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Pakistan's Nawaz Sharif, Not his army, The world’s most dangerous…

anyone who thinks pakistan is islam's defender is blowing smoke. If KSA got invaded today half of pakistan would probably cheer. Arabs and especially KSA should realise one thing.

Depend upon yourself because as they can see when the time came pakistan failed miserably. If a bunch of houthi gangs backed by iran made them squirm to a worthless resolution then a full scale attack by the ayatollahs on mecca won't a make a difference

This is where arabs need to learn from arch foe israel. For 2000 years the jews have been colonised, beaten, pissed on by various groups. Relying on their host communities resulted in pogrom after pogrom culminating in the holocaust.
They finally realised that the only way to defend yourself is to depend upon yourself. Build a strong army.
Saudis would do well to remember that. In that aspect this snub by pakistan is not a bad thing after all. It will force riyadh to recalculate a few things
Hi ,
I know youre too ashamed from your arabs origins, hence why is why you wont show your flags, but i m assuming you're from arab. The so-called state of Saud The defender of Islam where most lwas are from Colonial era Iqama system and shit,
Where the priority is always given to local over any AJNABI.

You want to see our contribution to people like you?

  • The man who transformed the fishing village UAE which is threatening us now with war of words was Izhar Haider.
  • Remember when you arabs lost the spine to fight against bunch of terrorist and we had to come in to protect the sanctity of Al haram
  • When you visit Saudia for umrah or hajj, the way the shitty immigration people treat you, I have experienced that behaviour myself, oh by the way since last i visit i can see your fellow arabs have actually progressed.
  • We were the one who helped you develop airline which later became a world class airline.
  • oh yeah and the country Kuwait that was Gang raped by Saddam's forces, has no guts to tell us that we shouldnt look forward for security from Pakistanis, Is that how you ungrateful brats pay? after we re-built your country.
And finally the Bahrainis to whom we supported so much during arabs spring to prevent the anti-government protester by overturning the ruling family in Bahrain has come out with this insult!

Its true no matter how much anyone does for you sick people, you will never truly appreciate it. Oh yeah i am surprised the war with Yemen is it religious? If it is, then shamefully all the cowards of Gcc have amassed around 150k troops to crush the insurgency with top notch American equipment and you stil need our help?.

I have never sen any GCC country standing up fpr Palestine when invaders of Plaestine attacks it, or when libya was crushed or when Syria was burning, Where was your religious duty back then.

I was born in Middle-East country and i graduated in European country, I never got any recognition in Arab country, Hell other non-muslim states are better than you guys at least they recognize you as human beings and give you support like local citizens, unlike so called defender of Islam, for whom you are AJNABI.

This is your Freaking mistake and you deal with your shit, this is not our war. You lot should be ashamed of asking for any assistance, judging by the fact that we are already stretched out and we have to face our rival who is 3 times our size!

I am sunni myself and i will never ever support the slaughter of any innocent being for the lust of power that i'm seeing right now, During the struggle for independence of Pakistan Shia s with most respect have played vital role and to this day their contribution to this country is enormous, Why should we risk antagonizing them for some arabs who dont even recognize our contribution, Plus they're muslims and they're Pakistanis no different from any other Pakistanis.

If anything happens to Saudi, god willing we will annihilate that country, but for country like Bahrain or UAE for that matter who actually are pimp for Russian and eastern european girls with Casino and every thing there have Audacity to call themselves as defender of Islam and are fighting to protect the integrity of Islam. when in there own everything is legally available

Bloody hypocrites !
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Breaking News: Iran assures to use its Power to Peacefully resolve Yemen Issue
Hi ,
I know youre too ashamed from your arabs origins, hence why is why you wont show your flags, but i m assuming you're from arab. The so-called state of Saud The defender of Islam where most lwas are from Colonial era Iqama system and shit,
Where the priority is always given to local over any AJNABI.

You want to see our contribution to people like you?

  • The man who transformed the fishing village UAE which is threatening us now with war of words was Izhar Haider.
  • Remember when you arabs lost the spine to fight against bunch of terrorist and we had to come in to protect the sanctity of Al haram
  • When you visit Saudia for umrah or hajj, the way the shitty immigration people treat you, I have experienced that behaviour myself, oh by the way since last i visit i can see your fellow arabs have actually progressed.
  • We were the one who helped you develop airline which later became a world class airline.
  • oh yeah and the country Kuwait that was Gang raped by Saddam's forces, has no guts to tell us that we shouldnt look forward for security from Pakistanis, Is that how you ungrateful brats pay? after we re-built your country.
And finally the Bahrainis to whom we supported so much during arabs spring to prevent the anti-government protester by overturning the ruling family in Bahrain has come out with this insult!

Its true no matter how much anyone does for you sick people, you will never truly appreciate it. Oh yeah i am surprised the war with Yemen is it religious? If it is, then shamefully all the cowards of Gcc have amassed around 150k troops to crush the insurgency with top notch American equipment and you stil need our help?.

I have never sen any GCC country standing up fpr Palestine when invaders of Plaestine attacks it, or when libya was crushed or when Syria was burning, Where was your religious duty back then.

