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Pakistan's Blunder Of Not Joining The Yemen War:---

Let them handle their wars, What fruit did we get after joining WOT in 2001, loss of 80000+ people and $200 bln
no, we enough men power for cannon fodder ... instead of giving employment to national, now we send the men power to fight and bring money home.
Pakistani men from all sects available to fight any war for any type of enemy . pay good dollar. shameful condition when people talk about sending there army to fight others war.

Don't worry we missed this chance, another may be coming Iran's war.

Imagine if we were busy in yemen and then if iran's war broke out we have to be in this war, then defending border from iran, india, afghanistan. Just imagine what would happened to Pakistan.

Why we can not stay away from war and why it's blunder.
our brother Mastan dreaming about creating Ottoman empire type , where Pakistan rule the mid east with full might and military control...... o well
And you think we are in good state to oppose the kings?
No we are good with not meddling in this matter.

And you think your incompetent useless government and parliament haven't tried opposing the king when you did that stupidity of passing a resolution?

No your are not good with not meddling in this matter, if you can sell yourselves to fight Russians, and then to bomb Afghans .......... this one is pretty much a conflict that should have been at the top where your participation was a must. You with your cowardice have let the Yemenis to suffer. Imagine if you had participated and how quickly this would have ended for them.

Don't sell me this not meddling mantra .......... you have sent your troops to Congo, to Bosnia, to other UN missions and got paid ...... that meddling was okay .... but this one is somehow unholy?

You have never been neutral, neither you ever had a voice and opinion of your own ... in past you would fly to Washington for approvals now you fly to Beijing ....... stop believing in this stupidity that your ever were sovereign, neutral and independent.

We are fighting with terrorism, poverty, traitors, economical disaster. In our neighbors people like Iranian, Afghans and Indian exist.

You only fought terrorism that you yourself had created.

No body is fighting traitors ....... if there was a fight against traitors we would have seen heads rolling. Everyone of your politicians and Generals are fighting their own little wars of interests.

So you are fighting economic disaster? I can see that happening ........ did you not go to the same king and beg him for money? Sharam tum ko magar nai ati .....

In your neighbors you have Iranians, Afghans and Indians ....... and all of them look down upon you, create trouble for you, kill your people when they want and how they want ....... why? because they know you are cowards who would still think about them before you can make an independent decision of your own.

Do you even realize, the crucial time Pakistan is going through? We can NOT afford wars or problems with our friends.

We need a war economy ......... we need to sell war. And seriously if Pakistani leaders and generals (even people) haven't realised this after more than decade of violence and terrorism in Pakistan, then we surely deserve whats happening to us.

This world is not fair and it doesn't follow what you study in schools, colleges and universities.

If lending our trained youth to oil rich countries brings us much needed income, stability and forex ......... I would call it a Jihad against poverty in Pakistan.

You would not call yourself a Muslim, if they had chosen to sit in Madina and not go beyond. They didn't have an industry or produce ......... but still they were successful. Did you ever try thinking what brought them that success? They weren't writing love letters to other powers ad kings of that time by the way.

It is seriously amazing ...... most of you day in day out raise slogans of "Pakistan first" on this forum and then you come with these responses and arguments. World is not interested in your cotton and mangoes anymore. By the way.

Edit: And all the iranian phitooz and Pakistanis like you, who wish to remain neutral should answer how and why iran was successful in hiring Pakistani citizens and used them as cannon fodders in iranian war in Syria? Where is the neutral stance of Pakistan and Pakistanis in that? Has the state of Pakistan reprimanded iran on this? And funnily the general "Sulemani" who would be heading this program of recruiting Pakistanis to fight for them ....... very recently threatened Pakistan.
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I will try to keep this a bit brief. Seems like a lot of people here have some military background and so it is understandable that some of the posts seem to suggest in using the hammer to solving many problems. Unfortunately, military solutions are not always optimum and in many cases create far more problems then solutions.

