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Pakistan's Internet censorship

US cartoonist apologises

WASHINGTON: An American cartoonist whose work inspired the controversial “Everybody Draw Muhammed Page” on Facebook has condemned the effort and issued an apology to Muslims. Molly Norris, of Seattle, drew a cartoon in April to protest the decision by the US television channel Comedy Central to cancel an episode of the popular show “South Park” over its depiction of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). In her cartoon, Norris satirically proposed May 20 as an “Everybody Draw Muhammed Day”. “I apologise to Muslims and ask that this ‘day’ be called off,” the American cartoonist said. afp

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
When it comes to take a stand its mostly Pakistan in favor of Muslims, saudi's are just lucky and they try to be leaders of Muslims worlwide just because Makkah and Madina exist their.
You know, I used to think it was just Jewish history that Pakistanis didn't know about, but I see that there's a great deal more ignorance out there than that.

Of course the Saudis weren't "just lucky"! They conquered Mecca and Medina with the Ikhwan, fanatic warriors, many of whom rebelled and were eventually gunned down by the Ibn Saud's own household troops. (The Ikhwan had rifles; Ibn Saud had machine guns.)
you fail
did we chop heads off? did we block sites? did we demonstrate?
no, we made videos showing what really happened and made video responses to 300 trailers on you tube.

yeah I saw the homos in the video who came to fight the brave greeks.!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Spartans! they surely kicked some narcissist butt! homos failed !!!
Thanks for your concerns, But I bet it has more means of free speech then Australia, And that's why you are unaware of it.

BTW majority of Pakistanis are jubilant upon this ban, so no need to feel sad. Cheer up!!



Australia has the most free speech in the world.

Anyone can say anything they like. I can criticize any religion and saying anything i like amount any religion.

Our government doesn't censor the media or the internet..

And its sad that in West Muslims are deprived of their right to dress the way they want.

Its also violation of human rights, and kind of freedom of expression

France isn't "the west"

In my country, you can wear what ever you like.
Nima you are the biggest idiot out there for generalizing about Pakistanis.

It was the arab who created the initial outrage over Prophet Muhammad drawing.
Its the Turks now who are now mad and doing the web hackings towards these sites.

It was Eyeranians who funded terror insurgency in Iraq and Afghansitan

Let me show you something about ur idiotic iranian pride

next time i see iranian out here i am going to kick his butt cause of you.
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For you guys Islam is everything am I wrong?

I hope Iran is not everything for you , the shanshah worshippers. !
Israel is about to wipe you off the map then you will probably end up like OBL , like in a cave.
Losses worth thousands of dollars: Local firms suspend facebook ads​

KARACHI: Facebook is bound to face losses worth hundreds of thousands of dollars as the website’s blockade in Pakistan has propelled local companies to suspend their advertisements and other commercial activities.

The Pakistan Telecomm-unication Authority (PTA) had blocked facebook on the directives of the Lahore High Court (LHC). On increasing popularity of facebook, hundreds of companies from the private sector were engaged in business with facebook for advertisement and commercial purposes.

Facebook, the international social network group, has nearly 2.4 million subscribers in Pakistan who daily click the website several times a day. It is the third most visited website in Pakistan after google.com and google.com.pk, according to the global web information company Alexa. Pakistani subscribers have created hundreds of groups, activities and events on facebook besides personal pages. Dozens of companies in corporate sector and TV channels have also developed their audience on facebook.

Particularly, cellular phone companies have provided facebook access to subscribers through their connections. The subscribers could also update their facebook pages through SMS on their networks. Talking to officials in the sector, it was revealed that the cellular phone companies have suspended their heavy advertisement campaigns and other activities from facebook after it was blocked in the country.

According to officials, companies pay $1,200 to $2,500 monthly to facebook on every ad depending on its space, time and location. In addition to revenues from local companies, Pakistani subscribers generate additional revenues to facebook when they click on different links and ads on its pages that will also cause losses to the social networking site. “We have discontinued our advertisements till May 31 as there is no use of service promotion on inaccessibility of customers to the social networking platform,” an official of the company said requesting fort anonymity.

