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Pakistan signed the piple line and now US is good in offering us other projects. I think Pak FM is in US right now with demand list.
Pakistan signed the piple line and now US is good in offering us other projects. I think Pak FM is in US right now with demand list.
if US tries to stop this deal.......... ask US to either give us two 1000MW Nuclear reactors or shut their mouth :rofl:

Speaking of chummas , even amitabh wants a chumman on this news
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Wait a minute, I thought Pakistan and Iran had bad relationship? Or at least that's what my dad keeps on saying. (He's a native Pakistani, born and raised in Pakistan.)

Anyway, I'm glad another nearby nation has good relationship with Iran. Hopefully, they can more increases in cooperation and trade between the two countries.
Wait a minute, I thought Pakistan and Iran had bad relationship? Or at least that's what my dad keeps on saying. (He's a native Pakistani, born and raised in Pakistan.)

Anyway, I'm glad another nearby nation has good relationship with Iran. Hopefully, they can more increases in cooperation and trade between the two countries.

we had brotherly like relationships with Iran and Turkey back in 1960s.... and it continued until the Iran-Iraq war.

Now after around 10-15 years of hard feelings both nations are coming closer once again :smokin:
As good as the offer is, keep in mind that building the infrastructure to be able to bring electricity in will be a costly affair for Pakistan. Not sure if GoP has the financing for it. Western donors will probably say no to anything that has the name Iran involved.

Sir, connecting to national grid is all what required!
We do not need any western financing for it... perhaps few hundred km transmission line and couple of grid stations... all what it takes.

If financing is available for much costlier pipeline than it should be available for such minor development.

I'm deadly against the rental power plants.

Not accepting this offer clearly shows the corruption among the members of parliament who are making destructive policies.

ISLAMABAD (APP) - Director General of Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) Muhammad Khalid Thursday expressed an optimism that 2500MW additional electricity would be added to the system by June, 2010.

Addressing a new conference here at IESCO headquarters, he said eight Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and eight Rental Power Plants (RPPs) would start generating 2500MW electricity by June this year, which would help manage the summer-increased load in a better way. Currently, total power generation in the country is around 9,589MW against the demand of 13,802MW showing shortfall of 4,213MW in peak hours.

However, the DG PEPCO said that the shortfall varies time-to- time and is totally depends on demand and supply of the commodity. He said some power plants are closed for annual maintenance work in October, November, February and March that reduce the 1004MW electricity production.

Khalid said the government has evolved an effective strategy to meet the growing demand of electricity under short, mid and long- term plans.

To a question, he said the PEPCO has exempted defence related sensitive installations, public sector school and universities, water supply schemes from the load-shedding.

Commenting on the financial position of the company, he said its circular debt is around Rs. 150 billion, while different organizations has to pay Rs. 180 billion to PEPCO.

The DG advised the consumers to avoid excessive use of electricity so that the load-shedding duration could be curtailed to maximum extent.

He said sufficient electricity could be saved if the consumers start using energy efficient equipments, which would not only help the government to manage the load but also reduce their monthly bills substantially.

He said ordinary uninterrupted power supply (UPS) systems available in the market consume five units to generate one unit ultimately increasing load as well as electricity bill.
i thought the problem was under-utilization of the production capacity. that the old power plants were not used to their maximum potential and the real possible production capacity was 18k MW.

so these new power plants are in addition to that total production capacity, or are they pre existing power plants being brought up to their potential?
so wait wernt we ghetting nuclear power plants from china and russia??????

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