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Pakistan’s Muslim solidarity disappears

Hafeez said version of Madrasa history.


You seriously need to read beyond your RSS education, because everyone other than you idiots considers this to be a cemented fact.

But I know you cannot cope with the humiliation so you will just deny it, that's what you guys usually do, e.g denying the Aryan migrations, denying that Indus history belongs to us, etc.

We don’t have ummah concept

No wonder Hindus are almost entirely situated in South Asia.
Imagine the Admins and the Mods on this forum allow me to call bollywood shit and make fun of it, shows how much Pakistanis hate bollywood.

Come on mate, there are many Afghans who are pro-Pakistani. Especially the Pathan population.

But yes, those Afghans who are anti-Pakistani, we are against them obviously.

Agreed. But the minority that are anti-Pakistani who are living in Pakistan are more of a danger to us then even the indians are.
You seriously need to read beyond your RSS education, because everyone other than you idiots considers this to be a cemented fact
RSS version is yet to comecin our history book. Get your genes checked and say whether they are Arab genes or Aruan or Dravidian. You will get the answer
Get your genes checked and say whether they are Arab genes or Aruan or Dravidian.

What the hell has that got to do with what I said?

Anyway, if you insist on that line of thought:



"The study showed that the Muslim Gujjars differ significantly from their counterpart, the Hindu Gujjars"


"we observed a certain degree of genetic contribution from Iran to both Muslim populations"
All Pakistanis do not give a two hoots for Palestine
Just like all Pakistanis do not give two hoots to Bollywood :-)

Yeah when it comes to bollywood shit. ;) :lol:

Other than that Dawn can be reliable and unreliable at times depending on the topic.
Okay, we should accept a source when it's convenient. But when it's not, we should just disregard it and call it "untrustworthy."
Got it my friend. :cheers:

Prior to 2005 they were the majority. Now they are the minority. The VAST-MAJORITY of Pakistanis in Pakistan no longer believe in or talk about "Muslim solidarity". After indians, the people we hate the most are afghans and they are SUPPOSED to be Muslims.
I'm quite not sure how and why you took 2005 as base year but I see mixed reactions here. You are one of the few (very few) who say that there is nothing called ''Muslim Solidarity." You can see it on this very thread too.

And I'm sure you don't hate all Afghans (or all Indians for that matter), that's gross generalization. Again, religion has very little to do with it.

The point is - there is something wrong with a country if she has a selective outrage and different parameters of reacting at things. Usually it's called hypocrisy.

We also take $ from USA didn't stop us from making afg grave yard of USA new world order and biggest defeat since Vietnam and longest unwinnable war of USA history because our interests r concerned every one is selective in its approach per its interest west remains mum over Israeli violation u guys also no lesser bigots if not more sonny
You said it. It's all about interests and geo politics.

You wanna cry about Palestine because you wanna oppose Israel. You don't wanna cry about Uighar Muslims because you can't go against China for geo political reasons.

Thanks for accepting it. I have nothing more to add.

We are a party because we are Muslim, simple as.
Uighars are also Muslims?


Some of the holiest sites of Islam are in that region.
Too bad Xinjiang doesn't have those sites. This surely doesnt qualify Uighar Muslims to deserve your sympathy or support.

The hypocrisy is not at all visible, most Pakistanis will criticise any misdemeanours taken against innocent Muslims, the government does not reflect our views.
I don't see anyone criticizing China here. No Pakistani will ever dare to do that. I understand.
The irony here is that apart from preventing CERTAIN Islamic practices within their own indigenous Muslim population, the Chinese have done MORE for Muslim nations than ALL the Muslim countries put together.
Nice to see that my genes are close to Arab.


They're not close to Arabian genes, but there is pretty conclusive evidence that gene flow occurred into the region during the Islamic conquests, and it is present among the Muslims of Pakistan and Hindustan today. It does NOT make us more genetically similar to Persians, Arabs or Turks, but it does mean that yes we do have minor amounts of ancestry from them.

