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Pakistan's Hatf 9 promoted as a counter to India's Prahaar

So you mean to say nasr will have lesser flight time for 60 km than prahaar tasked to hit 60 km distance?

No I don't mean to say that. I said that Nasr was primarily a quick-response system from the design stage, so everything was scaled down to the minimum possible level to avoid detection and interception.
@AhaseebA | If you read the whole report you'll notice a few key points.

1 : Parhaar had been in development for long, therefore it wasn't a RESPONSE to the Nasr system.
2 : Parhaar is a different class of missile, designed to deliver a nuclear or a neutron bomb to Pakistan.
3 : Parhaar will be handed down to Indian artillery units while Nasr will be deployed with SPD forces.

My source is someone with authority over this topic from NDU Islamabad - He clarified it to me how Nasr's idea was born and CSD isn't the only motive for the development of this system. The requirement for such a system was based on CSD and the intel reports indicating the development of a system that turned out to be Parhaar, which posed a unique threat.
@AhaseebA | If you read the whole report you'll notice a few key points.

1 : Parhaar had been in development for long, therefore it wasn't a RESPONSE to the Nasr system.
2 : Parhaar is a different class of missile, designed to deliver a nuclear or a neutron bomb to Pakistan.
3 : Parhaar will be handed down to Indian artillery units while Nasr will be deployed with SPD forces.

My source is someone with authority over this topic from NDU Islamabad - He clarified it to me how Nasr's idea was born and CSD isn't the only motive for the development of this system. The requirement for such a system was based on CSD and the intel reports indicating the development of a system that turned out to be Parhaar, which posed a unique threat.

1. I didn't mean to imply that either. Both systems were developed independent of each other, thats what I meant.
2. But Indian SFC doesn't possesses Tactical nukes at the moment, so anything said regarding it would be speculation, no? The capability is there, but the specific warhead isn't.
3. Yes, because Prahaar was designed to be a conventional guided artillery system (like ATACMS) whereas Nasr was designed to deliver nuclear payloads.

It is possible, I agree. But if you see, Nasr doesn't exactly "counters" Prahaar's threat. Even if Prahaar was to be nuclear, how can Nasr be used to preemptively take out Prahaar or even respond at the same penetration level at max ranges?
1. I didn't mean to imply that either. Both systems were developed independent of each other, thats what I meant.
2. But Indian SFC doesn't possesses Tactical nukes at the moment, so anything said regarding it would be speculation, no? The capability is there, but the specific warhead isn't.
3. Yes, because Prahaar was designed to be a conventional guided artillery system (like ATACMS) whereas Nasr was designed to deliver nuclear payloads.

It is possible, I agree. But if you see, Nasr doesn't exactly "counters" Prahaar's threat. Even if Prahaar was to be nuclear, how can Nasr be used to preemptively take out Prahaar or even respond at the same penetration level at max ranges?

Couldn't our earlier model Abdalis & Ghauris be used as Guided Artillery in a conventional sense targeting their Forward Bases etc. from well within Pakistani territory ?
1. I didn't mean to imply that either. Both systems were developed independent of each other, thats what I meant.
2. But Indian SFC doesn't possesses Tactical nukes at the moment, so anything said regarding it would be speculation, no? The capability is there, but the specific warhead isn't.
3. Yes, because Prahaar was designed to be a conventional guided artillery system (like ATACMS) whereas Nasr was designed to deliver nuclear payloads.

True, but you'd also have to take into account the projected date for Parhaars induction is around 2017.

It is possible, I agree. But if you see, Nasr doesn't exactly "counters" Prahaar's threat. Even if Prahaar was to be nuclear, how can Nasr be used to preemptively take out Prahaar or even respond at the same penetration level at max ranges?

No ofcourse not, its not about Nasr countering Parhaar/say its about the ability to inflict damage on a similar scale. Again it boils down to posture as both of these weapons are deterrence weapons.

How can you say prahaar has been under development for long?Its a development,from existing AAD missile


Prahar uses a Tata/Tatra TEL which is of same size as Nassrs TEL.
No I don't mean to say that. I said that Nasr was primarily a quick-response system from the design stage, so everything was scaled down to the minimum possible level to avoid detection and interception.

Same goes with Prahar just with a provision of enhanced range. There is no point in handing over a missile to artillery unit with high response time.
Couldn't our earlier model Abdalis & Ghauris be used as Guided Artillery in a conventional sense targeting their Forward Bases etc. from well within Pakistani territory ?
Abdalis and *Ghaznavis.
Yes of course they can be used in that role.

True, but you'd also have to take into account the projected date for Parhaars induction is around 2017.
Here again the author has compared induction rate of Prithvi with a yet-to-be-inducted system. India has developed a mature military/industrial platform for R&D and production of missiles. Since Prahaar is based on AAD, it will hardly take 1-2 years for it to get into production and subsequent induction.

No ofcourse not, its not about Nasr countering Parhaar/say its about the ability to inflict damage on a similar scale. Again it boils down to posture as both of these weapons are deterrence weapons.


Prahar uses a Tata/Tatra TEL which is of same size as Nassrs TEL.


Same goes with Prahar just with a provision of enhanced range. There is no point in handing over a missile to artillery unit with high response time.

No, it seems you didn't get me again. I'm NOT comparing Prahaar and Nasr. Ofcourse Prahaar itself is a rapid response system. What I'm saying is that Nasr has shorter preparation times as compared to other nuclear delivery systems Pakistan possesses.
Nasr/Hatf 9 range=60km

Prahaar range=150km.

India Wins.

India doesnt win mate, the entire purpose of a SHORT RANGE ballistic missile is to hit targets in the SHORT RANGE to be used in a tactical close proximity situation, we have other missiles for long range strikes....
No, it seems you didn't get me again. I'm NOT comparing Prahaar and Nasr. Ofcourse Prahaar itself is a rapid response system. What I'm saying is that Nasr has shorter preparation times as compared to other nuclear delivery systems Pakistan possesses.

If you were comparing the response time of Nasr with other pakistani platforms then I am ok. My bad. :P

You were talking about MAZ kind of TELs,we doesnt have such type for our SRBMs/BRBMs-we have got Tata/Tatra 12 X 12 ones,loke one used for Nasr.
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