Cellular phone companies and its users other activities on facebook had also discontinued. The advertisements are likely to remain off the website after May 31 also as the ill content has badly affected the sentiments of customers.

During the last couple of days, cellular phone companies witnessed heavy traffic of SMS containing appeal to deactivate facebook accounts by different users. Before, the LHC’s decision a significant number of customers had deactivated their accounts on facebook and some of them found their accounts terminated by facebook on the creation of protest, holocaust and anti-Jewish blocks and activity in the last couple of days.

PTA, earlier, had blocked only the URL that contained blasphemous content; however, it directed all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block this website completely following LHC’s verdict issued on May 19. PTA is strictly monitoring ISPs traffic and ensured that the LHC’s order must be followed. The country has nearly five million Internet users on the network of 10 broadband operators and 50 other ISPs.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I had asked these questions in another thread and I am asking again.

1. Is there any other Islamic country which has already banned Facebook citing this reason ?

2. If Pakistan is first then is Pakistan the most devout Islamic country in the world ?

If the above is true then this is a sure pointer to the evils of the society that has been created.

It would have served Pakistan better if Pakistan could have taken collective decision in OIC.

Hope you will introspect and analyse more holistically.

yeah I saw the homos in the video who came to fight the brave greeks.!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Spartans! they surely kicked some narcissist butt! homos failed !!!

desperation is oooozing from that post

here's the hilarious part, most of the time soldiers who fought for Persia were either mercenaries or from non Persian territories. Your ancestors were those "homos"! ahahhaha what a dumb *** you are.
The only Persian soldiers were the elites like the immortals and Imperial guards. The Greeks gave the name "immortals" to the elite persian soldiers b/c they never lost. The Battle of Thermopylae or "300" was actually one of Persia's greatest wins over the Greeks.

"When the body of Leonidas was recovered by the Persians, Xerxes, in a rage against Leonidas, ordered that the head be cut off and the body crucified. Herodotus observes that this was very uncommon for the Persians, as they had the habit of treating "valiant warriors" with great honor (the example of Pytheas, captured off Skiathos before the Battle of Artemisium strengthens this suggestion).[92][98] However, Xerxes was known for his rage, for instance, when he had the Hellespont whipped because it would not obey him.[28] After the Persians' departure, the Allies collected their dead and buried them on the hill. After the Persian invasion ended, a stone lion was erected at Thermopylae to commemorate Leonidas.[99] A full forty years after the battle, Leonidas' bones were returned to Sparta where he was buried again with full honors; funeral games were held every year in his memory.[91][100]

With Thermopylae now opened to the Persian army, the continuation of the blockade at Artemisium by the Allied fleet became irrelevant. The simultaneous naval Battle of Artemisium had been a tactical stalemate, and the Allied navy was able to retreat in good order to the Saronic Gulf where they helped to ferry the remaining Athenian citizens across to the island of Salamis.[89]

Following Thermopylae, the Persian army proceeded to burn and sack the Boeotian cities which had not submitted to the Persians, Plataea and Thespiae; before marching on the now evacuated city of Athens.[101] "
The Facebook shame

Friday, May 21, 2010
Ahmad Rafay Alam

There's a new joke doing the rounds: what's the difference between Facebook and the Lashkar-e-Taiba? Answer: Facebook is banned in Pakistan.

The Lahore High Court's un-technical appreciation of social networking sites, the mechanics of the Internet and its order to enforce a ban on Facebook are matched only by ludicrousness of the petition seeking the ban and the offensive prank that started this entire episode.

Here's another joke doing the rounds: Facebook has nothing to worry about. It can always re-appear under another name (Jamaat-ul-Facebook, anyone?).

