br. eajvoSA,

Bosnia will always be dear to the hearts of Muslims everywhere including all true Pakistanis. We will always remember you and someday n'auzubillah, if things go bad, will bleed with you. I would like to use your post to write a piece about Bosnia, and if you have any further input, would appreciate your help.
of pakistani did put efforts to stop this crime, where r the appreciative words and congratulatory words from bosnian authorities now??, is it that, bosnians dont want to appreciate us and others like us or its like there were no efforts infact...

Those people who supported Bosnians probably did it out of humanity and their devotion to God, probably Not for the "worldly" rewards by the people, who had lost everything. I think it would be like insulting those participated in Bosnian war, if we claim they did it for two bit fame which they did not get...
ISI officers were involved, however the GoP essentially made the commitment a volunteer-basis one for obvious reasons (people went on their own with tacit GoP approval at the request of the Bosnians)...I personally know someone in a very senior rank [(now late (May God reward him generously for his efforts) but a general ranking offr, ex SSG, very competent] who went to Bosnia and advised the fledgling Bosnian Army. There were others as well. The Defence industry also pitched in very decently.

Please stop this lying,the Serbs blasted them into the centre of Sarajevo.

And those guys are brutal,nobody from Pakistan could do anything there.

The two countries that helped out Bosnia the most were Iran and Turkey, and then smaller scale Saudi and Pakistan. The only nation that helped the serbs with their genocide against Bosnians were the greek.

Wrong,Serbia was heavily supported by Russia,Croatia by the Catholic Church & Germany and Boniaks by Turkey/Albania.

Bro i am sure that during the bosnian war a large amount of pakistanis went to bosnia to fight,a few where pak army who had shed there uniforms and taken on the roll of mujahdeen.
In 1993, the ISI diverted part of the HUM and the HUJI to Bosnia to assist the Muslims there in their fight against the Serbs. The transfer to Bosnia was funded by the Saudi Intelligence, the arms and ammunition were given by the Iranian Intelligence and the leadership and motivation were provided by serving and retired officers of the ISI and the Turkish intelligence.
Omar Sheikh, the guy arrested for the kidnapping of Daniel Pearl fought in the jihad in bosnia.
Two members of my family served in bosnia with the UN,one was training bosnian mujahdeen....in secret.
The decisive blow against Greater Serbia was delivered by the Bosnian Army's 5th Corps at Bihac, under its commander Gen. Atif Dudakovic.
You are correct when you say that croatia helped more then all the muslim nations put together,thats what my uncle said.
I am just repeating what my uncle told me and i am no expert.

The USA saved the Bosniaks,else the Bosnian Serbs would have cleansed them off fully.
Please stop this lying,the Serbs blasted them into the centre of Sarajevo.

And those guys are brutal,nobody from Pakistan could do anything there.

Wrong,Serbia was heavily supported by Russia,Croatia by the Catholic Church & Germany and Boniaks by Turkey/Albania.

The USA saved the Bosniaks,else the Bosnian Serbs would have cleansed them off fully.

When the result came we kicked their assses, thats how history writes it, which wont be changed, now Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania 3 Muslim states are independent from the Yugoslavia and their barbarity. 1979-1995 period was tragic for the Muslims of the world but at the same time it brought 18 new Muslim states, so the effort was worth it. :tup:

My uncle served in Bosnia for 5 years with Pakistan Army, he still remembers the warm attitude people had towards us. I wish we'll foster much better relations with Bosnia and would extend any help they require.

Peace to your nation brother. :tup:
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When the result came we kicked their assses, thats how history writes it, which wont be changed, now Bosnia, Kosovo, Albania 3 Muslim states are independent from the Yugoslavia and their barbarity. 1979-1995 period was tragic for the Muslims of the world but at the same time it brought 18 new Muslim states, so the effort was worth it. :tup:

Because USA came and blasted them.albania was always an independent country.

You go see how Bosnia looks today sandwiched between Serbia, republican sprska and Croatia.

And Kosovo,that little thing.

Wen the Slavs get together,this ll vanish again.

They have nothing to do with you,they are slavs,u r desi.

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