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Pakistan's Hatf 9 promoted as a counter to India's Prahaar

I didn't come across anything like you mentioned, in the paper. Can you please point out the page and line no.?

The author has considered only the TNW role of Prahaar. The very clear indication that Prahaar will be handled by IA's Artillery Corps implies that it won't be used for delivering nukes. If that was the case, the SFC personnel would be there to witness (although we should wait for the user trials in the next couple of years to be sure). Also let me quote some lines from that paper:

Beijing already has loads of tactical BMs (SY-400, BP-12, DF-11).


But @Aeronaut you were saying something else
??? :confused:

Ah; @AhaseebA.
Not every body here posts after thinking, like you do; lolll !

You're right about discounting any TacNuke role for Prahaar. While it has that capability; that role is not envisaged for it. The reasons for which has been the subject of some discusions between you and I already on other threads.

The Nuke role has been assigned to other assets in the Indian Armory. With good enough reasons to do so.

Dick Measuring contest never ends on PDF . same rehashed shyt many times over .

Its simply a by-product of boredom. Compounded by ignorance. :-)
you guys have no idea how many people in pakistan have hang grenades and rocket launchers

...........and Designer "Explosive Jackets"!
We do know about all of that.
We have those RIP threads here; off and on, to remind us.
Once all the dust settles in this thread. One should look Retrospectively on what are public statements and what are the actual doctrines are operational considerations that go into the design of a weapon system.
Both the Nasr and the Prahaar were quite exclusive to each other's development process but both may have been influenced by the other. The operational doctrines of each other are however quite different.

One is primarily designed to operate as nuclear artillery(albeit highly accurate) while the other seems to be targeted more towards a tactical strike role much like the ATACMS. Both are capable of being used at a moments notice.

The Nasr is not going to be used from a long distance but rather will be loitering around its optimum range from the FLOT and be ready to deploy at a moments notice. The Prahaar seems to be marketed as a strike weapon for targets further behind enemy lines such as forward HQ's and supply stations. This does not mean Nasr cannot hit targets of similar nature within its range, but rather that its primary focus in purchase intent is to deliver nuclear warheads in rapid succession with little or no warning and then move out without much ado. Similar roles were played by Iraqi scud systems but the Scud took a much longer time to set up and the Iraqi's had lost the ability to deter American air power. The same cannot be said of the situation or scenario in which Nasr is to be deployed and used.

...........and Designer "Explosive Jackets"!
We do know about all of that.
We have those RIP threads here; off and on, to remind us.

And I was just cleaning up my Kornet the other day.I brought it for the days when there is an idiot blocking traffic..it had been sitting with the Igla(kept for crow infestations and the occasional drones)
And I was just cleaning up my Kornet the other day.I brought it for the days when there is an idiot blocking traffic..it had been sitting with the Igla(kept for crow infestations and the occasional drones)

Good for ya!
Must be no traffic jams in your neighborhood.
Are there any crows remaining?
Good for ya!
Must be no traffic jams in your neighborhood.
Are there any crows remaining?

Sadly no. With ERA readily available in the local market.. even tandem warheads are failing to stem the tide of bad driving and road rage.

And there is no way one can ever end these bastards. They multiply religiously and are highly organized into what is almost a political party.
...........and Designer "Explosive Jackets"!
We do know about all of that.
We have those RIP threads here; off and on, to remind us.

forget about war, your top brass poops in their dhoti just thinking if ever those jackets come to your side of the border, any conflict will give us an opportunity to slip in a few thousand of those gift with love from your neighbor.
forget about war, your top brass poops in their dhoti just thinking if ever those jackets come to your side of the border, any conflict will give us an opportunity to slip in a few thousand of those gift with love from your neighbor.
well thats preciesli why we want a stable pakistan ...if you know what i mean :cheers:
no we are ok the way we are, suits us perfectly in our neighborhood.
well brother we dont care what happens to pakistanies as long as it doest pokes its nose into owr affairs and harm owr interests ...but pakistans existence and sole pillar of ideology that is keping pakistan united today is hate , jealousy and fear of indian response ...so its you who should be worried not us as for dealing with you well sir gone are those indians who kept on forgiving pakistan now the new genration is coming and they mostli beleave in tit for tat after some time:sniper:

as for the topic of the thread well pakistan acepted its defeat and aknowledged indias potential that it can neve win a war with us after making this missile whos sole porpose is to neuk indian forces if ever they cross over into pakistani territiorry by neuking its own land waht do you call it brother :azn:
Ahh !, How much you underestimate us , it is quite comforting .. anyways Good luck in that .

Well , their top brass doesn't . As evident from the last four standoffs where their army had to be mobilized two times and then backed off , a continuity of the success of the Pakistani deterrence . The Nasr is the next evolution of that , providing deterrence at the lowest level , the Cold start it appears has suddenly gone cold , with the Islamabad's indication that it will not hesitate to use nukes if its conventional forces fail to thwart any offense , keeping all options open , one can call it .

and in a pakistani news channel a guy openly called these missiles 'kachra' :lol:

and a new Indian member with nothing constructive or positive to contribute in any thread and hence will troll until a mods notices him and serves an infraction or three , right ?

as for the topic of the thread well pakistan acepted its defeat and aknowledged indias potential that it can neve win a war with us after making this missile whos sole porpose is to neuk indian forces if ever they cross over into pakistani territiorry by neuking its own land waht do you call it brother :azn:

I remember answering you on that ' ridiculous theory ' of admission of defeat , yesterday , but surely you had nothing to reply and kept repeating the same thing here . Lets have it here again .

Yes , exactly it sees it as " last resort " weapons , not something that will be used at the drop of a hat , the common believe amongst Indians. An army prepares for all types of scenarios incl the worst case ones , it is neither admission of defeat nor desperation of any sort , it appears that you dont even understand what you yourself said about " last chance " .

Can I then argue that the Indian top brass had to come with the concept of " Cold Start " because it cant hope to win a full scale/all-out war with Pakistan - an admission of defeat going by your logic ? :D
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forget about war, your top brass poops in their dhoti just thinking if ever those jackets come to your side of the border, any conflict will give us an opportunity to slip in a few thousand of those gift with love from your neighbor.

LOLLL; those beardos are happy and busy enough in your neighborhood....
Sadly no. With ERA readily available in the local market.. even tandem warheads are failing to stem the tide of bad driving and road rage.

And there is no way one can ever end these bastards. They multiply religiously and are highly organized into what is almost a political party.

Thats a Good One !!!!
Do not underestimate the intelligence of the crows. Among the Avians; they are by far the most intelligent creatures. Their ESM and ECCM are unsupassable.

There is a famous Cartoonist in India called R.K.Laxman. He was known for his incredibly witty and topical caricatures. He was once asked what he did for recreation. He pulled out sketch-books full of sketches of Crows and said that if Humans were even half as intelligent as Crows; Humans would have achieved even more.
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