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Pakistan's first fatality of COVID-19 may have endangered thousands.

A lot of places including a few villages have been locked in Pakistan.

I'm sorry, token measures don't work. Especially when people are easily passing through those checks at airports, across the borders and escaping from the quarantine facilities by bribing or otherwise. Heck you let hundreds of quarantined patients just walk out without ever even taking their temperature. No surprise that most of them were later tested positive.

While these measures might allow you to feel better about your personal political allegiances, they do nothing for Pakistan or its people.

People are being chased and taken to quarantine.

Yeah. And then these geniuses are allowed to gather in the thousands, among other things.

Tableeghis continue to hold gatherings

No such things happened in UK, Germany etc until their cases ran in thousands!

Frankly speaking, I do not care what Germany, the UK or any other country is or is not doing. My concern and right is to demand that the government entrusted with the safeguard of my country is doing absolutely everything that it can for my land and my people.

That was a nonsensical argument.

You should look at what the other countries with far far more resources did at various stages.P Pakistan has done far more at earlier stages.

I refuse to answer empty rhetoric, especially one spawning from a ludicrous argument. I can't be asked to give out any medals to the government for being just a tad bit less idiotic than a couple of governments which have absolutely nothing to do with Pakistan and are in no way shape or form in the dire situation that we are and were always going to be. That too, governments which have exponentially better health and social services mechanisms and resources to help out their citizens.

It's the stupid people including majority in Europe who are not following advice.

Please. We are no better. Stop trying to make yourself feel better about our situation. It doesn't matter what the people in Europe are doing either.

It was nearly 2 weeks ago schools etc were shut

Good job with the schools. Did it help though? Wonder why. Maybe because everything else was left to run as was?

and people told to stay home.

You are being dishonest to your own self if you pretend to actually believe that "telling people to stay at home" was ever enough against this disease, that too in a society such as Pakistan's. "Oh man, we told them to stay at home, you know....They didn't listen. What can you do, eh?"

Add to that the fact that the PM stated on record this Sunday that shut downs weren't going to happen and that we would combat this through herd immunity. Yeah? You and what health system, Mr. Prime Minister?

As always the army had to step in and do what was the job of our loudmouthed, full of themselves, self-proclaimed messiahs.

Did you and your family follow these guidelines?????

Another childish attempt at diverting the argument. It has nothing to do with what is being discussed or the defense of your messiah's incompetence. I'll entertain it one last time.

My Dad gave his employees paid leave two weeks ago. My mother gave paid leave to her maids, driver and cook a week ago. Both of them have not left the house since two weeks for anything. My brother was the only one still going outside because his employer demanded that he work from the office since the government had applied no such restrictions on it. He is now working from home.

If you and your family didn't adhere strictly then you have lost all rights to complain

That is a childish attempt at an argument. Being a Pakistani citizen, I have every right to demand what is right from my government. Being a Pakistani citizen I also expect the Pakistani government to enable its citizens to follow its 'guidelines'.

"Hey, you lot should stay at home."

"The offices and places of business will remain open, though."

- if you and your loved ones get sick now, you are solely responsible!!

And yet again....

On a lighter note, I am getting sick of your incompetence at presenting a coherent argument or any argument at all, for that matter. And you are solely responsible for that!!!!

What are you talking about, bud? My brother was forced to work from his office until this Monday along with millions of others. Or what of the thousands of people who will go out tomorrow to purchase food and come in contact with one of those thousands of morons in the above article whom the government did not feel the need to stop?

I try not to get bated into childish back and forth rhetoric. If you can only present 'lack of sense', for the lack of a better term, disguised as 'arguments' then I suggest that you stop wasting both our time.
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I'm sorry, token measures don't work. Especially when people are easily passing through those checks at airports, across the borders and escaping from the quarantine facilities by bribing or otherwise. Heck you let hundreds of quarantined patients just walk out without ever even taking their temperature. No surprise that most of them were later tested positive.

While these measures might allow you to feel better about your personal political allegiances, they do nothing for Pakistan or its people.

Yeah. And then these geniuses are allowed to gather in the thousands, among other things.