Also, what would be wrong with having genes similar to Arabs? Asabiyah is not something we should follow.

I don't see anyone criticizing China here. No Pakistani will ever dare to do that. I understand.

Go on other threads, you will see us criticising China. In fact, I'll start us off:

May Allah (Azza Wa Jal) damn anyone in China and Hindustan who oppresses the Muslims to an eternity in the hellfire, with not a shred of mercy.

Happy now? I'm fair, I made the same dua for both of you. Now shoo.
Go on other threads, you will see us criticising China. In fact, I'll start us
Look at this very thread, Pakistanis are defending China against their Ummah biradars. But congratulations for starting it though.

May Allah (Azza Wa Jal) damn anyone in China and Hindustan who oppresses the Muslims to an eternity in the hellfire, with not a shred of mercy.
India isn't topic of this thread but you dragged India anyway. You might have as well prayed for those oppressed Muslims in Pakistan and Syria; but hey I'm glad that you at least stand for your principles - though selectively.

So there is a hope for Pakistan after all.

Happy now? I'm fair, I made the same dua for both of you. Now shoo
I'll be more happy if you critisize those Uighar terrorists too who want to harm China's integrity. I hope they go to hell. I'm sure you won't like Muslim terrorists harming China will ya?
Look at this very thread, Pakistanis are defending China against their Ummah biradars. But congratulations for starting it though.

India isn't topic of this thread but you dragged India anyway. You might have as well prayed for those oppressed Muslims in Pakistan and Syria; but hey I'm glad that you at least stand for your principles - though selectively.

So there is a hope for Pakistan after all.

I'll be more happy if you critisize those Uighar terrorists too who want to harm China's integrity. I hope they go to hell. I'm sure you won't like Muslim terrorists harming China will ya?

I can't list everyone, that would take too much time. I just listed the two countries relevant to our conversation: China and Hindustan. China is relevant because that's what the thread is about, and Hindustan is relevant since you are from there.

One minute you want Pakistan to support the Uighurs, then you want us to ditch them. I think it's pretty clear that you're just trolling.

Asalamu Alaikum @waz , this thread is pointless since the guy clearly just wants to argue.
I can't list everyone, that would take too much time. I just listed the two countries relevant to our conversation: China and Hindustan. China is relevant because that's what the thread is about, and Hindustan is relevant since you are from there.
And Pakistan, because you're from there. Also, this thread is actually about Pakistan! But you conveniently ignored it.

One minute you want Pakistan to support the Uighurs, then you want us to ditch them. I think it's pretty clear that you're just trolling.
It's pretty clear that you don't see a difference between Uighars who aren't terrorists and Uighars who are.

Support the ones who aren't terrorists and ditch the ones who are.

How hard was that ?

Just because you don't comprehend things, you wanna report me. That's very unfortunate really.
And Pakistan, because you're from there. Also, this thread is actually about Pakistan! But you conveniently ignored it.

It's pretty clear that you don't see a difference between Uighars who aren't terrorists and Uighars who are.

Support the ones who aren't terrorists and ditch the ones who are.

How hard was that ?

Just because you don't comprehend things, you wanna report me. That's very unfortunate really.

I'm not going to get bogged down in listing every nation ever.

Hindustanis define terrorists as anyone who opposes the state unless they do it with Hindustani interests in mind, which is not the actual definition of terrorism, so I'm not even going to bother playing that game of semantics and leave it the fact that I hope the bad Uighurs get punished, and the bad people from the rest of China get punished too.
I'm not going to get bogged down in listing every nation ever.
Not every nations. Only the nations which are relavant. In this thread, it's Pakistan.
Hindustanis define terrorists as anyone who opposes the state unless they do it with Hindustani interests in mind, which is not the actual definition of terrorism
But India don't have "good terrorists and bad terrorists" concept. I wonder if you are aware which country does have it though.

I hope the bad Uighurs get punished, and the bad people from the rest of China get punished too.
There you go. Thanks bud. Guess we can be friends now :-)

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