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Pakistan's newest threat: Army officer turns suicide bomber

Indian meida got info about the suicide bomber first rather then the investigation commision

So you mean a Talib or an outsider just walked into the officers mess of PA base and blowed himself up.:undecided:
On numerous occassions Mushraff himself had admitted that their are many in the ranks of Army and ISI who are sympatetic towards the Taliban and AQ cause.
So whats the big deal with an officer blowing himself up and killing 18 of his collegues. He too might have pissed of with the skewed western foreign policy and decided to have his revenge on the kafirs.
Lol, you believe that figure.

The figures released by the Government were backed up by the "operators" of various graveyards where the bodies were buried. I remember seeing the hoards of reporters interrogating this one poor guy who worked in one of the graveyards - they even asked him if they were burying multiple bodies in the same graves to hide the high death count. The accusation that the death count was higher than government figures is unsubstantiated, and based on speculation and political point scoring by the Mullahs and opposition.

When this happened, Dabong was asked several times to provide any evidence he knew of that could establish the veracity of such claims. He could never do so.

Do you have anything new for us to analyze?
So you mean a Talib or an outsider just walked into the officers mess of PA base and blowed himself up.:undecided:

Bull, a news report was posted in the sticky Terrorism 2 thread. Heres and excerpt again:

Ismail, who belongs to the SSG's Karar company, said since many civilians from the nearby Wapda residential colonies used to come there either for eating or taking food from the SSG mess to their homes, he took the bomber as one of them.

In their findings, investigators found that security lapses in and around the SSG base had enabled the suicide bomber to easily enter the highly sensitive area and carry out his mission. They said there was no check on civilians coming from adjacent Wapda colonies to take food from the mess or wash their clothes at the SSG laundry.

Interestingly, it was also disclosed by the investigators that majority of the houses in the Wapda residential colonies had been rented out to civilians by the Wapda employees which was a serious threat to the security of the country's biggest dam.

"Nobody knows who is living in which house. The trend of providing accommodation to private people in such a sensitive location could pose serious threat to the dam," remarked the officials.

They also termed the security plan of the dam by a few unequipped police personnel as dangerous for the dam, which the Interior Ministry has declared A category security zone, a status enjoyed by Pakistan's nuclear plant. "The staff is inadequate and lacks basic equipment like scanning machines and steel detectors," they observed.
Tarbela bomber’s head, body, bicycle recovered
The string Post is misleading as it shows that an Officer of the PA and that too and elite commando was involved which is not true.
WP incendiary grenades are an essential part of a CT teams inventory...you expect SSG operators to throw in flowers after a bn commander and 6 operators had been mowed down by these students? Every single room in the seminary had to be cleared...guess what was used? WP grenades. I know our Army....the last thing they do is shoot at people blindly...quite a few very young SSG officers and NCOs lost their lives trying to hold back and give those inside a chance to surrender....I am not condoning the killings on either side, however when you use the tip of the spear to address a problem, then don't expect the gloves to remain on.

Contrary to what you have read, our media and the vast majority of the population have started showing their ultimate hypocrisy at this action. I can start posting editorials after editorials, interviews of individuals on private channels and every single one of them was of the opinion that the lawlessness occurring around LM could not be tolerated....given the situation, what options did the government have? I think this point has been discussed so much that its useless to bring this up again. Army is a tool. Its use is authorized by someone...in this case it was not Musharraf alone....he picked up on the opinion in the street which prior to the operation was all for use of force to stop this lawlessness...when crap hits the fan then everyone runs away (in urdu its called "mukar jana"). Nobody wants to own up to the calls made because in our selfish culture, self-preservation is the only thing that matters......now every Tom, Dick or Harry has become an expert claiming that our own Army has used this or that against our very own people.....this is the exact same problem that we are facing in terms of coming to terms with the problem of certain extreme elements amidst us.