In case of the Yemen war and Pakistan's neutrality, I strongly believe that it was the best decision. There is not need to be involved in the petty wars of the GCC. What is important to understand is the context of this war and the people that instigated it in the first place. First of all, the problem in Yemen has been around for many years, even before the Saudi coalition decided to wage war. Read up on history to update what the issues were. The houthis were always around and are a large part of the Yemen population. They have always been at odds even when Ali Abdullah Saleh has unified Yemen but then again which country does not seem to have a section of their population fighting for something. It was a purely Yemeni issue and war.

Then, at some point, someone (Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi) tried to assasinate Ali Abdullah Saleh despite being close and in the same government. Interestingly, they were from different religious sects (AFAIK). After which, Abdullah provided his support via the Yemeni armed forces to the Houthis to oust Hadi from government. He then went in to exile to Saudi Arabia. These are the facts and the ground realities prior to the start of the conflict.

When this happened, the Saudi Royal family was going through an internal crisis of leadership where King Salman, against all norms, broke tradition by removing the next in line Crown Prince Muqrin to be replaced by King Salman's nephew Prince Naif. However, the real objective was to make his youngest son Muhammed Bin Salman (MBS) the true and long term heir to the throne. Considering MBS is under 40s, he is a very good candidate to be on the throne for the next 40+ years.

Unfortunately, MBS was unknown to the political world and had no political profile. This was fixed by giving him very powerful offices in the Kingdom of which one was the being the Minister of Defence as well other security and economic positions that controlled all security apparatus. It is MBS that is now progressing the Saudi Vision 2030 drive and ousting many expats as a result. Anyway, a catalyst was needed to give him that international exposure and to spread his name east and west of the world.

This is where Hadi's exile coincides with MBS's appointment as minister of Defence. The easiest way to build the international profile is through war. These two planned and formed the famous IMAFT of which they names Pakistan as its member without even getting the Pakistani state's consent and which is headed by Gen Raheel Sharif. This was initially planned to be used as a coalition against Houthis.

Now, in KSA, the excessive brainwashing was underway to make sure the population was in support of MBS to wage a war against the Houthis as puppets of the Iranians. The coalition was formed and started the disastrous campaign in Yemen where virtually, all hospitals, schools, factories, every infrastructure was wiped out. They killed countless innocents, and caused famine thanks to their chokehold of the shipping lines.

This was is not being viewed positiviely anywhere in the world. How do you think Pakistan would have been viewed if we had joined this conflict? Obviously, religious sentiments would have affected in Pakistan and our relationship would have been affected with Iran.

Now, all those who say we should have placed 150K men in bases around the GCC, you think it is that easy? The GCC is firmly in bed with the western powers because that is exactly where their interests lie. Being protected by the most powerful armed forces in the world is far far better deal then getting a regional power like Pakistan.

In fact, KSA has far more leverage on Pakistan then the other way around. To replace Pakistanis, there are Sudanese and Egyptians who are well known of making their army a mercenary force. Being the same would have hurt the prestige of the armed forces.

So, please dispel the idea that Pakistan would dislodge the US in anyway as the prime protector of the GCC. We simply do not have the capability or capacity. To think that KSA or GCC would come to Pakistan's aid is a fools errand. They give enough so that we do not go anywhere and enough to do their bidding. We are better than that.
Yemenis are people no different to us. The land which houses the modern state of Pakistan once had historical ties with the Yemenis.

Yemen has to rebuilt for Gwadar to reach full potential.

Its not hard for a cricketer to understand this. He can expand the role of Raddul Fassad under the IMAFT mandate in Yemen.

El Sidd did you or do you see any banners, placards in Pakistan requesting / asking to donate your zakat, your sadqat for famine struck Yemeni children? Like you would see for many others ....... it has been part of our tradition and culture to raise funds and supplies for disaster struck people ....... we even sent rice to Chinese.

