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Pakistan's first fatality of COVID-19 may have endangered thousands.

Pakistan's first coronavirus death exposes nation's vulnerability
Jibran Ahmad
8 Min Read

PESHAWAR (Reuters) - When Saadat Khan, 50, returned to Pakistan on March 9 from a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, he was greeted in his village with a rousing welcome and a grand feast attended by more than 2,000 people, many of whom embraced him warmly.




Please avoid such threads don't lose it just because other are losing it. This is no time for revenge it is time for reconciliation. Once you when I was new you gave me a negative rating for a thread and I listened and deleted it. It was my mistake today listen to your old self and rise above the hate.
The Reason People are blaming Iran is because Iran had massive epidemic with over 10,000 Cases when they Started pushing our people to the Border. And the fact they tried to keep the lid on the epidemic is the reason Covid-19 Spread in the Region. Had they been open and their Neighbors knew the true scale of what was happening there they would have been More Diligent in Screening people coming from Iran and Managing their Borders with the country.
Opera Snapshot_2020-03-24_003256_www.worldometers.info.png

While Saudi Arabia even today still have less cases than Pakistan. The following was the situation in middle east as of 7th of March 2020. The bulk of the cases in Middle East came from Iran. At this time Tehran was peddling propaganda about getting the things under control. While China was the epicenter of Covid-19 as a whole Iran was the Epicenter in Middle east. IRGC and Iranian militias spread it in Iraq and Syria.

If Saudi had similar number of cases then most of those blaming Iran would blame them the same way. And GOP would have Quarantined every one who performed Umrah just as the are doing with The pilgrims from Iran. The fact they arnt proves the point. Person who probably fucked too many people in the OP came from Umrah. No need to explain more those of you with brains will get it.

Had Iran not tried to cover up Pakistani State would have built Infrastructure at the Border to screen and deal with the people coming from there Iran. Because they didn't focus was on China and Screening the International Air travelers. Iran first tried to Downplay the Situation then when every thing blew up pushed Pakistan to take back its Citizens Inside Iran without giving us time to manage the situation properly. (This has been now proven By Pakistan and Baluchistan Governments)

Now due to the backlash Iran has received from General Pakistani Public and loss of the good will they hold here they have somehow built up the capacity to deal with the 9,000 Pakistanis that are currently there while just a few days ago they were throwing them in numbers Pakistani Authorities weren't able to deal with. That is the Reason the Infection Rate in those under quarantine is over 50%.

Simultaneously Iran has forced hundreds of thousands of Afghan Refugees who have lived there for decades out of Iran into Afghanistan while one can give Iran the benefit of doubt in regards to Pakistani Pilgrims as they are on temporary visas. What they have done with poor Afghanis refugees and their brethren inside Afghanistan is absolute Criminal.

All this could have been mitigated to a great degree had Tehran acted responsibly and locked down early like China did but they only came to their senses when dozens of their own MPs and officials started getting infected.
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Pakistan's first coronavirus death exposes nation's vulnerability
Jibran Ahmad
8 Min Read

PESHAWAR (Reuters) - When Saadat Khan, 50, returned to Pakistan on March 9 from a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia, he was greeted in his village with a rousing welcome and a grand feast attended by more than 2,000 people, many of whom embraced him warmly.




Terrible, inna lilahi wa inna ilihi rajiun.

We need massive campaign around this topic to not downplay the symptoms. When PM, media, government advisers tells that it's just a flu it create this false sense of security and people don't understand and realize the gravity of the situation.
Lets not loose the context, which i see this article is . This is the exact same case where the news is that the whole UC council has already been locked down. For reference posting the two articles below with relevant portions:

Mardan UC under lockdown after first coronavirus death

The union council – which reported the first death in Khyber- Pakhtunkwa’s Mardan district – was placed under lockdown by authorities for an indefinite period of time.

“Whole of the union council is declared critical, hence complete lockdown of the Union Council Manga is ordered with immediate effect and there shall be no entry and exit,” said a notification from the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Mardan.

Meanwhile, in Haripur district, 22 people, including the Deputy superintendent of police (DSP) got tested for coronavirus. However, the test results have yet to be received. The individuals have been shifted from Khanpur rest house to other places.

The Mardan administration had sealed the Union Council Manga early Thursday after the death of a villager, Sadaat Khan, from the coronavirus. Saadat Khan, a dispenser, had fallen ill after returning from Saudi Arabia where he performed Umrah.

Police were deployed in different parts Manga and residents were restricted to their homes. The administration shifted the family members and neighbours of the deceased to the Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, where a quarantine centre for the suspected coronavirus patients has been established. According to a statement issued by Deputy Commissioner Mohammad Abid Wazir, screening of 380 people of the Manga Union Council has been conducted. He added that about 322 villagers were declared healthy during the screening process while 29 people were listed as suspected. Seven patients were admitted in the isolation centre and their blood samples were sent to the National Institute of Health (NIH) in Islamabad for testing.

The district administration also established three main coronavirus quarantine centries in Mardan district.
Meanwhile, the Manga villagers staged protest after being locked down. They complained that they had been confined to their homes since Thursday and were short of food and other items of daily use. They asked the government to provide them food items and other facilities in their houses if the administration wanted to keep the union council locked down.

