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Pakistan's Blunder Of Not Joining The Yemen War:---

@Mangus Ortus Novem if we play our cards carefully who said about entering into Yemen war??
1)PAKISTAN FORCES WILL NOT JOIN ANY OFFENSIVE OPERATION OUTSIDE BORDERS OF GCC. Same stance we took on 1991 gulf war that time Mirza Aslam baig did that even against so called public opinion because he knows the ground realities
2)Those 150,000 thousand would be recruit and train from scratch in 5 years time so efficiency of our forces not reduce against our own enemies and all expenses would be bear by GCC including pension
3)In case of attack on Pakistan they will free to join the defences here as its part of our Armed forces
4)We can sell our weapons too esp JF 17 as familiarity is very important for soldiers.In case of need those assest are free to use for defense of Pakistan as well
Lots of others point too how much economical and political advantages it would give us Mastan Khan sahib again clear some in his last post also some very interesting point raised by AR Malik sahib.Such setup is also advantageous of Iran too how??Pakistan got proven record with both parties of good intetions and steps better to deal with us rather than USA who currently itching to open war.In such situation we can push both parties to tobale to talk (as got leverage ) without this leverage we become just bystander so yah @CHACHA"G" that so called neutrality position not become harmful for us but for whole region


You cannot ride two horses in a war at the same time---even though a spare or two you can have---.

You remember 2nd world war---. And you would know america entered second world---and whose side it it did---.

But did you also know that the majority population of white united states were german immigrants---.
Sir at least we have to try as i mention 1991 Gulf war stance in politics in game of getting more by giving less as the reason u started this post consider first and most INTEREST OF STATE OF PAKISTAN but don't u agree if we accepted that offer would be in good position for today even for Iran?

You cannot ride two horses in a war at the same time---even though a spare or two you can have---.

You remember 2nd world war---. And you would know america entered second world---and whose side it it did---.

But did you also know that the majority population of white united states were german immigrants---.
why you want to send Pakistan army ? ...question remains ... If US and NATO has zero interest what we going to earn. against who we going to get strategic depth, when these gulf on one side US,British and Chinese fleet station then further west Turkish fleet stationed. what is the role of pakistan and how they control the yemen. what is the obsession with yemen ?
It is for long term financial reasons and a reason to have forces stationed in another country who is your ally. It provides a lot of options in various scenarios
I will be going slightly off topic but the problem of controlling the border is an important issue. For years we have faced cross border terrorists incursion. Our first line of defence is paramilitary forces and they should not make a distinction between smugglers and terrorists. If the paramilitary forces has the means and they do the job well the borders will be controlled better.

It is not their waters it is international waters, Bab ul mandeb is international waters.

Sunnis do not have loyalties at the cost of Pak as much as the other sects love for Iran.
Iran has always played dangerous games since 80s. May it be Hezbollah, Houthis or sects in Pakistan. Who betrayed Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan?
again Houthi are sunni hanfi zaidi and they are nation who were not allowed to take part in election due to foreign influence for decades. all they want election and there own candidates in election. but gulf monarch not interested. this is the point of view of yemanies in US.

It is for long term financial reasons and a reason to have forces stationed in another country who is your ally. It provides a lot of options in various scenarios
your army work under the instruction , they are now allowed to take independent decision, PA will be getting paid from arab coalition fund. it is servant master relationship.
I come across... two different side view but ultimately quite similar when it comes to Pakistan situation.
Both are willing to "sacrifice" what they shall believe in...for the common goal of "Development".

Now the Q, I ask myself and mostly shall ask others... Is...
On what shall a country future be build? and Will a pawn alike country really need to exist?


A country's future is built on what benefits it the most in the short run first and then leading in a directional adjustment for long run successes---.

And we are not a "pawn"---we are the power in the muslims world---we ARE the most powerful nation in the region---we are a nuclear power---.

But we the pakistanis are like little children with a little child mind about who we are and what our capabilities are---.

We are trying to play these innocent games by trying to act innocent---not realizing that the toys that we are playing with---the nucs---are not the toys of children but rather the weapons of mass destruction that can only be handled and cared by grown men---.

Our problem is that we are more worried with making this muslim neighbor happy and that muslim neighbor happy---.

Once the clarity sets in that it is pakistan frst and not iran first---that will be our first step to progress---.

Now if iran starts to threaten pakistan or starts terrorist activities---it may not like the consequences---.
All these people who oppose Pakistan joining Yemen war have no problem with Pakistanis doing other low level jobs for same Gcc countries hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis are working in Arab countries as security guards drivers sweepers etc these people have no problem with them

Than why are they opposed to Pakistanis working as soldiers for same Arabs

Peoples are largest commodity of Pakistan
which should have been used for the betterment of Pakistan
All these people who oppose Pakistan joining Yemen war have no problem with Pakistanis doing other low level jobs for same Gcc countries hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis are working in Arab countries as security guards drivers sweepers etc these people have no problem with them

Than why are they opposed to Pakistanis working as soldiers for same Arabs

Peoples are largest commodity of Pakistan
which should have been used for the betterment of Pakistan
They don't have any problems with Zainabiyoon Militia as well.

again Houthi are sunni hanfi zaidi and they are nation who were not allowed to take part in election due to foreign influence for decades. all they want election and there own candidates in election. but gulf monarch not interested. this is the point of view of yemanies in US.
What your mullah feeds you, should not be mentioned in public, it makes you look like a lunatic.
All these people who oppose Pakistan joining Yemen war have no problem with Pakistanis doing other low level jobs for same Gcc countries hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis are working in Arab countries as security guards drivers sweepers etc these people have no problem with them