But do you see anything on roads, in streets or in your national media ...... about Yemenis?

No ..... right?

Why? Because we are cowards ...... that's why. You mush have read or heard that story of a farmer trying to please everyone ......... and ended up losing his donkey. That is what we are ..... out there to please everyone.

Your army can go save the American soldiers in Somalia "black hawk down" .... but no they shouldn't become part of this ....... because we are Khudar independent people and country.
Having others fund our military hardware in "return" for taking sides which will destroy the social fabric of Pakistan completely is not worth it.

I read this excuse a lot. Its distasteful in the sense that it is an indirect admission on a public forum that there are Pakistanis who would revolt against state of Pakistan .... for another country.

Why? Its not like Saudis don't have Shia population or iran doesn't have sunni population .... but its only people of Pakistan who have to somehow destroy Pakistani harmony.

Lame excuse and shouldn't be presented by Pakistani title holders on this forum ..... considering it doesn't reflect good on Pakistan and loyalties of its people.

Maybe you should go to hell---. Saudis are not a terrorist nation---our neighbor is a terrorist nation---Saudis have always come to our rescue---regardless of the circumstance---and even recently---a couple of months ago---.
If Saudis aren't a terrorist nation then why are they killing innocent in Yemen? Why are they literally against any Shia Muslim in the world and consider them Kafir? Why are they spreading terrorism and extremism in poor Muslim countries like us through their wahabism program? Why are they in bed with the Saudis? These Saudis can go to hell. They are worse than Americans and Israelis.

Also shame on the mod who gave me negative rating as well as you for defending these terrorist Saudis.

@Major Sam shame on you
If Saudis aren't a terrorist nation then why are they killing innocent in Yemen? Why are they literally against any Shia Muslim in the world and consider them Kafir? Why are they spreading terrorism and extremism in poor Muslim countries like us through their wahabism program? Why are they in bed with the Saudis? These Saudis can go to hell. They are worse than Americans and Israelis.

Also shame on the mod who gave me negative rating as well as you for defending these terrorist Saudis.

@Major Sam shame on you

It isn't Saudi who recruited our common people to go fight in Syria and Yemen. It's Iran who took 1000s of pakistanis and formed some dumb terrorist militia in syria.

Saudi is not a perfect country but they are 100x better than the iranian regime. The iranian regime provides nothing but rabid sectarianism. At least Saudi Arabia is beneficial to Pakistan.
El Sidd did you or do you see any banners, placards in Pakistan requesting / asking to donate your zakat, your sadqat for famine struck Yemeni children? Like you would see for many others ....... it has been part of our tradition and culture to raise funds and supplies for disaster struck people ....... we even sent rice to Chinese.

But do you see anything on roads, in streets or in your national media ...... about Yemenis?

No ..... right?

Why? Because we are cowards ...... that's why. You mush have read or heard that story of a farmer trying to please everyone ......... and ended up losing his donkey. That is what we are ..... out there to please everyone.

Your army can go save the American soldiers in Somalia "black hawk down" .... but no they shouldn't become part of this ....... because we are Khudar independent people and country.

Stop embarrassing me. I got no answers for this although i have seen Pakistanis collecting donations for Haiti, Yemen so far has been avoided for reasons unknown.

Some say ' hindsight 20/20 '---other say---' you should have thought about the consequences before hand'---' you should have thought about who you are---what your assets are---what your friends and allies need---what concerns your enemy---what assets that you have that your enemy does not want you to have---& what could the enemy do to remove those assets '---.

I seriously think that is a statement that shows like something too much to ask---even to a pakistani military General officer in command---because most of their interest lies in housing schemes---property---commissions---war on terror & things on similar line & length---India---.

The there is the mantra of tactical nucs---. Well the problem with that mantra is that the super power does not like that mantra---. The religionist evangelicals in the regime want to de-fang pakistan---and the only people who did not know abut that was the pakistani military generals---who sitting secure in their offices believed their assets are secure---I mean to say the nucs---.

