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Pakistan's Future ICBM 'Taimur'

I am not sure why Pakistan needs an ICBM.

We are not going to take on Europe, Russia or the US.
Our existing missiles cover most of India anyway. The only new target would be Israel.

So what's the point of developing long range missiles? The only side benefit might be a satellite launch vehicle. That would be awesome!
8-12k is a good jump mate, good luck if india goes for longer n longer ranges pakistan i guess would have no choice but to counter it.

Reality on indian side depicts a bit of different picture dont u think so! dreaming is legal, no offense: here is a little clue:

JAtoRfc-8sw[/media] - Incredible Indian Missile test

On the other note i dont see any news on ISBN in todays-13-AUG-2009 Jang paper.

if it is true it must be due for 14h of August

It's just program, there is no news that it is developed or not. Once it was mention on some security expert site. Whether its dream, reality or whatever, I don't know. Also, china has around 12K range missile (or underdevelopment) so no accuse to Indians for this.
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I am not sure why Pakistan needs an ICBM.

We are not going to take on Europe, Russia or the US.
Our existing missiles cover most of India anyway. The only new target would be Israel.

So what's the point of developing long range missiles? The only side benefit might be a satellite launch vehicle. That would be awesome!

But it will make sure that US never thinks wrong about Pakistan.
So what's the point of developing long range missiles? The only side benefit might be a satellite launch vehicle. That would be awesome!

Hmm....thats a good point....the earlier rockets were modified long range missiles....so this would be a great step forward towards a healthy space program....:tup:
Salam Brothers,

Since long time, we did't heard any thing about a successful Missile test.
Did our Quota finished ? Comments please.

Always regards
what kind of this Missile will be, Specially why we need this big range ?
Comments please.
Why does Pakistan need an ICBM ?
Last time I checked, Fiji wasn't a threat to Pakistan :police:
8-12k is a good jump mate, good luck if india goes for longer n longer ranges pakistan i guess would have no choice but to counter it.

Reality on indian side depicts a bit of different picture dont u think so! dreaming is legal, no offense: here is a little clue:

JAtoRfc-8sw[/media] - Incredible Indian Missile test

On the other note i dont see any news on ICBM in todays-13-AUG-2009 Jang paper.

if it is true it must be due for 14h of August

i am talking about daily jang newspaper multan.... you can find that news on the firth or sixth row from the top on the extreme right of the paper, third news from the main headline.
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this would be the great event for Pakistan...But sir i think Tipu was reported to have a range of 4500 to 6000 kms. Are you sure that this missile will be the Tipu...? if it is so then this would be HATF 9 hnnn?:pakistan:
I think it is Taimur Missile it is speculated from a while now I mean if officials are talking of test fire very soon then it should be in final stages.
We are not going to take on Europe, Russia or the US.
Our existing missiles cover most of India anyway. The only new target would be Israel.
Isreal can be hit by Shaheen II no point of concern
The benifit will be that it will help Pakistan in developing its ICBM defense shield and long range SAMs:yahoo:
Hmm....thats a good point....the earlier rockets were modified long range missiles....so this would be a great step forward towards a healthy space program....:tup:

Pakistan should have basic health and education before wasting money on a space programme.
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this missile is meant for Israel I guess....is Pakistan actually interested in picking up a fight with Israel?
what good would that do?
it would be a blunder to pick-up a premature fight...Israel enjoys a healthy Chinese support...you'd compromise a lot of things....
now its waste of money? what abut nukes subs air craft carerr and MRCA?.its great news for us its threat our friends who help india in any case what abut mosscow tel aviv after this test they never inter in our conflict .if they help india like 71 we will wipe them also.this missile give pakistan an international power of on step.
I guess this missile will be used as SLVs. We have different strategy then Indians when it comes to leaking the info to public.

Indians use this as propaganda, but we only leak it to see the reaction of other countries and there is also a possibility that this has already been tested, since independence day is just round the corner they might wanna give some good moral boosting news to the nation.

But irrespective of the facts or nature of this missile we need an SLV and it would be a giant leap forward.
this missile is meant for Israel I guess....is
how many times will i have to say that Tel Aviv is not 7000 KMs away from islamabad
here is the exact difference
3594.9 KMs

Distance from Islamabad, Pakistan | Islamabad distance calculator
Pakistan actually interested in picking up a fight with Israel?
what good would that do?
it would be a blunder to pick-up a premature fight...Israel enjoys a healthy Chinese support...you'd compromise a lot of things....
This could also means that if Israel interferes in Pakistan its gonna lose the support of China!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
think rationally plz :hitwall:
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