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Pakistan's first fatality of COVID-19 may have endangered thousands.

I'm not making Iran out to be a religion, but I just spent over an hour cleaning up a different thread that was completely full of sectarian BS that started with Shia this and Shia that. So excuse me if for a while I'm a little touchy on this subject.

So long as people focus solely on the Iranian regime/government's actions, it's all good. The pilgrims that were already in Iran when the outbreak occurred should not be coming in for criticism - they are victims.

Yes lots of that going around on the forum. It does not help when everyone criticizing Iranian states actions are labeled sectarian thus further complicating the matter.

People are also criticizing the Pakistani government for utter collapse of coherent critical thinking.

Paklovesturkiye is a natural response to what Haider has been doing on the forum.
I'm not making Iran out to be a religion, but I just spent over an hour cleaning up a different thread that was completely full of sectarian BS that started with Shia this and Shia that. So excuse me if for a while I'm a little touchy on this subject.

So long as people focus solely on the Iranian regime/government's actions, it's all good. The pilgrims that were already in Iran when the outbreak occurred should not be coming in for criticism - they are victims.

What part about my criticism of the Iranian government for acting irresponsibly and not coordinating the return of pilgrims with the GoP was not clear to you?

You know what, the Iranian government acted irresponsibly and screwed over Pakistan. It's up to Pakistan to deal with it.

What exactly do you want now with dredging up Iran again and again? Is that going to reverse the epidemic in Pakistan?

You're right...

But It is my duty to remind Pakistanis, who risked THEIR MILLION LIVES at this critical juncture.
It does not help when everyone criticizing Iranian states actions are labeled sectarian thus further complicating the matter.
I read the comments that triggered the sectarian back and forth -- I had to go through multiple threads and I've seen this crap before on discussions around Iranian recruitment for the Zaiabeyoun. The criticism was not confined to the Iranian government. Allegations and insinuations were made that some kind of 'Shia influence' was at play that caused the epidemic to spread.
What part about my criticism of the Iranian government for acting irresponsibly and not coordinating the return of pilgrims with the GoP was not clear to you?

Do you know how many were forced across the border by Iran on a very short notice? This was one media was being forced to talk about Saudi Arabia's deadline and pressure to have it extended.


Wrap your head around that figure first.
It was not the facility that spread the virus. Facility had separate tents. Yes people were allowed to roam free but still mainly it was one tent per person.

What facility are you talking about? We were not talking about any facilities or the tents there. You quoted the OP about the man who hid his symptoms only to potentially expose thousands of people to the virus.

The whole discussion is about the man who, being an imbecile, exposed thousands of people to the disease. Why did you feel the urgent need to start defending your political party out of nowhere? Makes no sense.

The main reason for the spread of virus is PPPP who evacuated people from there in busses.

The PPP, as with every other political party in the country, including the PTI, are snakes. The people involved in forcing those people out of the quarantines need to be prosecuted with man slaughter.

That said, what was the federal government doing in the meantime? A provincial official from Sindh was able to force people out of a facility run by the federal government in Balochistan. Yeah, what could have PTI done?

I can also point out reasons to blame pmln also what them or you want to relax for a bit.

The problem with you lot is that when your messiahs get pointed out for being the inept self-serving imbeciles that they are you quickly try to divert the discussion by pointing your finger at another political party. As if political loyalty is akin to religious allegiance; if you're not with one you have to be with the other. Don't blame you though, you people don't know anything else. Say, for example, not being loyal to any political party? Maybe to the country instead? Its people? Political atheism, if you will.

That tirade above is meant to tell you that my loyalties belong to no political party. If you want to respond to my posts please bring counterarguments and not nonsensical tangents which somehow pretend to defend PTI's sheer incompetence and deliberate misconduct in dealing with COVID-19 by pointing at the wrong doings of an out of power political party.

Please look at the comment I was replying to. Where did you see me defending the man?

Didn't say you did. Wanted to clarify that the focus of the thread is the man and not the village. Regardless, you are correct. I'm sorry I didn't follow the discussion fully.
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Iran is the epicenter of CORONA VIRUS......

People are dying like FLIES in Iran.

Iran can't be compared with KSA as Saudis have few cases and they are effectively containing it.

I am hardly a sectarian but I can smell sectarians really good...People know me here very well.