Tableeghis continue to hold gatherings

Frankly speaking, I do not care what Germany, the UK or any other country is or is not doing. My concern and right is to demand that the government entrusted with the safeguard of my country is doing absolutely everything that it can for my land and my people.

That was a nonsensical argument.

I refuse to answer empty rhetoric, especially one spawning from a ludicrous argument. I can't be asked to give out any medals to the government for being just a tad bit less idiotic than a couple of governments which have absolutely nothing to do with Pakistan and are in no way shape or form in the dire situation that we are and were always going to be. That too, governments which have exponentially better health and social services mechanisms and resources to help out their citizens.

Please. We are no better. Stop trying to make yourself feel better about our situation. It doesn't matter what the people in Europe are doing either.

Good job with the schools. Did it help though? Wonder why. Maybe because everything else was left to run as was?

You are being dishonest to your own self if you pretend to actually believe that "telling people to stay at home" was ever enough against this disease, that too in a society such as Pakistan's. "Oh man, we told them to stay at home, you know....They didn't listen. What can you do, eh?"

Add to that the fact that the PM stated on record this Sunday that shut downs weren't going to happen and that we would combat this through herd immunity. Yeah? You and what health system, Mr. Prime Minister?

As always the army had to step in and do what was the job of our loudmouthed, full of themselves, self-proclaimed messiahs.

Another childish attempt at diverting the argument. It has nothing to do with what is being discussed or the defense of your messiah's incompetence. I'll entertain it one last time.

My Dad gave his employees paid leave two weeks ago. My mother gave paid leave to her maids, driver and cook a week ago. Both of them have not left the house since two weeks for anything. My brother was the only one still going outside because his employer demanded that he work from the office since the government had applied no such restrictions on it. He is now working from home.

That is a childish attempt at an argument. Being a Pakistani citizen, I have every right to demand what is right from my government. Being a Pakistani citizen I also expect the Pakistani government to facilitate its citizens in follow its 'guidelines'.

"Hey, you lot should stay at home."

"The offices and places of business will remain open, though."

And yet again....

On a lighter note, I am getting sick of your incompetence at presenting a coherent argument or any argument at all, for that matter. And you are solely responsible for that!!!!

What are you talking about, bud? My brother was forced to work from his office until this Monday along with millions of others. Or what of the thousands of people who will go out tomorrow to purchase food and come in contact with one of those thousands of morons in the above article whom the government did not feel the need to stop?

I try not to get bated into childish back and forth rhetoric. If you can only present 'lack of sense', for the lack of a better term, disguised as 'arguments' then I suggest that you stop wasting both our time.

Your whole argument is without offering any solutions whatsoever.

So what is it that the government should be doing NOW?

If comparison with other countries is irrelevant, then what's the benchmark for measures against this pandemic that's unprecedented for every country? Is it in the air somewhere waiting to be plucked?

Have another attempt .. hopefully it won't be 'this government failed' BS. Offer solutions instead of just regurgitating what's already in the past!
Your whole argument is without offering any solutions whatsoever.

So what is it that the government should be doing NOW?

That is a fallacious statement and just another 'not very smart' attempt at diverting from a losing argument. My argument that the government is doing a fraction of what it can and should do is perfectly valid in and of itself. There is no need whatsoever to couple it with solutions, which, frankly speaking, are not only obvious to a child but also readily available from other countries who have been combating and are planning to combat this disease far more effectively than us. People are escaping from quarantine? Employ stricter measures. People are bribing their way through medical checks? Employ that "I will eliminate corruption in a matter days". People are gathering in the thousands right under your nose? Send the police and disperse them. Lock Down measures are insufficient? Bring in more comprehensive legislation and then enforce it. I refuse to believe that you and the government are not astute enough to know this by yourselves.

If comparison with other countries is irrelevant, then what's the benchmark for measures against this pandemic that's unprecedented for every country? Is it in the air somewhere waiting to be plucked?

Another diversionary and fallacious statement. My contention was never that you cannot look at other countries. My contention is that you can't justify and even celebrate your own gross misconduct by pointing at countries who did it worse than you. Especially when those countries are far better suited to rectify their mistakes. The UK is basing its flawed strategy on their confidence in their medical and health care systems. What in God's name is Imran Khan banking on?

