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Pakistan's new FM Bilawal Bhutto receives call from U.S. Secretary of State.

What does it say about prospects of US empire when clowns like Zelensky (literally) and Bilawal have been selected to drive US agenda?

Secondly, people who are selecting the likes of Bilawal are no khairkhaws of American either. Large parts of American society recognizes that ruling US establishment is corrupt to the core but their anger is being exploited by populist like Trump who would have no chance of success in a normal society. Ottoman and Mughal empires were brought down due to corruption of ruling elites. Seems like US is headed in the same direction although its hegemony has lasted for relatively short while. In contrast to US elite, European empires had leadership that was much more patriotic. For example, British ruling elite could be accused of many things but corruption was not one of them. British empire ended because it could not compete with technological prowess of the Germans. Without the support of Indian troops and US contribution, Britian would have lost to Germany.

One difference between experience of Americans and European empire is that Americans have had to pay relatively little cost in terms of lives. In comparison, Europeans lost tens of millions of lives during the two world wars - an experience which has put them of wars. Americans however face no credible military threat which probably explains why the ruling elite has become so corrupt. Biggest threat to America is internal.

What does implosion of America mean for countries like Pak? Example of Ukraine provides obvious answer. As post colonial experience shows, parties that depend on US for survival always lead the country to disaster. Pakistan has been lucky because Pakistan army has been able to double-cross the Americans for most part. In the larger context relationship with Americans has proven to be negative for Pak. Mistake was made in the sixties when instead of adapting a neutral foreign policy, military sided with war criminals that were the Dulles brothers. That mistake was balanced by establishing relationship with Cheen at a time when Cheen was dirt poor. Little would have Pakistani policy makers realized that China would become a global power in a span of fifty years.

But that relationship with China is under threat due to regime change bought on by Americans. I dont hold army responsible as Pakistani society does not have the means to resist American pressure. Any society where likes of Sharifs and Zardari enjoy so much support cannot stand up to even minimum of dhakka. But while Pakistanis are beybuss, question is whether China will step up to the plate? Experience of Russia whows that China will be inviting trouble if it allows its allies to fall by the wayside.
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He has 10 years in him. That's why it is crucial he comes back into power so he can groom future leaders.
Yes, he certainly has 10 years. But who are the promising crowd pullers in PTI? You'll have to find some one who can be at the same level as a World Cup winning captain. Elections are decided by people's confidence in a leader. Imran himself took 20 years to gather a flock.

Open a topic on Hindutva take over of India and discuss it.
I'll leave that in your capable hands 😉
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Yes, he certainly has 10 years. Put who are the promising crowd pullers in PTI? You'll have to find some one who can be at the same level as a World Cup winning captain. Elections are decided by people's confidence in a leader. Imran himself took 20 years to gather a flock.

I'll leave that in your capable hands 😉

Of course you will considering the facts are too hot to handle.

Papa America will lose at the end of the day. Their little victory in Pakistan is shortlived. The imported government is living on borrowed time.
PS: Bilawal can lose a few pounds. Hard to believe that a well educated and thoroughbred person like him does not value fitness.

Maybe because the LGBT likes their meat to be soft and cudlely ? Something to hold on to ??

>> As a side note - given this Zadaris family and Bhuttos familirs place now in Pakistani politics etc - you can be sure all of the foreign intelligence agencies wouls have been following him for years, and recording his every move, his very you know - erm - "meeting". He will be massively blackmailed or countries will threaten to expose his past if he does not do their bidding, etc..

First thing they do is get him into power - then blackmail him to force additional comprimises, etc..
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Indians are cheering Bilawal ..... should Pakistanis need be concerned here ?

Pakistanis should be concerned their most beloved sacred cow institution Army has turned out to be their biggest traitor...

Back to the masters,
it is pertinent to remember when the whole PPP was chosen and sent for by the US administration.
Bilawal, murad shah, sherry rehman, etc, all went yapping to uncle Sam,

One can imagine now, UK is managing sharifs, and USA is managing bhuttos.

Is not there bhutto blood ?

Some say it is cursed,
the only other living survivor is also Gay.
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