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Pakistan's navy interested in Chinese submarines and advance naval ships

pn is the most conterversial armed force it lacks good leadership and strong leadership too that put their case forwar navy is more important as airforce with out good navy even if u had best airforce u cannot defend your self for last 20 years they only bought 3 agostas and 4 frigates major deals where is the money of that last 20 years went the navy leadership is waitting that USA and UK retires their ship and they get it in free i know naval equipment is expansive than the other 2 forces but money of 20 years would be enough to buy another 10 ships and 5 subs
The PN have the tech now to make its own Agostas and Naval Warships like F22's...they should keep making them..they dont need to look around and buy more I guess.It is the time for them to stand on its own feet instead of others to help it stand up LOL...PN should not act as kid they go the technology to develop anythng now...:pakistan::pdf:
well with one sub and frigate it is not like that pakistan start making destroyer and nuke subs we have to be technologically greats to make them in country we have the tech of agosta which is 16 years old we need new tech and we only know old tech agosta still not too old but the subs produced in 2010 are far more better than agosta 90B
PN is just interested but not interested in buying them but watching them

Lets face it. If not France or Germany, Pakistan will have no other option but China.

France is unreliable and Germany is looking good for now.
well chinese subs are not that bad but germany can be one option too french are useless after what they have done on JF 17 avionic package
well with one sub and frigate it is not like that pakistan start making destroyer and nuke subs we have to be technologically greats to make them in country we have the tech of agosta which is 16 years old we need new tech and we only know old tech agosta still not too old but the subs produced in 2010 are far more better than agosta 90B

I can understand your point of view but since we have best brains we can also develop the best technology like the Germans do. The engineers around the world study the same coursez so there should be no difficulty in any present tech usage.Just our engineerz be provided a chance to develop somethng and we will be amazed by the best results inshallah.
Zarra num ho toh yeh mutti barri zarkhez hah saaqi
Lets face it. If not France or Germany, Pakistan will have no other option but China.

France is unreliable and Germany is looking good for now.

Soon inshallah Pak engineerz will develop the subs far superior than any sub around the world even the German U214'nz
Pakistan is gain sufficient experience in Agosta project. Nw pakistan shouldn't buy a sub but develop an entire new sub . A Jv with china Or Jv between China, turkey, and Pakistan,
well in need of time pn should atleast sign deal from china for 3 subs and 4 subs from Eu would do better
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