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No I can come up with many, Swami ji is according to me is brilliant, when he crusades against corruption like 2G, Gandhi nation herald, Sonia's sibling artifact theft etc... but ISI behind nuns rape, and demolishing pakistan with inevitable war etc is oversimplification and in some cases just funny statements he can put out. That doesn't change the fact that the man is an expert in subcontinental diplomacy and macro economics ,

so when he comes up with ludicrous statement, its is cause of envy if he is smoking the good stuff out of my reach... or the sense of humor he posses to troll a couple of nations without blinking, which is even more envious...

Then you must be rather stupid not to understand simple english and what he actually said. Either that or you are blinded by prejudice.

India is ALREADY in a state of WAR with Pakistan. Swami just asked us to declare it so that pakistan cannot hide behind "peace" while indulging in war i.e. training a terrorist army and sending them into India.

In the Nun rape case, it was the STATE GOVT. which handed over the case to the Center. THat shows there was something the state thought they could not handle. Something only the center could handle.

Finally Swami refers to MADHAV NALAPAT article in the Sunday Guardian, a well respected journalist. ............ maybe its time you stop smoking cheap afghan stuff and come back to the real world.
India is ALREADY in a state of WAR with Pakistan. Swami just asked us to declare it so that pakistan cannot hide behind "peace" while indulging in war i.e. training a terrorist army and sending them into India.
Is it? Then you should be on the border manning the fence....
If India is "already" at war then why were we inviting the Mr Sharif at the swearing in ceremony, Or why was VK Sing at pakistan day celebration... doesn't seem very war like scenarios to me... It's swami's government at the Helm of affair btw...

I suggest give the rhetoric a rest... questioning my stupidity doesn't present you as a genius here mate...
Is it? Then you should be on the border manning the fence....
If India is "already" at war then why were we inviting the Mr Sharif at the swearing in ceremony, Or why was VK Sing at pakistan day celebration... doesn't seem very war like scenarios to me... It's swami's government at the Helm of affair btw...

I suggest give the rhetoric a rest... questioning my stupidity doesn't present you as a genius here mate...

LOL.... you are indeed a moron.

We already have the BSF manning the fences. We also HAVE FENCES. Barbed wires with Electricity running thought them and Bright Lights at every step of the way to keep the ENEMY out.

We ARE at war but we have NOT DECLARED it was war. THAT is why we are inviting sharif to the swearing in ceremony. A FARCE. Really your stupidity is taxing. How much time do I need to explain simple facts ?

Swami is Not part of the Govt. he is part of the party. Again something he said in the interview. The person heading the govt. has a softer approach, or maybe a Harder approach disguised as a soft approach. Time will tell.

I suggest YOU give your Swami baiting a rest. It will only come back to bite you and expose you to more ridicule.
LOL.... you are indeed a moron.

We already have the BSF manning the fences. We also HAVE FENCES. Barbed wires with Electricity running thought them and Bright Lights at every step of the way to keep the ENEMY out.

We ARE at war but we have NOT DECLARED it was war. THAT is why we are inviting sharif to the swearing in ceremony. A FARCE. Really your stupidity is taxing. How much time do I need to explain simple facts ?

Swami is Not part of the Govt. he is part of the party. Again something he said in the interview. The person heading the govt. has a softer approach, or maybe a Harder approach disguised as a soft approach. Time will tell.

I suggest YOU give your Swami baiting a rest. It will only come back to bite you and expose you to more ridicule.
Dude, your childish banter has no relevance... anyways enjoy your stay...
nopes.... just amused. I admire swami, just not all of his comments.
and I don't indulge personal insults ...

As I said enjoy your stay.

Good that you can disguise your butthurt as amusing. :P ......... Hypocrisy is a interesting survival skill.

Stop issuing veiled threats like a sissy :lol: ........ just goes to show the kind of person you really are. :lol:
Facebook banned him (Did an amazing job) Soon hope BJP removes him too. This guy is no different than Zaid Hamid of Pakistan, he should be crowned Zaid Hamid of India.

They WON'T remove him. He is a central ideologue for the party. ALl such speculation is fanciful thinking.
Good that you can disguise your butthurt as amusing. :P ......... Hypocrisy is a interesting survival skill.

Stop issuing veiled threats like a sissy :lol: ........ just goes to show the kind of person you really are. :lol:
You can bait me as much as you want, you still are a amateur at this game, many of bigger trolls have been seen off here... nevertheless , good try... try harder next time. :)

ISI responsible for the rape of nuns???

Alert! Swamy's brain cells have been stolen, leaving a gaping hole inside! Whodunnit? Damn the ISI!! :pissed: :guns:
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They WON'T remove him. He is a central ideologue for the party. ALl such speculation is fanciful thinking.
relax, It's his personal opinion, your congress leaders have done much worse.
relax, It's his personal opinion, your congress leaders have done much worse.

He is the VIce President of BJP, there are no 'personal opinions' in that post. RG was the VP of congress before the elections, where there any 'personal opinions' then?
He is the VIce President of BJP, there are no 'personal opinions' in that post. RG was the VP of congress before the elections, where there any 'personal opinions' then?

Please dont comment about rahul gandhi... there is no point in bringing up irrelevant imbeciles in the discussion. Even congress never took him seriously...
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