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Pakistan's Biggest Threat

Who do you believe is Pakistan's Biggest Threat

  • India

    Votes: 20 19.6%
  • Afghanistan

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Tehrik-i-Taliban

    Votes: 46 45.1%
  • America

    Votes: 33 32.4%

  • Total voters
TTP is the most imminent threat as of now. In the long term, the biggest threat to Pakistan is PA and its wild ways. PA has consistently stopped democracy from blooming in Pakistan. Also PA has diverted and still diverts disproportional resources towards the military neglecting the general populace. All other problems of Pakistan are direct descendents of this root cause.

India, of course, is a threat. But countries as big as Pakistan cannot be destroyed by outside forces unless the internal forces help them. PA is the destabilizing force in Pakistan. PA was directly responsible for Bangladesh, no point blaming India(which only took advantage of the situation). I am sure, if the roles were reversed and Pakistan was in India's position, Pakistan would be glad to do a Bangladesh on India.
I personally believe the Iranian revolution was created by mossad, in order to cause a rift between America and Arab (Muslims), the relationship between the two was maturing due to Afghanistan/Arab /Pakistan (mujadden) axis.
The Iranian revolution pre-dated the Russian invasion of Afghanistan! And ff there's one truism pretty much everyone subscribes to, it's that oil runs thicker than blood in the middle east. The Shah used to sell Israel oil; the mullahs don't. So how can anyone believe that the Israelis had anything to do with putting the mullah in power?
IMO one of the biggest threat is the confusion amongst masses about who is the really enemy.
Some people say TTP and some others say it is because of USA and RAW TTP is doing good otherwise they are innocent people.
Also there is good amount of propoganda spread in Pakistan about x,y,z being involved without any substance. If this is done with purpose it is going to hurt a lot in coming times.
Forget the conspiracy theories, USA and India. I think the corruption and bad governance with “incompetent political leaders” are the biggest threat for the existence of Pakistan. It’s about time that the Pakistanis must change their behavior and think in terms of Pakistan first than themselves. Another future threat that no one has yet thought of is going to be the shortage of water.
why do pakistani members always drag Israel in any discussion and declare it as an enemy hell bent on destroying pakistan and explaining all sorts of conspiracy theories:blah:... ive hardly ever heard ANY anti Pakistani comment or propaganda by any Israeli leader or anyone else... then why such anti-Israel hysteria?

Btw i think Conspiracy theories are the biggest enemy of pakistan at the moment. :cheesy:
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India is no doubt the biggest threat to Pakistan. R&AW fuelling trouble in Baloch. India supplying arms to TTP and training them. India encircling Pakistan around Afghanistan. India supporting USA to drone attack Pakistanis. India and Israel propping up corrupt politicians in Pakistan to ruin the country. India propagating the concept of Pakistan being a "failed state". India seizing Kashmir which rightfully belongs to Pakistan. India refusing to convert it 800 million Hindus to Islam. Indian media projecting Pakistan in a bad light. Bollywood making anti Pakistan movies. India cutting off Pakistan's water. India dividing east and west Pakistan. Indian lobby in USA being responsible for Kerry Luger Bill which is ruining Pakistan. India buying Israeli weapons which agitates Pakistan. India keeping its large scale troops on Pakistan's eastern border and preventing Pakistan from sending its troops to NWFP to fight Taliban. India linking up with Israel to destroy Pakistan. India's obsession with Pakistan is ruining that poor nation. Shame on you India.

I'll agree with the last sentence, after working so hard on getting worked up on our neighbors, all we managed is a miserable third so far, ahead of just Afghanistan :hitwall:
Believe me, Pakistan is really not that important in the scheme of things. "Zionist state of Israel" has other things to attend do before thinking of secretive evil ways to wreak havoc on a country thousand miles away. But as they say, you can never be a good conspiracy theorist if you give importance to these minor details :)

I am not a theorist and not here to give " Lectures " my view is based on Research / Facts / Historical events , not on Personal beliefs / Inspiration / Hatred or any other interpersonal sense against Israel .

Though i respect your view that you have just given from the depth and the most possible and relevant knowledge you have .!

And this is what i am doing too , lets not forget the silent enemy is the most dangerous one , and everyone knows about Zionist Israel and its tactics against Pakistan , if someone doesn't there are many eye openers available , contact me if you need some:pakistan::pakistan:
...everyone knows about Zionist Israel and its tactics against Pakistan, if someone doesn't there are many eye openers available , contact me if you need -
Since it's part of the subject matter of the thread, I'm sure nobody will object if you present the details here - if you have any, that is.
Since it's part of the subject matter of the thread, I'm sure nobody will object if you present the details here - if you have any, that is.

Mr Solomon i would love to share some " Intel" with you guys but as long as i do not have any " hard" proof i cant do that , but here are some of the most we debated " FACTS"

Part 1:

The words of David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister, as printed in the Jewish Chronicle,9 August 1967, leave nothing to imagination:

"The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs.

