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I do respect the legal knowledge the man possesses, but more than that I envy the weed he smokes, I wish I could get my hands on some of that stuff...
I do respect the legal knowledge the man possesses, but more than that I envy the weed he smokes, I wish I could get my hands on some of that stuff...
I actually think he doesn't believe a single word he says. He does it for the money, because attacking Pakistan is good business among the ultra-nationalists and poor people who don't know any better.
I actually think he doesn't believe a single word he says. He does it for the money, because attacking Pakistan is good business among the ultra-nationalists and poor people who don't know any better.
not really, who will give him money for it.... In India, many other things sell... even more is the minority apeasement which will get you paid spots on network television. If anything this is an old man, past his prime, and has such senile turrets where all his inhibitions are dropped... think of him as a Indian Political satire version of Dr Kelso. (if you followed scrubs )


Maybe his sense of humor is completely off the charts
What an idiot, good that he didn't get any position in government & party
not really, who will give him money for it.... In India, many other things sell... even more is the minority apeasement which will get you paid spots on network television. If anything this is an old man, past his prime, and has such senile turrets where all his inhibitions are dropped... think of him as a Indian Political satire version of Dr Kelso. (if you followed scrubs )
Think of all the donations, or ticket sales to his évents. That guy (not me) seems to be the David Horowitz or Zaid Hamid of India.
I do respect the legal knowledge the man possesses, but more than that I envy the weed he smokes, I wish I could get my hands on some of that stuff...

LOL........ its quite pathetic when calling him names is the only retort you can come up with :lol:

What an idiot, good that he didn't get any position in government & party

Ya, an idiot who co-wrote a paper on Economics with a Nobel prize winner when he was in his early 20's. :lol: ......... an idiot who was one of the youngest ever professors in Harvard.

Clearly you are the genius here.
LOL........ its quite pathetic when calling him names is the only retort you can come up with :lol:
No I can come up with many, Swami ji is according to me is brilliant, when he crusades against corruption like 2G, Gandhi nation herald, Sonia's sibling artifact theft etc... but ISI behind nuns rape, and demolishing pakistan with inevitable war etc is oversimplification and in some cases just funny statements he can put out. That doesn't change the fact that the man is an expert in subcontinental diplomacy and macro economics ,

so when he comes up with ludicrous statement, its is cause of envy if he is smoking the good stuff out of my reach... or the sense of humor he posses to troll a couple of nations without blinking, which is even more envious...
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