We as a nation are unsure what we need to be saying or doing to these folks because in the name of Islam they keep on blackmailing the nation....on the other hand, Musharraf's close association with the US hurts him and blocks objective analysis of the situation as anything done to clamp down on extremist actions is looked upon as a move on the behest of the US....little do we know that the middle path is the best path (that is we show US our own sovereignty and at the same time block the tide of extremism within the country....now I am not an alarmist to suggest that Pakistan is on the verge of Talibanisation....nothing could be farther from it....however if we do not take action for our own sake, then bombings, assassinations, impact on economy and on the national cohesion will continue to take its toll.

Hypocrisy is the order of the day in today's Pakistan...those who claim Musharraf is hurting Pakistan in many cases are hurting Pakistan by their own inaction or inability to speak out against the extremism in the country....in the long run they are all going to have to come to terms with the extremist entities in the country....the longer we delay it with our petty squabbling, the more casualties we must be prepared to take.

LM brigade had very many chances and if we can consider government action against them to be irresponsible, then they were equally responsible for bringing the death, destruction and most importantly (to some people's ultimate glee) polarization in the country. To cause fitna when you have an authority (as per Islam) is something that in itself is problematic....you work from within and do not take up arms against an established authority. This was the same approach taken up by the Saud family to get the Ottomans out of Hijaz....the result of this is for all to see. Infighting and disagreement should be vocal and not by force of arms.

The situation is kind of crappy on every side (be it Musharraf or the Mullah brigade....every body is busy ensuring their own survival..the people who get screwed are poor old civilians, dedicated professionals etc.
WP incendiary grenades are an essential part of a CT teams inventory...you expect SSG operators to throw in flowers after a bn commander and 6 operators had been mowed down by these students? Every single room in the seminary had to be cleared...guess what was used? WP grenades. I know our Army....the last thing they do is shoot at people blindly...quite a few very young SSG officers and NCOs lost their lives trying to hold back and give those inside a chance to surrender....I am not condoning the killings on either side, however when you use the tip of the spear to address a problem, then don't expect the gloves to remain on.

Contrary to what you have read, our media and the vast majority of the population have started showing their ultimate hypocrisy at this action. I can start posting editorials after editorials, interviews of individuals on private channels and every single one of them was of the opinion that the lawlessness occurring around LM could not be tolerated....given the situation, what options did the government have? I think this point has been discussed so much that its useless to bring this up again. Army is a tool. Its use is authorized by someone...in this case it was not Musharraf alone....he picked up on the opinion in the street which prior to the operation was all for use of force to stop this lawlessness...when crap hits the fan then everyone runs away (in urdu its called "mukar jana"). Nobody wants to own up to the calls made because in our selfish culture, self-preservation is the only thing that matters......now every Tom, Dick or Harry has become an expert claiming that our own Army has used this or that against our very own people.....this is the exact same problem that we are facing in terms of coming to terms with the problem of certain extreme elements amidst us.

We as a nation are unsure what we need to be saying or doing to these folks because in the name of Islam they keep on blackmailing the nation....on the other hand, Musharraf's close association with the US hurts him and blocks objective analysis of the situation as anything done to clamp down on extremist actions is looked upon as a move on the behest of the US....little do we know that the middle path is the best path (that is we show US our own sovereignty and at the same time block the tide of extremism within the country....now I am not an alarmist to suggest that Pakistan is on the verge of Talibanisation....nothing could be farther from it....however if we do not take action for our own sake, then bombings, assassinations, impact on economy and on the national cohesion will continue to take its toll.

Hypocrisy is the order of the day in today's Pakistan...those who claim Musharraf is hurting Pakistan in many cases are hurting Pakistan by their own inaction or inability to speak out against the extremism in the country....in the long run they are all going to have to come to terms with the extremist entities in the country....the longer we delay it with our petty squabbling, the more casualties we must be prepared to take.