I was born in Middle-East country and i graduated in European country, I never got any recognition in Arab country, Hell other non-muslim states are better than you guys at least they recognize you as human beings and give you support like local citizens, unlike so called defender of Islam, for whom you are AJNABI.

This is your Freaking mistake and you deal with your shit, this is not our war. You lot should be ashamed of asking for any assistance, judging by the fact that we are already stretched out and we have to face our rival who is 3 times our size!

I am sunni myself and i will never ever support the slaughter of any innocent being for the lust of power that i'm seeing right now, During the struggle for independence of Pakistan Shia s with most respect have played vital role and to this day their contribution to this country is enormous, Why should we risk antagonizing them for some arabs who dont even recognize our contribution, Plus they're muslims and they're Pakistanis no different from any other Pakistanis.

If anything happens to Saudi, god willing we will annihilate that country, but for country like Bahrain or UAE for that matter who actually are pimp for Russian and eastern european girls with Casino and every thing there have Audacity to call themselves as defender of Islam and are fighting to protect the integrity of Islam. when in there own everything is legally available

Bloody hypocrites !

Chill bro :) some of your info is not complete :), cool down, no need to get over hyper. Be a Pakistani :)
This is your Freaking mistake and you deal with your shit, this is not our war. You lot should be ashamed of asking for any assistance, judging by the fact that we are already stretched out and we have to face our rival who is 3 times our size!

They should not have called for support, but that is not the bit where they should be ashamed, it was our very own PM that promised military support to them without consulting Army and Parliament. KSA has been supporting us financially silently for more than a decade, in our war against TTP and USA. Iran is listed as #2 enemy of Pakistan in our foreign policy and Israel as #1. Guess why?

I have never sen any GCC country standing up fpr Palestine when invaders of Plaestine attacks it

UAE did :) well at least they spurted out some words against them. But obviously that has no value, just like their current threat has no value. Besides, ever thought why cant Pakistan stand for Palestine?

By the way, UAE's current threat had nothing to do with this war ;)
They should not have called for support, but that is not the bit where they should be ashamed, it was our very own PM that promised military support to them without consulting Army and Parliament. KSA has been supporting us financially silently for more than a decade, in our war against TTP and USA. Iran is listed as #2 enemy of Pakistan in our foreign policy and Israel as #1. Guess why?

KSA supporting us financially and the funding of local terrorism should also be considered. We dont need their aid we need them to invest in here rather than giving us alms

KSA supporting us financially and the funding of local terrorism should also be considered. We dont need their aid we need them to invest in here rather than giving us alms

That is inefficiency of our political leaders. We could not convince them to invest in our country, every country looks for their own interest. Just like we are trying to stay outside of this war because it goes against our national interest. We needed their aid back then and they happily supplied it too :).

When the news comes out that a terrorist organization is using saudi funding to advance their motives, it is mostly true, but that does not mean that KSA has funded these organizations. KSA has been funding madarsas for decades. Its just that some funding started to fall in wrong hands, security problems are very weak now a days (but improved a lot compared to last few years) and hence the terrorism. If KSA was doing it intentionally then Army would have known and they would have let the info pass to local public :). Last year Army asked KSA to stop funding local mardasas and they did.
That is inefficiency of our political leaders. We could not convince them to invest in our country, every country looks for their own interest. Just like we are trying to stay outside of this war because it goes against our national interest. We needed their aid back then and they happily supplied it too :).

When the news comes out that a terrorist organization is using saudi funding to advance their motives, it is mostly true, but that does not mean that KSA has funded these organizations. KSA has been funding madarsas for decades. Its just some funding started to fall in wrong hands, security problems are very weak now a days (but improved a lot compared to last few years) and hence the terrorism. If KSA was doing it intentionally then Army would have known and they would have let the info pass to local public :). Last year Army asked KSA to stop funding local mardasas and they did.

Guving aid tous, does that give them power over us ?

do you know that Al saud family guards are trained by SSG commandos, The aid they send us was not out of good faith and most of which has been repaid through our work for them.

Guving aid tous, does that give them power over us ?

do you know that Al saud family guards are trained by SSG commandos, The aid they send us was not out of good faith and most of which has been repaid through our work for them.

They do not have any power on us and we have showed them, but they do have power over our PM :). You could say that the aid has been repaid, but we get separate payment for our training services.
They do not have any power on us and we have showed them, but they do have power over our PM :). You could say that the work has been repaid, but we get separate payment for our training services.
Its hight time they realize that, they cant buying everything from petrodollar. needless to say they could have bought themselves a good wisdom, but unfortunately that is not available in any market
Its hight time they realize that, they cant buying everything from petrodollar. needless to say they could have bought themselves a good wisdom, but unfortunately that is not available in any market

It turns out that they did buy some wisdom, it was ISI who told them back in 2013 about a possible threat from yemen, when no one was talking about Yemen, that was the reason KSA bought so much hardware in 2014 :).
It turns out that they did buy some wisdom, it was ISI who told them back in 2013 about a possible threat from yemen, when no one was talking about Yemen, that was the reason KSA bought so much hardware in 2014 :).
You got it wrong, the lust for complete domination over gulf is just killing all the Muslims countries such as Iraq, libya, syria and now Yemen. Each one of them is falling and crumbling. Thanks to their support
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