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Pakistan's Blunder Of Not Joining The Yemen War:---


The zeal wears off very quickly when you realize that the widows and their children and dependants back home need funds to live on---.

No one fights a war for free---.


I don't know---I don't know if pakistani kids and men are illiterate---ignorant or are simply stupid or just simple plain JAHIL---.

Morality---babur vs Lodhi or Taimur vs Baybars---Damascus vs Salahuddin---syria vs iran---Nawab of Hyderabad vs other muslim Rulers---or the Dehli sultanate against other muslim rulers---.

Abdali vs the dehli rulers---Ghauri vs ???

Son---listen to Hasan Nisar---maybe this veil of innocence that you have might come of and you might begin to see the light---.

The zeal wears off very quickly when you realize that the widows and their children and dependants back home need funds to live on---.

No one fights a war for free---.


I don't know---I don't know if pakistani kids and men are illiterate---ignorant or are simply stupid or just simple plain JAHIL---.

Morality---babur vs Lodhi or Taimur vs Baybars---Damascus vs Salahuddin---syria vs iran---Nawab of Hyderabad vs other muslim Rulers---or the Dehli sultanate against other muslim rulers---.

Abdali vs the dehli rulers---Ghauri vs ???

Son---listen to Hasan Nisar---maybe this veil of innocence that you have might come of and you might begin to see the light---.
Two wrong does not make it right. All that stupid citation doesn't mean they are adhere to Muslim values, those were just plunderer. They killed and raped and took the wealth and resources of each other. Then why are we getting up set when the US is kicking us around.
If you believe in a social Darwinism, then all you are, is an animal. With might is right mentality, then slighting your throat taking you property is a fair game. There is no doubt, kid, that we are animals, but we are supreme being if you think of others or less human when we resort to what you preach.
Two wrong does not make it right. All that stupid citation doesn't mean they are adhere to Muslim values, those were just plunderer. They killed and raped and took the wealth and resources of each other. Then why are we getting up set when the US is kicking us around.
If you believe in a social Darwinism, then all you are, is an animal. With might is right mentality, then slighting your throat taking you property is a fair game. There is no doubt, kid, that we are animals, but we are supreme being if you think of others or less human when we resort to what you preach.


Your comment is only for FEEL GOOD OCCASIONS---. In real lief----in practical terms---there is no such thing as ' two wrongs don't make a right '---.

Muslim governor of Otrar executed 25 mongol traders---. The mongols executed 5 million muslims---.

Serbian assasins killed Archduke Ferdinand---the resulting war killed 37 million people---.

Son---there is a limit to a man's stupidity and I hope you can remove this term from your vocabulary forever---.

What you learn from it---who gives a fck when egos are hurt---.

And I am most likely as old as your grand father---.

Our GCC associate dropped us another life line---. Our GCC associate gave us a bailout package when we needed it the most---when we were down and feeling hopeless and destitute---.

Saudi arabia---don't have to pay for oil for one year---kuwait a 10 million dollars for oil drilling---.

Now---prior to that---when we came under attack from india---our other neighbor iran threatened to attack us---.

It is about time that pakistan draws the line between pakistan and iran---. It is enough---the muslim brotherhood with iran must end---.

Iran has already decided what direction it needs to take---and in that direction there is nothing but destruction for pakistan---.

Pakistani kids and adults don't even know that the US was a major GERMAN ancestory nation ( germans were the highest number of immigrants at that time in the US )---but at the time of first and second WW---they joined hands with their other european cousins to fight against their ancestors---
I read this excuse a lot. Its distasteful in the sense that it is an indirect admission on a public forum that there are Pakistanis who would revolt against state of Pakistan .... for another country.

Why? Its not like Saudis don't have Shia population or iran doesn't have sunni population .... but its only people of Pakistan who have to somehow destroy Pakistani harmony.

Lame excuse and shouldn't be presented by Pakistani title holders on this forum ..... considering it doesn't reflect good on Pakistan and loyalties of its people.

If you think that won't happen then you are being oblivious to reality. Kin, religion tends to trump nationalism in Pakistan's case. It was the religion that brought this nation together and not Pakistaniat which is still an ongoing evolution.

You also don't realize the magnitude of the demographics. Pakistan has 30 million plus Shias. That is almost half the population of Iran and the entire population of KSA so this is not a small number to be discounted. We have a massive challenge on hand to keep things together.

Also this exercise is not about "reflecting" good, rather an assessment of the realities. Pakistan sends its forces to Yemen to put down a Shia movement has a pretty negative connotation. Its offensive and intrusive. This is not a case of Pakistan defending KSA. Pakistani troops being involved in the deaths of Shias is another explosive issue. This would be a long term involvement. It will bring about friction within the military and in the society. Been there, seen that with East Pakistan. So let's not be blind to what Pakistan and Pakistanis are.
It was the religion that brought this nation together and not Pakistaniat

What is the difference between the two?

I understand that it is being engineered and a work in progress to change the fundamentals of the state from religious to secular but what has this to do with securing a trade port?
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