LM brigade had very many chances and if we can consider government action against them to be irresponsible, then they were equally responsible for bringing the death, destruction and most importantly (to some people's ultimate glee) polarization in the country. To cause fitna when you have an authority (as per Islam) is something that in itself is problematic....you work from within and do not take up arms against an established authority. This was the same approach taken up by the Saud family to get the Ottomans out of Hijaz....the result of this is for all to see. Infighting and disagreement should be vocal and not by force of arms.

The situation is kind of crappy on every side (be it Musharraf or the Mullah brigade....every body is busy ensuring their own survival..the people who get screwed are poor old civilians, dedicated professionals etc.

Bro i did not want to discredit or defame the pakistani army in anyway,but the constant accusation from AgNoStIc that my point about mushys excess was nothing but a figment of my imagination had to proven.
I have held back on numerous occasions when asked to go into detail about mushy abuse of power as i know i will have to tarnish the reputation of the army to prove my point about mushy.
I totally agree with your point "the people who get screwed are poor old civilians, dedicated professionals" ect.
Bro i did not want to discredit or defame the pakistani army in anyway,but the constant accusation from AgNoStIc that my point about mushys excess was nothing but a figment of my imagination had to proven.
I have held back on numerous occasions when asked to go into detail about mushy abuse of power as i know i will have to tarnish the reputation of the army to prove my point about mushy.
I totally agree with your point "the people who get screwed are poor old civilians, dedicated professionals" ect.

Defaming and discrediting Pakistan Army does nothing but hurt this national institution and Pakistan. People are bad mouthing the Army (I am not pointing at you here) thinking that it is the one and the same as Musharraf. My point is that it is not! Pakistan Army holds our country together. I really is the most multi-ethnic and inclusive body in the entire of Pakistan. It just bothers me when people use the generic term "Army or Fauj" to put down an individual. We should be thanking our lucky stars that Musharraf is not overthrown by others within the Army...that would be the sorriest day for Pakistan as this institution's discipline must be maintained. Change in the country's leadership should come from outside (civilians, lawyers and politicians should be pushing for it but should be very careful in their sloganeering and statements which unfortunately has not been the case).
Dont forget this !!!!!!

Bro i did not want to discredit or defame the pakistani army in anyway,but the constant accusation from AgNoStIc that my point about mushys excess was nothing but a figment of my imagination had to proven.
I have held back on numerous occasions when asked to go into detail about mushy abuse of power as i know i will have to tarnish the reputation of the army to prove my point about mushy.
I totally agree with your point "the people who get screwed are poor old civilians, dedicated professionals" ect.

When you accuse the Army of "murdering hundreds if not thousands" in the LM and then "lying" about it to cover up their "excesses", you have already defamed the Army - When you accuse them of "murdering innocent Tribals, destroying entire villages and hiding the truth about collateral damage" in FATA, you have already tarnished their reputation. So if you really care about the institution, then back up your claims with evidence, instead of spouting ideologically driven conspiracy theories. I don't have a problem condemning the Army for whatever excesses it may have comitted, but I need evidence before I am convinced.

By the way, your first link did not work, the reporter in your second link based his entire stoy upon the observation of one person who claimed to have seen "a pile of bodies". The GoP reported 70 militants killed, can that "pile" possibly have been those killed in the action? People aren't the size of a can of peas you know. Pure BS speculation. There has been nothing concrete to substantiate the allegation of a thousand people killed.

Your other argument about the discrepancy in number of reported people inside the LM, and those killed at the end, is more reflective of the failure of our Intel (yet again) than any conspiracy. The government was for the most part basing its estimates on what the Bradran were spouting, at the end it turned out that Abdul rashid was lying about how many people he had hostage, probably to put pressure on the GoP to not initiate an op.

If hundreds or thousands of people had been killed, and obviously buried secretly, where are their parents or relatives? The number of people looking for their family members in LM never even got close to the numbers suggested by "conspiracy nuts".
Assalamu Alaykum,

I had posted the the analysis of Lal Masjid Operation by BRASSTACKS a Pakistani Think Tank, it had answered all the questions through logical thinking which we are again discussing.

Kya sher hai yaar. Wah Wah.. :lol:

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