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Pakistan's New Military Offensive in Kurram and Khyber

Seven Pakistani soldiers killed in Taliban attack: officials | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

PESHAWAR: Seven Pakistani soldiers were killed and three others wounded in a Taliban attack on their check post in the country’s northwestern tribal belt, security officials said on Friday.

The overnight attack on Shidano Dand post in the Kurram region triggered clashes in which 18 militants were also killed, a senior military official said.

“Armed militants stormed the post around midnight and killed seven soldiers,” said the official, who did not want to be named, adding that the troops retaliated killing 18 militants.

Other security officials also confirmed the attack.

Taliban spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan in a telephone call to AFP claimed responsibility for the raid, saying 12 Frontier Corps soldiers were killed and four others captured by militants.

“We carried out this attack to avenge the killing of our commander Taj Gul in Khyber agency,” Ehsan said, without giving details when he was killed and his significance to the group.

“We have killed 12 FC soldiers and captured four others alive,” he said, adding that militants also seized a large cache of weapons.

Independent confirmation of death tolls is very difficult in the tribal area, a Taliban and Al Qaeda stronghold barred to journalists and aid workers.

The post is located between Kurram and North Waziristan tribal region on the Afghan border, a zone considered a stronghold of Pakistani Taliban and Al Qaeda linked militants.

The region has experienced a spike in clashes in recent weeks.

On Tuesday dozens of heavily armed Taliban militants attacked a Pakistani military post in the area, sparking clashes that killed eight soldiers and wounded another 15, the military said.

Helicopter gunships were mobilised when the fighting broke out and officials said 35 militants were killed.

Last July, Pakistan launched an offensive to oust religious militants from Kurram, mirroring operations that it has carried out – with limited success – across much of the rest of the tribal belt, only for militants to regroup and return.

Pakistan’s semi-autonomous tribal belt bordering Afghanistan is rife with a homegrown insurgency, Afghan Taliban and Al-Qaeda-linked militants.

On Monday, President Barack Obama confirmed for the first time that US drones target Taliban and Al Qaeda militants in Pakistan’s tribal badlands, a program that has escalated under his administration.

Pakistan, whose relationship with the United States deteriorated in 2011 over the raid that killed Osama bin Laden and air strikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, says more than 3,000 troops have died fighting the militants.
WTH, they are killing pakistani troops in huge numbers that too regularly or kidnap them and behead them.
Actually The day before yesterday Pakistani troops had killed 78 Taliban militants.. and These troops are frontier core..
FC is supported by Army but is the part of Paramilitary.. RIP to the soldiers ....:frown:
FC is another force of Pakistan..
Pakistan should definately pull out of this so called wot,so many of our brave soldiers have been killed after we jumped into this war,so many blasts occured after we got involved in this war,it was n is US's war,let them handle it in afghanistan.Why was pakistan pulled in this mess.US created this mess and now running back...enough is enough! RIP to the brave soldiers
Pakistan should definately pull out of this so called wot,so many of our brave soldiers have been killed after we jumped into this war,so many blasts occured after we got involved in this war,it was n is US's war,let them handle it in afghanistan.Why was pakistan pulled in this mess.US created this mess and now running back...enough is enough! RIP to the brave soldiers

You mean Obama is running back. Cares more about staying in the office.
ahh but you haven't followed the latest have you? 14 of 20 leaders killed and jailed . 2000 surrendered out of the total force of 5000. and thats just in the past one year . give it time . 2 yrs at the most .:)

Nope more like in the range of 15000...thats what the retired army officer that is training the commandos said in a recent documentary i saw ....i will try to upload that part :undecided:.

EDIT: its not 15000 its 12000
ahh but you haven't followed the latest have you? 14 of 20 leaders killed and jailed . 2000 surrendered out of the total force of 5000. and thats just in the past one year . give it time . 2 yrs at the most .:)

Watching this "latest" since 1967. Very latest indeed.:rolleyes:
What is saddening and risky is the apathy Pakistan is developing towards its citizens and now even its soldiers getting killed by Terrorists. Less than 24 hours and the story is already a footnote on the webpages of sites like Dawn.com and nation.com.pk

Terror deaths in Pakistan are almost becoming a non news.
Pakistan is at a war footing, hence casualties are expected in a war, alas no one should make an excuse about it, however it's ironic you talking about Pakistani psyche, when your own dead soldiers (whatever cause they may be dying for) end up being transported on garbage trucks......seems fatigue has settled into the Indian mind set without even having to go to war. !!
RIP to the brave soldiers..... Personally I think the Pakistani govt needs to act faster and hit the terrorists harder - bring in the air force - do regular carpet bombings of their hide outs - roll in the heavy mechanized infantry and send in the special forces - paramilitary and light infantry can play a supporting role but to ask them to do it all by themselves is asking too much.
Does less drone attack has some relation to more taliban attacks?
Does less drone attack has some relation to more taliban attacks?

I think so - but am still against drone strikes( It violates national integrity of said nation ) - If the Americans receive information about terrorist hide outs - they should contact the PAF - I am sure a JF 17 or a F 16 can bomb those targets as well as a predator or a reaper
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