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Pakistan's Blunder Of Not Joining The Yemen War:---

@MastanKhan @CHACHA"G" @Simurgh @Boyka @Retired Troll @Salza @Tps43 @Signalian @Dawood Ibrahim @ali_raza @Mangus Ortus Novem @Wa Muhammada @*Awan* @zulu @PakSword and others

Alh This Ramadan, huge strides have been made, The Yemen conflict is very much under control, and is very close to it's objective.

Unfortunately, Pakistan missed the boat. A boat that was loaded with US$15bn+ per annum, for the next five yrs min, because it is a majority held hostage, by a minority.

While a key figure in this saga rakes in millions of US$, the country looks at the US$ shoots through the roof, and the economy in a downward spiral. It is forced to deal with the devil himself, for a measly US$6bn.

After the latest Ormara & Gawadar PC Attacks, Now would be a good time to wake up, and smell the coffee.

Best Regards
not to contradict u but anyway i think something did got under control
not 15bln cos we r fools.
something did
I dont work for MOI, I'm just going to get myself a Cappuccino, and enjoy the fact that Mullah lover was caught clueless, AGAIN!!
easy escape as usual .. sectarianism favors you...
Problem is it was privately hired so no real benefits directly to State of Pakistan

True. But I imagine the Pak army has to give some of these former army officers and normal soldiers permission to go abroad to work in Bahrain in a such a job. So maybe there was some low level of state benefit.
@HAIDER There are millions of jobless people who would be happy to work as cannon fodder

People do like to work as soldiers last year there were about 50 vacacies in SPU in my district for those 50 seats there were about 2000 candidates and upper age for the job was 22

If govt starts recruitment for Yemen war even Shias would join contrary to popular belief propogated by people with certain agenda
@HAIDER There are millions of jobless people who would be happy to work as cannon fodder

People do like to work as soldiers last year there were about 50 vacacies in SPU in my district for those 50 seats there were about 2000 candidates and upper age for the job was 22

If govt starts recruitment for Yemen war even Shias would join contrary to popular belief propogated by people with certain agenda
i agree, i am not denying the unemployment fact. where during iraq war , us army caught suicide bomber and interrogate him. he been offered 10,000 dollar for suicide bombing and his family get money, starving condition.
easy escape as usual .. sectarianism favors you...
When your lopsided views get exposed, you always use this crutch. Now keep quiet, and let me enjoy my Cappuccino, I earned it.

not to contradict u but anyway i think something did got under control
not 15bln cos we r fools.
something did
Shhhhh - they are not supposed to know what Pak Armed Forces are up to in Yemen, let them howl. Enjoy the show.

The rest via secure comm.
If we go same way, may be even question can be asked by Sunni where their loyalty lies?

I have different opinion on this , we do have trust issues between both community. It is there from the day Muslim Arab attacked Persia . Both civilization wanted to show dominant.

We can't deny both Shia and Sunni has their loyalty across the country due to their faith. And this make sense since Pakistan was created on the basis of Islam. So we all have to respect each other and continue to progress. And if such conflicts do arrive like we have here in Yemen or Syria Pakistan should always choose neutrality path. Peace path. This will not only help Iran and KSA but also Pakistan.

Money is not everything..
I'm sunni like all my province and a large majority of KPK and our loyalties lay with Pakistan, so cut the BS.

It's only them that act up, the wannabe arabs are a rare sight, but the shias are not.
@CHACHA"G" Sorry for late reply i will try to best answer it
  1. What is Iran doing in Yemen? Increasing its influence like Syria and Lebanon
  2. Why is Iran in Yemen? (you already admit Iran is in Yemen Don't tell me that truth start hunting you) Real objective is to protect its interest and hurts it enemies SA,UAE.proxies war advantages all u have to provide money and support rest they will do as we seeing in our country like PTM and BLA.Those who is looking for love hate thing skip it its simple politics cut and bleed your enemy where ever u can
  3. What Sect of Huties ? Zaidiyah
  4. Why Iran and Iran's 5th gen war machine making Huties Shias ? Its will create more sympathy in Iran as providing them your resources in such hard time u have to satisfy your own people simple politics
  5. Do you know and understand strategic location and importance of Yemen ? Don't think so Port of Aden was historically and still got such importance but not the Hodiedah i lived there my father was chief enginner of that port so can say know some more than other. Djibouti is the place to keep focus more thats why nealry all international powers present there for an reason
  6. Why you keep comparing Pakistan and Pakistan Army with afrians ? No comparison one of reason Arabs always favor Pakistan Army more professional,better trained(proved on many occasion ) and now battle hardened due to this WOT
  7. Why are you against Pakistan Army going into Yemen (when conflict started) settling the issue and coming back?Best option still for us still remain in GCC borders like 1991 that way can satisfy our own people and public opinion as defending only.GCC would never mind it too they can focus all by themselves the offensive
  8. What neutrality brings for Pakistan ? Iran still anti Pakistan ! Iran top command still issuing war threats ! Iran still recruiting Pakistani Youth .Nothing neither for us nor for region as mention before such setup is also advantageous for Iran too how??Pakistan got proven record with both parties of good intentions and steps better to deal with us rather than USA who currently itching to open war.In such situation we can push both parties to table to talk (as got leverage ) without this leverage we become just bystander
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When your lopsided views get exposed, you always use this crutch. Now keep quiet, and let me enjoy my Cappuccino, I earned it.

Shhhhh - they are not supposed to know what Pak Armed Forces are up to in Yemen, let them howl. Enjoy the show.

The rest via secure comm.
eont say i hit the nail on head :cheesy:
Let them handle their wars, What fruit did we get after joining WOT in 2001, loss of 80000+ people and $200 bln
When your lopsided views get exposed, you always use this crutch. Now keep quiet, and let me enjoy my Cappuccino, I earned it.

Shhhhh - they are not supposed to know what Pak Armed Forces are up to in Yemen, let them howl. Enjoy the show.

The rest via secure comm.
MR great conquer of Yemen... no need to get personal ,,stick with the topic. not interested in your great leap from camel back to cappuccino cup ...
Don't worry we missed this chance, another may be coming Iran's war.

Imagine if we were busy in yemen and then if iran's war broke out we have to be in this war, then defending border from iran, india, afghanistan. Just imagine what would happened to Pakistan.

Why we can not stay away from war and why it's blunder.

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