In Muhammad Mahboob vs The State (PLD 2002 Lahore 587), Mr Justice Ali Nawaz Chohan, dismissed evidence that had convicted a man of blasphemy as "unbelievable". While doing so, the court quoted an article, "What is Blasphemy", by Ayaz Amir on February 27, 2002 (when Ayaz Sahib wrote for another paper): "The greatest blasphemy of all is a child going hungry, a child condemned to the slow death of starvation. The miscarriage of justice is blasphemy. Misgovernment is blasphemy. An unconscionable gap between rich and poor is blasphemy. Denial of treatment to the sick, denial of education to the child, are alike examples of blasphemy."

My friend Adil Najam posted the following on Pakistaniat.com ("Facebook Fiasco: What would Muhammad (PBUH) do?": "The one thing I am absolutely positive of, is that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would not have done what we are doing now: making an international public spectacle of ourselves. Most likely he would have just walked away and ignored (as he did those who threw garbage on him), he might have negotiated with Facebook on the basis of their own stated rules (the Hudabia model), he might have reasoned with the detractors. Nearly certainly Muhammad (PBUH) would have handled it with grace and with composure. Most importantly, the Prophet (PBUH) would have kept focusing on his own actions and proving his point with his own deeds rather than with slogans and banners."

One thing about this entire banning Facebook ado is the level of organisation displayed across the country. I may not agree with what they have managed to do, but I do appreciate that they could use Facebook (as many did) to organise their protests. Today I learn that the women's wing of the Jamat-e-Islami is organising a protest against Facebook. Never mind that it has just been reported that a teenager was raped for four months in Lahore, the ladies of the JI (women's wing) have something to protest on this sunny May day.

We are a country entirely devoid of a sense of irony. Just before the PTA got around to enforcing the ban, someone I know updated her Facebook profile to inform people how pleased she was that Facebook had been banned.

I have used Facebook over the last year and a half to promote a cycling initiative aimed at raising awareness about sustainable urban planning, public transport and the importance of public space. Each week, friends and I would post onto our Facebook page, Critical Mass Lahore, inviting others to come join us for our trips through and around the city. In Islamabad and Karachi, too, urban activists used Facebook to promote similar cycling events in their cities. At the beginning of this year, the Shehr section of this paper's News on Sunday pages, voted Critical Mass Lahore and Zimmedar Shehri as two of the best things to have happened to Lahore in 2009. Zimmedar Shehri also used Facebook to launch and manage its incredibly popular campaign to get your hands dirty, literally, and clean up the country. Rise Pakistan, another social activism organisation with over 10,000 Facebook members, is also rendered paralysed. Someone I know runs their business on Facebook. Well, her business has been halted by the High Court order.

There is simply no justification – legal, ethical, moral, religious – for the High Court to have ordered a ban on the social network page. Our law is crystal clear: A person's rights cannot be impinged upon without notice. There are well over 40 million Facebook users in Pakistan. The alleged blasphemy is supposed to be taking place in the United States. Under what legal framework is it permissible for the rights of the overwhelming majority of lawful users of Facebook to be affected in this way? As a lawyer, I fail to understand both the petition and the High Court's order.

This morning, via a text message sent to me by my mobile phone provider, I was informed that, on account of the High Court decision, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority had also ordered the shutting down of Blackberry's messenger service. What common sense is being applied here? I have a contract with my mobile phone provider which, to my knowledge, neither my provider nor I have violated. I am at a loss to understand what legal justification exists to deprive me of my contractual rights. And it's not just about me: what legal sense is there in taking an action that has an immediately detrimental effect to the work of thousands of Pakistanis.

There is now news that the free open-source encyclopaedia Wikipedia, has been shut down. There are also rumours to the effect that Youtube, which is a website which I use to watch television programmes and download the intellectually stimulating Ted Talks, have been blocked by the PTA as well.

Our response to the derogatory and blasphemous acts of others has been to harm only ourselves. The Lahore High Court is party to this shoot-yourself-in-the-foot approach. As someone said, banning Facebook is just like taking to Mall Road with Molotov cocktails. Except, in this case, the protagonists came from the gates of justice.