You should, in fact, look at other countries to actually learn from their experience as opposed to just making yourself feel better about your own ineptitude. You will learn what should and should not be done. For example, the South Koreans showed you why and how lock downs work. The Iranians and Italians showed us how herd immunity is a stupid idea.

Have another attempt .. hopefully it won't be 'this government failed' BS. Offer solutions

I think I've answered this above.

Apart from the fact that no attempts work when the opposition's agenda is to blindly defend their self-proclaimed messiah, even to their own detriment. My posts are more for the other readers who might actually care about the country and its people more than their political deities. You know, who do not worship men and political parties.

instead of just regurgitating what's already in the past!

In the past? Those thousands of Tableeghis are still out and about. People are still escaping quarantine. More than half the country is still far from being locked down. At least come up with statements that can't be discarded so easily?

Her cook was infected and they hid him and dispatched him to his village. They placed their own family in danger and the people who came in contact with her cook. Pmln media cell is trying to get her justified why just to defame govt when they them self know what she did was wrong.

She got her family tested, she made sure that they were all safe. Then she let him loose to potentially infect thousands of people. She knew exactly what she was doing, this is no mistake. Just didn't give two bits about the others. I hope she and her family pay for it. Should be charged with attempted manslaughter at least.

I know these are hard times and we cannot come hard on people

I disagree. I want everyone who purposefully ignores these very obvious precautions and endangers others' lives to be charged with attempted manslaughter.

but some souls want to use this situation for their own advantage and that is the real reason which got IK elected in the first place and will further get him elected. Hurting Pakistan is the reason public rejected the past govt. Never forget that.

You know that he has since been released. They weren't charged. She specifically thanked the PM and the Army for getting him out. This is what we need to realize; They are all the exact same. PPP, PMLN, PTI, there is no difference.
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I'm in Kerala, second worst hit and it's not that bad once you get used to it. It's depressing for some, you can't meet your work colleagues, you can't go out. It's like a prison. But you get free food from the government otoh I'm not buying it.

Many places have imposed a curfew, so if you evade and venture into the towns, you get your arse whooped by the police. Not a pleasant situation.
Yeah. Our countrymen deserve good spanking
More than half the country is still far from being locked down

You can't enforce a lockdown on 220m people without shoot on sight orders. Even then it can't be fully enforced. Foolish expecting dictatorship from democracy but hey ho!

Blame yourselves (the public) for defying the much earlier government instructions. Adhering to Social distancing when schools were shut would have significantly reduced transmission.

Waiting for another long useless reply.
You can't enforce a lockdown on 220m people without shoot on sight orders. Even then it can't be fully enforced. Foolish expecting dictatorship from democracy but hey ho!

Another needlessly childish argument aimed at diverting the discussion away from your obvious inability to defend any of your previous equally childish arguments or present any counterarguments to what I have said.

You can't enforce any law "fully". It's about enforcing it as much and as best as you can. Exactly as it is about slowing down the virus as much as we can, not miraculously stop it. Otherwise, you should just send the entire law enforcement apparatus packing. Could also look at how other countries are enforcing lock downs, just saying.

Blame yourselves (the public) for defying the much earlier government instructions. Adhering to Social distancing when schools were shut would have significantly reduced transmission.

I've already explained the ridiculousness of this argument above. Can't be bothered to waste my time on it again.

Waiting for another long useless reply.

If this was yet another attempt to rile me up in hopes of escaping the discussion, then you should know by now that it isn't going to work.

If it was meant to vent your frustration from not being able to defend anything that you have said, then by all means carry on.

If it was because reading hurts your head, then I am sorry that it does.
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If it was because reading hurts your head,

I just can't be bothered to have an extended debate with someone who refuses to analyse this unprecedented situation rationally and realistically.

Still no solutions offered yet long posts continue.
I just can't be bothered to have an extended debate with someone who refuses to analyse this unprecedented situation rationally and realistically.

Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly it. Definitely has nothing to do with your childishly illogical claims and your inability to back any one of them up.

Still no solutions offered yet long posts continue.

Yet another witlessly untrue claim. Deliberate ineptitude, just like the ones you worship. Good on you, bud.
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