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Pakistan's newest threat: Army officer turns suicide bomber

Their minds have be blocked by the propogenda. & the only way most of them will get through their skull is buy making a hole in it by a bullet.


O really! then start loading your guns against your fellow comrades>>>>remember to load lots of amunition....... Beloved army has miserbaly failed ...when the ellite cant protect itself how would they defend their people
The point which stands here is how did he passed the security check post and was able to enter such a high security zone with no one noticing him. Seriously we need to evaluate our security check very carefully because if this type of another act happens, it will seriously affect the arms forces reputation and morale.

Simple! Becasuse either he wsa one of their own or had a support from inside. And dont be so proud of our high security zones. They are just working on luck otherwise they can be breached easily, we are not that professional, Attacks on Musharraf are the evidence. It has already affaected moral of PA and security people.
when will these people get it through their thick skulls that by distroying your own country your not only taking away its ability of the country to grow and prosper but you are also taking away the peoples ability to live peacefully. Thousands have died in this war I don't think these extremists are proving anything by killing innocent civilians and I know that this is not what God wants.

When there will be justice in the country, when people have better alternatives to follow, when young boys from tribal years wont have any to take revenge of, when honest and fair governments rule the country, when the blood of their own wont be spilled. And tyrants like few here wont be allowed to pass their cruel and neo-con judgments, when the jihadis of afghan war will realize that their Jihad is over.
May be then!
O really! then start loading your guns against your fellow comrades>>>>remember to load lots of amunition....... Beloved army has miserbaly failed ...when the ellite cant protect itself how would they defend their people

Do we have an other Choice expect the way we are dealing with them right now, now dont say dialogue bcoz they have failed many time.
You can see they Terrorists dying but you cant see the Soldiers dying, what a patriotism great sir i am impressed. 4 GOD SAKE this is the same army who defend you in the time of need pay some respect to it, the countries who lost confidence upon their defenders Perish jsut pick Scroll back history.

:pakistan: :pakistan:
The point which stands here is how did he passed the security check post and was able to enter such a high security zone with no one noticing him. Seriously we need to evaluate our security check very carefully because if this type of another act happens, it will seriously affect the arms forces reputation and morale.

I don't think that it affects any organisation's reputation if someone slip by.

There are so many people who work and who appear loyal that it is well nigh impossible to know who is who. After all, terrorist organisations have 'sleepers', who are activated when the need arises!

It is a very complex problem and there is no easy answer.
Although the situation is complex here, but still we need to take care of it. The reason i said it affects the reputation is interms of the creditbility of the arms forces to counter it which comes under question with the common mans perspective.
Simple! Becasuse either he wsa one of their own or had a support from inside. And dont be so proud of our high security zones. They are just working on luck otherwise they can be breached easily, we are not that professional, Attacks on Musharraf are the evidence. It has already affaected moral of PA and security people.

First of all they are not at all working on luck. You seriously need to check your attitude regarding the arm forces of pakistan. Pakistan army when it comes to professionalism is one of the best in the world. American president was assisnated what would you call it? Lack of professionalism. We are being faced here with tough situation but that does not mean under any circumstance that one should start questioning the professionalism of the armed forces. They are the honour of this country, we sleep well because they are at guard.:pakistan:
The point which stands here is how did he passed the security check post and was able to enter such a high security zone with no one noticing him. Seriously we need to evaluate our security check very carefully because if this type of another act happens, it will seriously affect the arms forces reputation and morale.

People who lived near by used to come to the base to get food, & use laundry facilities of the base.

The security was lax, no check up the civilians entering the base.