Manuel Castells once said that technology can be determined by political ideology. He referred to the ENIAC as an example: if Soviet Russia had the same technology as the scientists at MIT, they would not have used that technology to come up with an iPad. They would have used the technology, for sure, but their political ideology would not have directed in the direction of personal communication devices.

Taking Castells' example, I often remind people that, in Pakistan, we still do not manufacture televisions (we do assemble them, but bear with me). This is despite the fact that we have the technology to do so. The reason we don't is because we are still stuck in a political philosophy that believes that television is a medium by which "alien culture" is allowed to infiltrate our own. We will never be able to achieve technical capacity unless our political ideology allows us to. Now, with the High Court joining the chorus of misunderstanding on the issue of Facebook, I wonder how we will ever progress.

The writer is an advocate of the high court and a member of the adjunct faculty at LUMS. He has an interest in urban planning. Email: ralam@nexlinx.net.pk
I hope Iran is not everything for you , the shanshah worshippers. !
Israel is about to wipe you off the map then you will probably end up like OBL , like in a cave.

That tin foil hat is a little bit too tight, take it off.

And yes, Iran is everything for me. Actually all IRanians worship Iran.
Even today the mullahs have banned all non Islamic groups except far right fascist groups even though fascism is banned under the constitution.
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And yes, Iran is everything for me. Actually all IRanians worship Iran.

This is exactly why it was taken away from you arrogant, cruel godless people! You oppressed just like the mullahs ...no different.
When it turns to rubble, then maybe you can make eye shadow from the dust! You will get smoked. Who is there to protect you ???? Imam Ali? but wait.......................
Losses worth thousands of dollars: Local firms suspend facebook ads
By Muhammad Yasir

KARACHI: Facebook is bound to face losses worth hundreds of thousands of dollars as the website’s blockade in Pakistan has propelled local companies to suspend their advertisements and other commercial activities.

The Pakistan Telecomm-unication Authority (PTA) had blocked facebook on the directives of the Lahore High Court (LHC). On increasing popularity of facebook, hundreds of companies from the private sector were engaged in business with facebook for advertisement and commercial purposes.

Facebook, the international social network group, has nearly 2.4 million subscribers in Pakistan who daily click the website several times a day. It is the third most visited website in Pakistan after google.com and google.com.pk, according to the global web information company Alexa. Pakistani subscribers have created hundreds of groups, activities and events on facebook besides personal pages. Dozens of companies in corporate sector and TV channels have also developed their audience on facebook.

Particularly, cellular phone companies have provided facebook access to subscribers through their connections. The subscribers could also update their facebook pages through SMS on their networks. Talking to officials in the sector, it was revealed that the cellular phone companies have suspended their heavy advertisement campaigns and other activities from facebook after it was blocked in the country.

According to officials, companies pay $1,200 to $2,500 monthly to facebook on every ad depending on its space, time and location. In addition to revenues from local companies, Pakistani subscribers generate additional revenues to facebook when they click on different links and ads on its pages that will also cause losses to the social networking site. “We have discontinued our advertisements till May 31 as there is no use of service promotion on inaccessibility of customers to the social networking platform,” an official of the company said requesting fort anonymity.

Cellular phone companies and its users other activities on facebook had also discontinued. The advertisements are likely to remain off the website after May 31 also as the ill content has badly affected the sentiments of customers.

During the last couple of days, cellular phone companies witnessed heavy traffic of SMS containing appeal to deactivate facebook accounts by different users. Before, the LHC’s decision a significant number of customers had deactivated their accounts on facebook and some of them found their accounts terminated by facebook on the creation of protest, holocaust and anti-Jewish blocks and activity in the last couple of days.

PTA, earlier, had blocked only the URL that contained blasphemous content; however, it directed all Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to block this website completely following LHC’s verdict issued on May 19. PTA is strictly monitoring ISPs traffic and ensured that the LHC’s order must be followed. The country has nearly five million Internet users on the network of 10 broadband operators and 50 other ISPs.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Israel is going to drop big bunker buster bombs in eyeran. How embarassing will it be to get bi.tched by the jews

they will spank you people.

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