Pakistanis, a large majority, don't like Iran since Kulbhushan saga and after this virus, they certainly DON'T like Iran.

People are angry here on Iran and on THEIR STOOGES.

The spread of Coronavirus in China was not from 1000s of cases but from one case. So few cases from a tablighi jamat spread the virus and infected a very large area. If mods cannot control you I will trust me. All zahirins are in quarantine and no one was allowed to leave so how they spread the virus? My apologies to Arshad Sharif for bringing you in but your personal tug with zulfi is giving birth to sectarian hate and it has to be countered.
Now in Islamabad a whole area was infected by these people.
This is the reason for your domestic spread. Did zulfi brought them? No Zulfi never did so who? You need more proofs of domestic spread here are more. I have been warning you plz don't push it there is a lot of proofs how virus spreads cause to fight virus it is important to find patient zero and the whole cluster of spread so this info is known. Now stop your propaganda our I will leave no one standing aside. Even Europe and turkey will come into this choice is your my friend. Mod will not be able to stop me cause I will come with proof use kind words and speak truth.
I read the comments that triggered the sectarian back and forth -- I had to go through multiple threads and I've seen this crap before on discussions around Iranian recruitment for the Zaiabeyoun. The criticism was not confined to the Iranian government. Allegations and insinuations were made that some kind of 'Shia influence' was at play that caused the epidemic to spread.

You won't like what i will say but i am counting on your open minded agnostic liberal thinking.

According to Interior Minister of Pakistan, Nepotism is cultural and cannot amount to criminal offense.

This is what anyone with influence think about law and order and governance.
Do you know how many were forced across the border by Iran on a very short notice? This was one media was being forced to talk about Saudi Arabia's deadline and pressure to have it extended.


Wrap your head around that figure first.
Oh bhai, again, what part of my criticism of Iran was not clear? I've been critical of the Iranian government on this issue since my first post on the subject on this forum. But while you may not have conflated Iran with Shia, many other posters did. And this was not the first time - this is coming in the backdrop of weeks/months of disgusting commentary on Shia given Iranian recruitment for the Zainabyoun. There is a responsibility on those criticizing Iran to also go out of their way and not blame the pilgrims who were in Iran when the outbreak occurred.

There are dumbass Sunni scholars making dangerous claims about the epidemic just as there are dumbass Shia scholars making similar claims - focusing on these individuals to then claim that ALL Shia or ALL Sunni believe in this BS is nothing but derogatory generalizations/stereotyping.

Multi I.D Indian look at your country first as per reports more than 30000 people effected in Indian with Covid-19....But Mozi Govt refuse to test them.....treat them....

First check your own country then try to bark on us.

by that count you must be having 100 thousand affected who have run away from authorities .
This is a pmln handle tweeting this and she was hiding a infected virus case so tell me who is spreading the virus.

What is wrong @PaklovesTurkiye you ran out of words? No way to argue no. Speak more and I will give you more just tell me to stop when your sectarian derise is full.
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Oh bhai, again, what part of my criticism of Iran was not clear? I've been critical of the Iranian government on this issue since my first post on the subject on this forum. But while you may not have conflated Iran with Shia, many other posters did. And this was not the first time - this is coming in the backdrop of weeks/months of disgusting commentary on Shia given Iranian recruitment for the Zainabyoun. There is a responsibility on those criticizing Iran to also go out of their way and not blame the pilgrims who were in Iran when the outbreak occurred.

There are dumbass Sunni scholars making dangerous claims about the epidemic just as there are dumbass Shia scholars making similar claims - focusing on these individuals to then claim that ALL Shia or ALL Sunni believe in this BS is nothing but derogatory generalizations/stereotyping.

Iran has done nothing new or nothing unexpected. It has followed the pattern for decades now and Chanikya doctrine is as much appreciated in Iran as it is appreciated in India.

No one has to prove their creed or religion or affiliation to ask pretty normal human questions.
Any PPPP pmln ary geo and so trolls here need more info or want to create a sectarian rift please come most welcome.
No one has to prove their creed or religion or affiliation to ask pretty normal human questions.
No, but it is our responsibility to step in and criticize and shut down those blaming an entire community for the actions of a particular government.

It is our responsibility to speak out against sectarian hate-mongering and blame games - silence is taken as acquiescence or support.
You call your self Pakistanis what a shame when you try to harm your country in such times.
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