What america does in front of everyone's face is that it keeps its enemies farthest away from the mainland---and keeps troops at out posts distant from the mainland and tells everyone what the reason is---yet the pakistani generals never understood it---the current pakistani prime minister does not understand it either---.

Pakistanis in general have a belief---don't bother us---we will not bother you---what they tend to forget is that they have around 200 nucs that can destroy the world---so the baby that wants to make itself look innocent singing gaga maybe innocent in its own mind---but to the outside world---it looks like a death wish come true---.

So---the nation that does not know its own strength---does not understand what steps it needed to take to expand to protect its assets---has no understanding and concept of having military bases outside of pakistan at critical locations---having no concept of having those assets---is basically clueless of its environment---.

And that was very obvious when the Yemen crisis started---. That was the time for pakistan to have understood what was at stake---what was going to happen---what was coming in the short term near future and what the long term future game plan of the opponent was---and then it should have gone ahead and firmed firmed up its grip on the region as was being permitted by the super power---.

The super power USA gave the region of the gulf states on a platter to pakistan---and the fools rejected it---. The terms used were---we don't want a war---we will not participate in a war---we are not mercenaries---even though all the conquests of the muslim empire were mercenary armies---all the great muslim warriors were mercenaries---payment was in loot and plunder---'maal a ghanimat '---.

Why did pakistan not do what it should have done---was just to please iran---and what was iran to pakistan---a muslim brother---and what was pakistan to iran---a fcking inferior dark skin nuc capable country---.

Pakistani generals have sold the integrity of the pakistani nation and the future welfare of the country trying to side with a pariah nation---a nation whose sole and only purpose is to create havoc in the region---.

If pakistan had a 150 K battle group in the gulf states---backed by a seperate air force---armor--- navy & transporation---the US would not be sending in its naval battle group and there would not have been any talk of 100K american troops in the region or the B52's striking iran---.

There would not have been any pulwama type attacks---because the indian power would have been neutered or lessened by the presnce of pakistani troops in the region---thus no attacks by indian air force on the night of the 26th---.

General Raheel---sir---you truly failed pakistan---when it was time to make some hard & timely decisions to move the pakistani military influence from outside of its borders and into the gulf region---.

I write this post seeing what is happening in the gulf---what the US military is doing in the gulf in the last few weeks and what their plans are---. Mastankhan

Been over this discussion many times before and yet back to square one again !

Repetition becomes boring and loses its charm...i will try to bring in new points now.

You speak so much against PAF, you loathe PAF CAS's, you despise their decisions, yet you keep such high hopes from PAF. You know in your heart that PAF is hope for Pakistan, PAF will bring in money to Pakistan, PAF will save Pakistan eventually, of course along with Army and Navy and other defense outfits of Pakistan. If Imran Khan fails in his tenure, will you also start posting topics on Military taking over the country for Pakistan's salvation ?

You want PA,PAF, PN to take on Iranian backed houthis in Yemen, heck the whole world wants the same-> Yemen conflict done with and solved. Iran and its Proxies pop up everywhere now and then: Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Yemen and even Pakistan is not safe. But wait a second, why go to Yemen, if PAF today attacks IRIAF and takes down few Tomcats, what will happen? you guessed it...doors of latest F-16 delivery will open for Pakistan, those Oliver Perry Frigates, 7 of them held back by USA? will join PN. MRAPs of all sorts will pouring in for free. Actually CSF will the light of the day. Isn't this the usual way for Pakistan to progress, go and fight somebody else's war and get paid in return, 1980's was the same, 2001 till 2010/11 was the same and if enough damage has not been done in 80's through AK-47 culture, refugees, heroine, extremism and since 2001 billions of loss in Pakistan infrastructure, thousands of human lives lost, hundred thousands wounded, economy crumbling, Ruppee getting de-valued. Still Pakistan should have stepped into war, the Yemen war ? Savy !