Also people (wapda) who had their houses there, were renting to people without any background check.
First of all they are not at all working on luck. You seriously need to check your attitude regarding the arm forces of pakistan. Pakistan army when it comes to professionalism is one of the best in the world. American president was assisnated what would you call it? Lack of professionalism. We are being faced here with tough situation but that does not mean under any circumstance that one should start questioning the professionalism of the armed forces. They are the honour of this country, we sleep well because they are at guard.:pakistan:[/QUOTE}

This exactly is my point, american president was assasinated by the CIA, one of their own. lets not start making comparisons with USA but still they learnt and now it wont be possible for CIA to repeat the same.
I think time is coming where we as a nation start preparing ourselves to swallow bitter pills, the state of denial is no longer going to help us, 1971, kargil, now this FATA adventure, seriously if we pre-determine that certain institute/people are above the criticism then what are we doing here? Offcourse its not the whole institute but some persons making decisions which are costing us and totally changing the image of our armed forces world wide. Why should repeated security breaches of high profile installations/people not lead to the criticism of those responsible???why??
People who lived near by used to come to the base to get food, & use laundry facilities of the base.

The security was lax, no check up of civilians entering the base.

Also people (wapda) who had their houses there, were renting to people without any background check.

Then it is a serious security issue.

But why mix up the army with civilians who are not connected with the logistics back up of the army?

That is asking for trouble!
This exactly is my point, american president was assasinated by the CIA, one of their own. lets not start making comparisons with USA but still they learnt and now it wont be possible for CIA to repeat the same.
I think time is coming where we as a nation start preparing ourselves to swallow bitter pills, the state of denial is no longer going to help us, 1971, kargil, now this FATA adventure, seriously if we pre-determine that certain institute/people are above the criticism then what are we doing here? Offcourse its not the whole institute but some persons making decisions which are costing us and totally changing the image of our armed forces world wide. Why should repeated security breaches of high profile installations/people not lead to the criticism of those responsible???why??

First of all how can you compare 1971 with the current situation. do you even know what happened there? Sheikh Mujeeb enjoyed a wide spread of majority in the east pakistan, that is not the case here. Baluchistan majority does not support what you call tailban. There are however certain elements which support them. Blaming pakistan army for it is not the way to go because they do what they are told to do. This inturn makes them prone to these kind of terrorist attacks, ones what we are seeing these days. As for the security, yes there was a breach and this should be corrected immediately.
Kargil?? What about it?

I thought the Indians were always ranting about the fact that Pakistan did not accept the bodies of its "soldiers". So when did this happen? The first few bodies exchanged were also done through the ICRC, not directly with the PA, so when did this "direct exchange" occur?

NEW DELHI, July 17: Hours after Pakistan Army Chief General Parvez Musharraf's admission that Pakistani soldiers were involved in the Kargil conflict, the Pakistan Government today agreed to take back the bodies of two of its Army officers killed in action against Indian troops. India handed over the bodies to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) this evening.....

....This is the second time that India has handed over bodies of Pakistani soldiers. In the first instance, in May, three bodies were handed over. These soldiers had been spotted trying to intrude into Indian territory....

....Except for the bodies that have been handed over, the remaining 244 have been buried by Indian troops.

Pak finally claims bodies

And pray tell where into the wide blue yonder are the soldiers marching off to at the end of the video? The inconsistencies in the video, and the complete mismatch with the "facts", as described by the Indians themselves, show this to be a forgery IMO.

Very nice propoganda piece Salim sahib.
Their minds have be blocked by the propogenda. & the only way most of them will get through their skull is buy making a hole in it by a bullet.


They are victim of the propeganda what about your comments. They also think that only bomb is the solution to every thing like you think that bullet is thiers.
According to the reports, the persons invovled are retired army men what has made them so blind that they know the people they are killing are the soldiers whose moto is " EMAN, TAQWA and JIHAD FEE SIBLILAH"
They are victim of the propeganda what about your comments. They also think that only bomb is the solution to every thing like you think that bullet is thiers.
According to the reports, the persons invovled are retired army men what has made them so blind that they know the people they are killing are the soldiers whose moto is " EMAN, TAQWA and JIHAD FEE SIBLILAH"

i also said that bullet should not be the first option it should be the last but when nobody is ready to listen to you & wants to attack you & kill you what will you do then do you Greet him no you SHOOT him.

A bullet can only answer a bullet, we want peace but they dont want peace they are thinking that they are doing it on proper Islamic way, How wrong they are.

Wilco :pakistan:
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