This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps
against Pakistan. Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan. It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.

Part 2:

Israeli air force Tried to Attack Pakistan's nuclear facilities jointly with India , On july 07 1982 when IAF attacked Osiraq Nuclear facility and destroyed it Pakistan's then leader Gen Zia ul Haq issued a special contingency plan on july 10 1982 in order to repel such an attack on Kahota labs .

Through covert Channels Israel was sent a " Warning " if they Attacked kahuta Pakistan will destroy " Dimona" israel's nuclear facility in Negev Desert !

On may 13 1998 After indian nuclear tests a joint Indo israel attack on kahuta was highly anticipated.
Pakistan tested its devices on 28th of the following month while Pakistan Air force remained on a " Red alert " to protect kahuta .

in the same month Pakistan's ambassador to UNO Mr: Ahmad kamal told CNN that Pakistan has " Intelligence reports" confirming a Joint Indo isreal strike on Kahuta.

Here are his words:

" we are involved in this threat and making sure that it does not arise , but if it does then World must know that Pakistan is " Ready" that it will "react and the reaction would be Massive and decisive "
and it would lead us into a situation which will abode the peace not only in this region but "Beyond"

Ahmad kamal

PAF remained on a consistent Silent alert !

A Pakistani defense analyst " Hassan aksari Rizvi " said that 2 intelligence reports were received 1st a sighting of an " Unidentified F-16" on may 27 ( india does not have F-16's)
in Pakistan's Airspace which suggested the presence of an Israeli F-16 aircraft in the area!

2nd intelligence report suggested " unusual movement of Fighter jets just across to Pakistani border hinting a strike on Kahuta just like on Iraqi facilities "

So what we have learned so far? " There was an Israeli F-16 in Pakistan's airspace detected on 27th may 1998 a day before Pakistan's nuclear tests."

But the Mission was Aborted !!!
why?? good question.

1: Pakistan's strong Air force ( All of the PAF F-16's got air borne and flew over sensitive installations) / Air defense / Deployment of Ghauri Missiles on the Same day!

2: India was sent a " Message " to abort that mission either it would have a lot to Lose inc its Nuclear facilities too!

3: Fear of The Red Dragon :china: " India got a message from Chinese too / a strong one!"

4: Indian high Command got scared , they had to abort the mission and they Refused Israeli Pilots ( there were more Vipers on Srinagar airbase , i will talk about it later ) to refuel Indian soil after an attack was made .

5: Israel's fear of a Bloody response of the " Muslim world "

On the same date.
some Israeli F-16's were detected by a Spy satellite ( china-pak Intel sharing agreement ) Parked on Srinagar airbase in Occupied Kashmir . To India a message was sent " The presence of IAF vipers means an Attack on Pakistan's nuclear facilities , But India must know that we are " Watching" and even Before these Vipers will fly to Attack Us , we will destroy Mumbai & New deli to smoke and ashes "

As a consequence the Mission was aborted .!!!!!!


Part 3:

Israel in Kargil war!!

read this by an Indian author .
IntelliBriefs: How Israel helped India win the Kargil War

Israeli ambassador to India mentioned in His Interview how Israeli Commandos helped Indian forces and how Israel helped India in Fighting the War.!
'Israel helped India during Kargil'

Israel helped India turn around Kargil war?

In a startling revelation, the Israeli Ambassador in New Delhi, Mark Sofer, has said that his country had assisted India in 'turning around' the situation during the 1999 Kargil war with Pakistan.

In an interview with a weekly, the envoy disclosed how defence ties between the two countries got a boost after Kargil when Israel came to India's rescue at a critical time, helping turn around the situation on the ground.

'I think we proved to the Indian government that you can rely on us, that we have the wherewithal. A friend in need is a friend indeed,' he said.

He also disclosed that Indo-Israeli defence ties would go beyond mere selling-buying of arms.

'We do have a defence relationship with India, which is no secret. What is secret is what the defence relationship is? And with all due respect, the secret part will remain secret,' he said in the interview to Outlook weekly magazine.


My message to Pakistanis reading this Post:

Look one must know who are the real enemies , who are friends and foes !

BUT if you people decide to go back to " Sleep" once again after reading all of this article then i must say " Take some sleeping pills from me they might help"

I hope i have answered those who have a " Phobia" about conspiracies .... Wake up!!!! these are " facts"
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If someone needs the info which i cannot post here" PM" me.
Wow. Just....wow.

Whoever thinks that America is a greater threat than the TTP obviously doesn't live in Pakistan, and needs to stop listening to stupid wahabi propaganda.
Someone is wasting his youth typing inane one-liners in the mistaken belief that it makes him look smart.

Cheers, Doc

One "Liners" attract one liners Mr.

Youngsters dont need to " try" to look smart , they already are!!

Cheerz doc
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