So lets see the amount of fronts open against Pakistan, where PA is actively deployed; LOC which is a 700 Km front and Durand line which is a 2500 km front. Totaling some 3000 km front roughly ? Not enough to stretch a ground force of some 700,000 troops. Check the timing, 2014 leading int 2015. Some major Ops in NW and West of Pakistan were being conducted. 2-3 Corps HQ (XI,XII and elements from 17th ID, 14th ID, 19th ID apart from SSG, LCB, Aviation gunships, 4-6 PAF fighter squadrons and other supporting units) poised in those Ops. Lets say a Corps roughly has 40,000 to 50,000 Troops. So 100-150,000 regular troops taking part in this Ops. On top of that FC KPK and FC Baluchistan fully engaged, which at that time numbered around 60,000 troops i think. Army Reserves like 111 IB and 37th ID poised towards reinforcing West whereas 40th ID poised to reinforce west. 5-Corps, 30 Corps, 31 Corps, 4 Corps unable to leave there area of responsibility, 10 Corps including FCNA unable to withdraw from LOC, I and II strike Corps squeezing out infantry formations to western theater, Pray tell me from where 50K or 150K trained troops will be provided ?

There is a major shortage of officers in army, not only due to martyrdom, but also due to expansion of new formations. There was thread on this forum that Paying Cadets of technical arms will now have to serve 3 years term as Captains in army and then can leave without medical benefits or pension. Thats true because the shortage is real. The day Pakistani troops would have left for Yemen, not one Uri or Pulwama, but hundreds more would have taken place. you know why ? because India would look for an excuse to invade Pakistan on LOC due to thinning out of troops. This would have been an excellent opportunity for enemy to strike Pakistan internally also due to shortage of troops inside Pakistan. India has tried in 2001/2, 2008, 2015, 2018, now 2019. You are naive if you think that USA will tell India to back off. USA needs India against China. USA is concerned about China way much more than Pakistan.

Now looping back to Military and money situation in Pakistan. How has that solved Pakistan's problems in the past that it would have solved the financial situation now. It will never solve the economy problem of Pakistan neither will the new weapons bought from the $$$ bring out a fruitful outcome of next war. You think Pakistan needs Tanks, Artillery, Twin engined heavy strike fighters, Frigates and submarines in abundance with modern gadgetry ? To solve what ? to win a war against India ? to liberate Kashmir ?
Mate, Pakistan's meager weapons have kept India at bay and will continue to do so, and don't tell me the newer modern weapons will intimidate India and it will cower in a corner seeing 2000 Leopard 2A7, 500 SU-35, 50 New Frigates and 30 new Submarines. India will buy double or triple of all these. Then should Pakistan wait for another conflict in the mid-east to boost its Military ?

Pakistan and its people need to change. The system and nation's psychology has to change. Government has to take interest in Pakistan's internal affairs. Poverty has to be eradicated. Education has to be systemised, an educational system that produced R&D caliber minds. Opportunities have to be given to growing minds to flourish in all fields of education, so this generation and coming generations can devise systems and methods to alleviate Pakistan from a developing nation into a developed nation. The Saga of Crown jewel parties which take turns to come in Governance and eat up Pakistan like they own Pakistanis as their servants has to end. Above all, religious extremism has to finish for good and once in for all. Its a fuel which has burnt Pakistan to its core. If worthwhile changes in these sectors are made, then no expeditionary forces are required to be sent abroad. I am giving you an alternative for your idea, to build a concrete base for Pakistan's economy, a permanent solution. Not a makeshift opportunistic approach to grab a few billion dollars and then face the wrath of torment due to taking part in another war. Build Pakistan first, not through money, but through education, reforms, policies and a stable political system that favours Pakistan's economic growth.

Pakistan has likes of Korea, China, Taiwan etc in front of it. These nations have not just excelled in maintaining quality armies but also have developed good economic policies which have in turn made them hubs of strong industrial and commercial base.

