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US State Secretary speaks with FM Bilawal

Now before you go off on your sad, sorry narrative about how its a "one way street" for the poor Pakistanis, do realize the following:

- Most of Pakistan's strategic infrastructure has been the beneficiary of US largess. Think starting from Tarbela, Mangla dams to countless infrastructure projects that have been aided by US funding.
- Thousands of Pakistanis have benefitted from US scholarships and educational stipends both in country and overseas
- Millions of Pakistanis have avoided countless adolescent diseases on account of millions pumped into primary health care programs (include Polio, Malaria and Covid campaigns to this day)
- Millions spent on anti-narcotics programs within Pakistan
- Millions spent in support of Pakistani rescue efforts both in the 1970 Typhoon in EP and then in the 2005 EQ in the Northwest
- Millions of acres of land brought under cultivation thanks to US farming techniques, seeds and fertilizers
- Hundreds of NGOs with US funding to run basic health, educational and vocational programs for Pakistanis
- Training of Pakistani security forces, including paramilitary and police since 1953

And there are countless other sub-bullets to the above list. Of all the international partners, the US has assisted more than any other including China (close second).

As such, this has not been about "us making all concessions and sacrifices". We could have walked away in 1954, or 1981 or in 2001 but it was decided it was better for Pakistan to go with the US than to sit out.

On each occasion, the situation for Pakistan was dire given the emerging threat and in the overall scheme of things, Pakistan made it out quite alright. It is just that we did not capitalize on what we received. Others like South Korea, Vietnam and obviously Japan and Germany are clearly examples of those who took and benefitted. We were too busy misusing and abusing the hand that gave. So let's learn to realize where the fault was.

Pakistan won't survive bud. The ethnic tensions are clearly visible as daylight. The sooner you let go of this idea the better.
Pakistan won't survive bud. The ethnic tensions are clearly visible as daylight. The sooner you let go of this idea the better.
Pakistan will survive and more.

If I have not seen the country throw in the towel in the past ~60 years, I have no reason to believe otherwise now.
People to People part will not be fixed for 100 years

Bilawal is a looney Toon , not a representative

Snapchat Bilwal all you want
Pakistan has 2 FMs
Bilawal (US lap dog)
Shah mehmood (recently requested by Chinese to visit China) on behalf of Bajwa.
If he is in the office and representing Pakistan, I am okay with supporting him. The same went for SMQ, HRK and all those who came before him.
His track record speaks otherwise as did his Father's and even Mother.
You are naive to believe the likes of him will represent Pakistan keeping Pakistans interest at heart.
Funny thing is that US will never allow nepotism in their Govt, and Political structure but they will work with those who has no qualifications except they have their family name, I guess its because they are not ruining the US but their own country.
Let's be mature about this. Americans don't give two hoots about any of the above. All they care about is their own interests. We need to do the same.

As long as BZ can put forth Pakistan's interests in the Pak-US discussions, I am good with that.
Indeed, he will put Pakistan interests first!
اردو میں کہتے ہیں ایک ہی سوراخ سے بار بار ڈسے جانا۔

Fool me once shame on you; fool me twice shame on me.
Fool me thrice, I deserve it.
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