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Pakistan’s Muslim solidarity disappears

China isnt brutal. China is logical in this case and doing exactly what any country should be doing to protect its integrity.

We have a lot to learn from China. We should implement Chinese policies against all those separatists in Kashmir. And since Pakistanis aren't complaining against these policies when Chinese do it against Uyghurs, there are high chances that they will simply keep mum if we do the same against Kashmiri terrorists.

We Indians should support China against these Uughar separatists and terrorists.
We don't have claim or party of uighar issue but r of Kashmir Sonny
And forget we would keep mum we didn't even let.real powers. Soviet and USA let them have there way in afg forget will u suppanpawa in Kashmir
As for ugihhar simple thing is we can't get involved in every fight of world only those which concern's our interest realpolitik sonny ;)
Don't make me laugh! I am yet to see any Chinese posting Xi Jing Ping cartoon featuring winnie the pooh. Isn't your country so touchy that it regularly bans even phrases in WeChat?
They ban some very inflamotary ones and let pass of most other ones, regularly basis means they come up very often, right? That's the point, a popular pastime.

It's stupid to associate Kashmir with Xinjiang, Kashmir is international disputed land, Xinjiang is part of China that is not disputed by any country or government, and we we see in Xinjiang is peace and prosperity, Kashmir is for deaths and violence, you see nothing in common between Xinjiang and Kashmir when going to visit.
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They ban some very inflamotary ones and let pass of most other ones, regularly basis means they come up very often, right? That's the point, a popular pastime.
Winnie the pooh banned? Whats so very inflammatory about it?
In India cartoon channels regularly make fun of Modi and he never banned them.

BTW, banning things makes it more fun to find ways around it. But seriously, why ban things like winne the pooh or cartoons of Xi Jing Ping or police WeChat for sarcastic phrases for government officials. It shows that Chinese government is not comfortable in its own shoes or want absolute control over people's thought process.

BTW, I am curious, are there any cartoon videos about Xi Jing Ping similar to the one about Modi that I have posted. Can you post some? I would love to know how Chinese media makes fun of its premier.
Winnie the pooh banned? Whats so very inflammatory about it?
In India cartoon channels regularly make fun of Modi and he never banned them.

BTW, banning things makes it more fun to find ways around it. But seriously, why ban things like winne the pooh or cartoons of Xi Jing Ping or police WeChat for sarcastic phrases for government officials. It shows that Chinese government is not comfortable in its own shoes or want absolute control over people's thought process.
Are you a child? that's so childish..cartoons, really? And we have different mentality to see things, Chinese are more result oriented, we care about if a government can bring the desirable result, you can badmouth your government as your full time job, but if nothing happens and no results come out of it, you are wasting your time.
Are you a child? that's so childish..cartoons, really? And we have different mentality to see things, Chinese are more result oriented, we care about if a government can bring the desirable result, you can badmouth your government as your full time job, but if nothing happens and no results come out of it, you are wasting your time.
Is this a multi-sentence way of confessing, "No, making cartoon videos of Xi-Jing-Ping is not allowed in China!"?
Is this a multi-sentence way of confessing, "No, making cartoon videos of Xi-Jing-Ping is not allowed in China!"?

You know a honest confession in one sentence would have sufficed.

BTW, whats wrong in being a child?
Honesty I don't know if you can make a cartoon about him or not in China and I honestly don't care, as I mentioned we are result oriented we only care about the positive result the government can bring, prosperity, development and wealth. in some countries people of different views can argue forever and their politics can be very fractious and divisive and their economy goes nowhere, that's not most Chinese people want.

Running a country is just like running a company, if you have everyone in this company having a say on everything about where this company should go or do, this company eventually will be pulled apart and going nowhere.
Honesty I don't you if you can make a cartoon about him or not in China and I honestly don't care, as I mention we are result oriented we only care about the positive result the government can bring, prosperity, development and wealth. Some countries can argue forever and their politics can be very fractious and divisive and their economy goes nowhere, that's not most Chinese people want.
It was not a question of results, positive development etc. You know, in a population of 1.2 billion, you dont need every single person to be extremely focused and result oriented.

This was simple question of does government has any objection if its citizen makes humorous videos about top leadership of the nation?

Also, and perhaps most importantly, does Chinese media regularly pokes fun of its leadership via cartoon videos? In your memory, how often have you seen a cartoon video like the above in mainstream Chinese media. ie Poking fun of Xi-Jing-Ping? And Can you post some examples.

Running a country is just like running a company, if you have everyone in this company having a say on everything about where this company should go or do, this company eventually will be pulled apart and going nowhere.
Umm.. nope. Its not same. In a company, the non-performing personnels are terminated. I don't know if you can do the same in a country.
I does Chinese media regularly pokes fun of its leadership via cartoon videos? In your memory, how often have you seen a cartoon video like the above in mainstream Chinese media.
No, I never see anything and I don't really care. Enjoy your cartoons.
Its not a question of results, positive development etc. You know, in a population of 1.2 billion, you dont need every single person to be extremely focused and result oriented.

This was simple question of does government has any objection if its citizen makes humorous videos about top leadership of the nation?

Also, and perhaps most importantly, does Chinese media regularly pokes fun of its leadership via cartoon videos? In your memory, how often have you seen a cartoon video like the above in mainstream Chinese media. ie Poking fun of Xi-Jing-Ping? And Can you post some examples.

Umm.. nope. Its not same. In a company, the non-performing personnels are terminated. I don't know if you can do the same in a country.
Then why Trump is still there and before him Bush? How about Indian politicans, are they always up to par? Chinese leaders must go through decades of working through different levels of management and climb the ladder based on their performance and merits.
Then why Trump is still there and before him Bush? How about Indian politicans, are they always up to par? Chinese leaders must go through decades of working through different levels of management and climb the ladder based on their performance and merits.
Thats my point. A country is not a company. You cann't run a country like a company.

A company's main aim is to be as much as profitable as possible and to run it as much as efficient as possible. If a staff is non-performing, he is removed. You cann't remove a person from a country if he is unproductive.
Thats my point. A country is not a company. You cann't run a country like a company.
We did, and very successful, by the way, people like Trump or Bush won't survive a county level management test in China.
We did, any very successful, but the way, people like Trump or Bush won't survive a county level management test in China.
Well, your country and its government in its present form is only some 60-70 years old. Its too early to say that you are too successful. Your success is only some 40 years old max.

Also, the greatness of a system is not the fact that it filters 'negative cases' very efficiently. It is the fact that it can survive the extreme negative cases and replenish itself. Its a question of scale. In size and in time. In long enough time, even the most successful filtering is defeated. Vast number of stupid CEOs reaching to the helm of very successful companies is a proof of that.

I ask all Pakistanis not to reply to this thread.
You are afraid?

This Op is an evil shameless lie targeting in smearing China, the thread should be closed.
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