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Pakistan's Nuclear Submarine Development | News and Discussions

well troll do you know about karachi shipyard pakistan, go and learn something and stop drinking milk from the feeder


Karachi Shipyard has build only chinese ships and french submarines ... there is nothing pakistani in it ...

earlier i thought that indians have limited knowldge about Pakistan but now i admit that even they have no real knowldge about their military...

wow and u believe that u have all the knowledge about our military??

You can search what Pakistan has built, not here to babysit you. That's why your on a Pakistani Forum.

Anyways, those ships are a small pool to the rest of IN.. Most of it are Soviet Era retired ships... No wonder you guys are biggest foreign arms buyer... Sad nation :tdown:

Whether the ships are small pool or not doesnot matter , what matters is that we start building from patrol boats to destroyers , aicraft carriers to SSBN our own ..... In the coming years it is growing to increase ....

What have pakistan got ...nothing .....not a single indigenous ship ......
Karachi Shipyard has build only chinese ships and french submarines ... there is nothing pakistani in it ...


Is this what you've learned at the call center :smokin: :bounce:

But atleast they built something by themselves... Not Indian who phone Putin once in a while asking for help :smokin:
May be you have to increase your knowledge beyond the madrassa education .......

The fact is your navy is pathetic than even that of somalia .....:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Is this what you've learned at the call center :smokin: :bounce:

But atleast they built something by themselves... Not Indian who phone Putin once in a while asking for help :smokin:

my frnd they have never built anything themselves, not even a patrol boat prolly.
they built agost sub from france and some ships from china thats all. pakistan doesnt even have capacity to build large ships.

Do all Indians fart facts like you do? PNS Madadgar? PNS Shujaat? PNS Zulfiqar?

Btw, Somalia Navy is better than LeT people on canoes which Indians fear so much... :rofl:
pN is in no position to be compared with Indian navy.

nuclear sub( seriously) , their is no shipyard capable of making it from scratch maybe some Chinese retired one may get reconstructed their but it will take atleast a decade or two to make one on their own.

its not economically feasible as well, pN lacks in no of quality ships that might be a priority for strategy makers of pN.

a cruise missile like babur fired from a ship might be the only sea based nuclear threat.

Do all Indians fart facts like you do? PNS Madadgar? PNS Shujaat? PNS Zulfiqar?

Btw, Somalia Navy is better than LeT people on canoes which Indians fear so much... :rofl:

Looks like I have broke somebody ...... :rofl:

Come back when you have facts to support you soopar doopar naval capability ........:wave:
We are not like you that induct retired soviet era subs and copy+paste it.

Please dont make an idiot out of your self , when you dont have any point to make , just make your mouth shut rather than bringing silly and idiotic points .

You know it doesnt matter whether its soviet era sub or copy paste sub , all i know is it can stay in sea for months with out refueling and can carry SLBMs / Nuclear capable cruise missiles . Please dont complain that its old one or copied one when it is attacking you . It wont matter . :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Can i have info on that plz? I have less heared about it to be honest..
I can feel about ure curiosity....Yes! infact we don't want to disturb our dear neighbor's sleep at night for just right now unless and until they don't interfere in our sleep.......:smokin:
Yes! there is special section in the PN just dedicated to the R&D for the creation of our own designed Nuclear subz in the near future.....umm...:D
Good joke ... keep it coming... I think you PN is the only navy which calls a corvette as a destroyer...Comprehension problems run in the system I guess

Which one? We accord ours to NATO standards, so :whistle:

Do all Indians fart facts like you do? PNS Madadgar? PNS Shujaat? PNS Zulfiqar?

Btw, Somalia Navy is better than LeT people on canoes which Indians fear so much... :rofl:

Your top of the line f22p corvettes aren't even in the class of of an ASW INS Kamorta frigate, so please do some research besfore you post your crap
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