You have example of JF-17 and AK in front of you. Had USA not thrown Pakistan under sanctions, these projects wouldn't have seen the light of the day. USA would be feeding Pakistani Government and its Military, just like it has been from time to time, similar to your idea of feeding on $$$ by being fed from Rich Gulf states, but never standing on own feet. It will take time and lots of effort, a vision along with a path is required.

My post won't fill your appetite. USA has surrounded Iran from the sea, you should invite Pakistani Military to invade Iran from east and the GCC to invade Iran from the west and north. Pakistan will definitely then get all the Billions of $$$ you are seeking for Pakistani Military. Ignore the threat of insurgency inside Pakistan which will escalate after participation in Yemen war. Ignore that the internal threat still exists and that has to be eradicated by utilizing all available resources which are available to Pakistan, not by sending troops abroad.

Mark my word, Pakistan would have got 100 Billion USD for yemen war but then lost 1 Trillion USD in damages to Pakistan through Iran-India-Afghanistan joint nexus openly attacking Pakistan. Then it wouldn't be 26th Feb only, it would be 6th March, 16th March, 26th March, then every week in April and finally a circus show of air intrusion on daily basis through one excuse or another. Don't worry, PAF would have got those 500 SU-35 to pound own cities first to curb insurgency, in fact Baluchistan would have been separated already by then through full Iran cooperation with India for all the times to come.
Give time for the wall to be built on Iran border also, the result on Durand line has shown lesser incidents in Pakistan. Its best to take on enemy, one by one and secure own cities and towns first.

Maybe you live in USA because you have given up on Pakistan and Pakistanis. I think its time to start throwing positive ideas to make Pakistan an economically stable country, instead of using Military's shoulder to fire your pellets into minds of youth here on PDF.
And you think we are in good state to oppose the kings?
No we are good with not meddling in this matter.

We are fighting with terrorism, poverty, traitors, economical disaster. In our neighbors people like Iranian, Afghans and Indian exist.

Do you even realize, the crucial time Pakistan is going through? We can NOT afford wars or problems with our friends.

you wanted Pakistan in syria.

any particular reason why syria is halal and yemen is haram.

sorry i have a good memory
no, we enough men power for cannon fodder ... instead of giving employment to national, now we send the men power to fight and bring money home.
Pakistani men from all sects available to fight any war for any type of enemy . pay good dollar. shameful condition when people talk about sending there army to fight others war.
I hate it when our own countrymen don't have any hope about Pakistan

there are no good samaritans in the world looking for a selfless deed.

you may not pick a side. a side picks you then.
How about staying neutral in this case
The super power USA gave the region of the gulf states on a platter to pakistan---and the fools rejected it---. The terms used were---we don't want a war---we will not participate in a war
That is true the booty comes with war, but this was not the reason the Muslims fought war. If you do, then you are mistaken. Plus there is also a morality attach to it, by not participating in a Muslim Muslim conflict. If we could not help put out the fire, there is no reason adding fuel to the flame.
That is true the booty comes with war, but this was not the reason the Muslims fought war. If you do, then you are mistaken. Plus there is also a morality attach to it, by not participating in a Muslim Muslim conflict. If we could not help put out the fire, there is no reason adding fuel to the flame.


The zeal wears off very quickly when you realize that the widows and their children and dependants back home need funds to live on---.

No one fights a war for free---.


I don't know---I don't know if pakistani kids and men are illiterate---ignorant or are simply stupid or just simple plain JAHIL---.

Morality---babur vs Lodhi or Taimur vs Baybars---Damascus vs Salahuddin---syria vs iran---Nawab of Hyderabad vs other muslim Rulers---or the Dehli sultanate against other muslim rulers---.

Abdali vs the dehli rulers---Ghauri vs ???

Son---listen to Hasan Nisar---maybe this veil of innocence that you have might come of and you might begin to see the light---.
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