Than why are they opposed to Pakistanis working as soldiers for same Arabs

Peoples are largest commodity of Pakistan
which should have been used for the betterment of Pakistan

Bahrain already hires like 10,000 Pakistanis for it's police force & army to keep out Iranian influence domestically.
All these people who oppose Pakistan joining Yemen war have no problem with Pakistanis doing other low level jobs for same Gcc countries hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis are working in Arab countries as security guards drivers sweepers etc these people have no problem with them

Than why are they opposed to Pakistanis working as soldiers for same Arabs

Peoples are largest commodity of Pakistan
which should have been used for the betterment of Pakistan
but no cannon fodder ....
They don't have any problems with Zainabiyoon Militia as well.

What your mullah feeds you, should not be mentioned in public, it makes you look like a lunatic.
sorry , i have no mullah from iran , uae or saudi .. and stick to your business, no foreign interference is allowed when pakistani discuss the future of PA army deployment or strategy.

Some say ' hindsight 20/20 '---other say---' you should have thought about the consequences before hand'---' you should have thought about who you are---what your assets are---what your friends and allies need---what concerns your enemy---what assets that you have that your enemy does not want you to have---& what could the enemy do to remove those assets '---.

I seriously think that is a statement that shows like something too much to ask---even to a pakistani military General officer in command---because most of their interest lies in housing schemes---property---commissions---war on terror & things on similar line & length---India---.

The there is the mantra of tactical nucs---. Well the problem with that mantra is that the super power does not like that mantra---. The religionist evangelicals in the regime want to de-fang pakistan---and the only people who did not know abut that was the pakistani military generals---who sitting secure in their offices believed their assets are secure---I mean to say the nucs---.

What america does in front of everyone's face is that it keeps its enemies farthest away from the mainland---and keeps troops at out posts distant from the mainland and tells everyone what the reason is---yet the pakistani generals never understood it---the current pakistani prime minister does not understand it either---.

Pakistanis in general have a belief---don't bother us---we will not bother you---what they tend to forget is that they have around 200 nucs that can destroy the world---so the baby that wants to make itself look innocent singing gaga maybe innocent in its own mind---but to the outside world---it looks like a death wish come true---.

So---the nation that does not know its own strength---does not understand what steps it needed to take to expand to protect its assets---has no understanding and concept of having military bases outside of pakistan at critical locations---having no concept of having those assets---is basically clueless of its environment---.

And that was very obvious when the Yemen crisis started---. That was the time for pakistan to have understood what was at stake---what was going to happen---what was coming in the short term near future and what the long term future game plan of the opponent was---and then it should have gone ahead and firmed firmed up its grip on the region as was being permitted by the super power---.

The super power USA gave the region of the gulf states on a platter to pakistan---and the fools rejected it---. The terms used were---we don't want a war---we will not participate in a war---we are not mercenaries---even though all the conquests of the muslim empire were mercenary armies---all the great muslim warriors were mercenaries---payment was in loot and plunder---'maal a ghanimat '---.

Why did pakistan not do what it should have done---was just to please iran---and what was iran to pakistan---a muslim brother---and what was pakistan to iran---a fcking inferior dark skin nuc capable country---.

Pakistani generals have sold the integrity of the pakistani nation and the future welfare of the country trying to side with a pariah nation---a nation whose sole and only purpose is to create havoc in the region---.

If pakistan had a 150 K battle group in the gulf states---backed by a seperate air force---armor--- navy & transporation---the US would not be sending in its naval battle group and there would not have been any talk of 100K american troops in the region or the B52's striking iran---.

There would not have been any pulwama type attacks---because the indian power would have been neutered or lessened by the presnce of pakistani troops in the region---thus no attacks by indian air force on the night of the 26th---.

General Raheel---sir---you truly failed pakistan---when it was time to make some hard & timely decisions to move the pakistani military influence from outside of its borders and into the gulf region---.

I write this post seeing what is happening in the gulf---what the US military is doing in the gulf in the last few weeks and what their plans are---. Mastankhan
And would you have been part of that battle group? I imagine not. I am all up for dying for the idea of God, King, Country is good but dying in a foreign land, killing innocent people in a foreign land for no reason does not appeal to the ideologically driven Pakistan Army. You sitting in your arm chair calling for war are no different than the politicians who send young men to die just for their own agendas. Easy to call for war when you don't have to fight.
but no cannon fodder ....

sorry , i have no mullah from iran , uae or saudi .. and stick to your business, no foreign interference is allowed when pakistani discuss the future of PA army deployment or strategy.
So what is Zainabiyoon Militia? Pls explain

High on mullah rhetoric, your views are always weird. Why? What is the Mullah feeding you?
So what is Zainabiyoon Militia? Pls explain

High on mullah rhetoric, your views are always weird. Why? What is the Mullah feeding you?
if they exist send UAE or saudi or arab coalition army and eliminate them .. syria is wide open for everyone .
actually, so what you want me to do , am i govt ? . again if they exist govt should punish them. you work for UAE ministry of interior ask govt of Pakistan to punish them.
actually, so what you want me to do , am i govt ? . again if they exist govt should punish them. you work for UAE ministry of interior ask govt of Pakistan to punish them.
I dont work for MOI, I'm just going to get myself a Cappuccino, and enjoy the fact that Mullah lover was caught clueless, AGAIN!!
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