The police and security forces personnel later reached the spot and persuaded the protesters to disperse. The officials assured the villagers that the district administration would provide them food items and other facilities. Later, the district administration brought in vehicles to spray the village with disinfectant in a bid to control the spread of the virus.
just got the news...two Corona patients escaped from quarantine center in Pakistan and they returned back to center after 2 hours....upon inquiring they revealed that the went to offer Juma prayers....

This type of behavior has moved Pakistan to dangerous point...

Its more or less 150-250. For 2000 people to visit him he had be a BIG SHORT. I might sound sectarian in this case but our main problem started from IRAN + our people they're helping the virus to spread and in 10-20 days we will see the results

Where have you been hiding bro?!! Long time!!!! How are you?
What's guys like @BATMAN @Safriz @El Sidd @Sine Nomine gonna say now. Who launched this bio weapon.

Some pumped up adrenaline boosted sectarian extremist even wanted to nuke a country on a context that it intentionally spread the virus.

My point that don't generalize people. Virus don't know place, sect, religion, ethnicity, etc.

Easy there Jazbaati Naujawan.

You and OP have only one thing in common. Hatred and contempt for the Arabs. Covid19 is bringing you together
Now just please think about those who returned from Iran,which is hit worst than KSA.

That's problem of all of you guys,mind that blaming Iran doesn't means being sectarian,an important member of PPP has been tested postive,do you know how many people he has met from Isloo to Karachi?Even thinking that is scary.

Why blaming Iran or KSA. That's nonsense. It is a virus that has effected entire world. Eventually virus would've reached the country not because of Iran, Saudis, China or United States...but because of our stupid mentality people. I do remember many people crying and doing politics over Pakistani students in China and now sectarian animals doing politics over pilgrims from Iran.

Like I said generalizing people show hatred and extremist views. In every sect, faith, ethnicity we find stupid people in Pakistan. By calling their legally allowed affiliation, you guys are creating a divide instead of solving the problem. Any violator of quarantine regardless of their sect, ethnicity, religion, etc should be simply shot dead. Shoot few of dumb violators and rest will learn.

Easy there Jazbaati Naujawan.

You and OP have only one thing in common. Hatred and contempt for the Arabs. Covid19 is bringing you together

Apparantly hatred for Iran and Shias is only your traits mr retired troll.

As for me, I don't hate Arabs, Iranians or any other community. I just dislike their governments and regimes. Entire middle eastern regimes are slow poison termites for Muslim world.

The Reason People are blaming Iran is because Iran had massive epidemic with over 10,000 Cases when they Started pushing our people to the Border.

the true scale of what was happening there they would have been More Diligent in Screening people coming from Iran and Managing their Borders with the country.

Why do people of Pakistan think that other country has to keep the citizen of Pakistan. Just because China did a huge favor doesn't mean entire world will do it. Even though our duffers were quick to Bharti and western propaganda of uyghurs, still Chinese kept those Pakistanis instead of throwing them back.

Second point is they had insurance from insurance companies which paid their medical bill. Now did they had insurance in Iran? And a country like Iran which is heavily sanctioned and have very limited amount of advanced machiner , will it utilize those machinery for its own citizens or Pakistanis who don't even have insurance to pay for.

Thirdly it is responsibility of Pakistani authorities and more so the people who ran away like dumb fkk from quarantine facilities. They should be shot dead. They are the prime reason.

Fourth stupid are found all over Pakistan, I heard a non Shia mulla who was criticizing people who stop going to mosque. Claiming come to mosque and Allah will give you shifa.
It looks like the situation in Turkey. Turkey was too late to start taking measures for older people returning from Umrah led to a very heavy price. Although the last two groups were quarantined, the first group was dispersed uncontrollably. Hundreds of people visited each of these people, u know, customs in our culture...
What internal intelligence @Maarkhoor has to say about it ? are you taking any kind of measures which is different from world ?
Why blaming Iran or KSA. That's nonsense. It is a virus that has effected entire world. Eventually virus would've reached the country not because of Iran, Saudis, China or United States...but because of our stupid mentality people. I do remember many people crying and doing politics over Pakistani students in China and now sectarian animals doing politics over pilgrims from Iran.

Like I said generalizing people show hatred and extremist views. In every sect, faith, ethnicity we find stupid people in Pakistan. By calling their legally allowed affiliation, you guys are creating a divide instead of solving the problem. Any violator of quarantine regardless of their sect, ethnicity, religion, etc should be simply shot dead. Shoot few of dumb violators and rest will learn.
Number of cases which Pakistan has got from other states can be counted on finger tips,It's population from Iran which have given birth to pandemic sitution in Pakistan.
If Govt follows that path,you would be first to start hue and cry.
P.S:-That transportation staff,which brought Zahireens from Iran Border are getting tested and many have been found positive.
What internal intelligence @Maarkhoor has to say about it ? are you taking any kind of measures which is different from world ?

Multi I.D Indian look at your country first as per reports more than 30000 people effected in Indian with Covid-19....But Mozi Govt refuse to test them.....treat them....

First check your own country then try to bark on us.
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