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Pakistan's Biggest Threat

Who do you believe is Pakistan's Biggest Threat

  • India

    Votes: 20 19.6%
  • Afghanistan

    Votes: 3 2.9%
  • Tehrik-i-Taliban

    Votes: 46 45.1%
  • America

    Votes: 33 32.4%

  • Total voters
PAFAce has got at least one thing right.

We Indians are smug / condescending towards pakistan and pakistanis.

As the elder brother doing much better than the prodigal sibling, we reserve the right to be so.

Let us not act holier than thou / doodh ka dhula, and say you would not be the same had the shoe been on the other foot.

As brothers, at least you merit our attention ..... which is more than many other troubled countries in your situation can boast of.

Cheers, Doc
Either way, I think both you and Narad above have given us a pretty idea as to who is obsessed with whom.

My sole point so far has been that pakistan should divert the resources it uses to build its capabilities against India, to its own development, on priority. It is this reluctance that may be a threat to pakistan in future. The focus should be development and not bleeding India by a thousand cuts (as BB puts it) or a perpetual low intensity conflict with India (as mushy puts it).

If its something else that you are referring to as the "pretty idea" you got from my posts, then its sad.
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The biggest threat to Pakistan - the whole of South Asia in fact - is poverty, ignorance and hate. Every internal threat is basically caused by a combination of the three.
Pakistan is on the course for a very painful self-cleansing process. All the conspiracy theories in the world will not save Pakistan given the lack of attention to the economy and education. Our country remains the most underutilized but extremely talented nation and the jahalath of the masses is coming back to haunt us by the day.

The only thing that our people are capable of doing is to get further brainwashed by insecure and idiotic conspiracy theories about arseholes like Xe and Blackwater who are incapable of doing anything right. Everything going on in Pakistan that involves the foreigners is known to and being done with the approval of the GoP. It is just that our Governments are such a bunch of shameless haramis that they do not have the courage to come out and say to the people that we are useless ****s and incapable of sorting our own issues out thus we need the help of outsiders in tracking down our bad guys.

Our insecurity about the rest of the world and what it aims to do to us has mentally and psychologically retarded our thinking process to the point that we are incapable of clearly and concisely figuring out what is wrong with us. Instead what our people are being daily fed with is this regurgitated bullshit about how Pakistan being the bastion of the Islamic world is being targeted. Its a bastion of Islam only in the minds of these *****, self-centered people who come on day and night and rant about these things. Interestingly enough, no body outside of Pakistan and within the ummah thinks of Pakistan the same way.

In the neighboring Iran, despite daily overt threats to that country's nuclear program, life goes on without a peep of conspiracy theories. The Iranians being a much more educated bunch look at things much more analytically and then figure out their reaction despite the fact that they have US Naval carrier groups sitting in striking distance. And here our public is shitting their pants because some useless guns for hire are driving around the city armed with M-4s (for their own protection otherwise we know what happens to gorays in Pakistan).

Its high time for Pakistanis to grow some real gonads and be a bit more self-assured. The bloody capability that has taken 30+ years cannot be whisked away by outsiders. The motley band of US mercs are in all likelihood here in Pakistan under the knowledge of Pakistani Government and doing what the agreement allows them to do. The last thing the gorays do is to send their people in a hostile environment without any local support. Memories of bodies being dragged in the streets of Mogadishu are quite fresh in their minds and they most likely do not want to see a repeat of this in Pakistan.

The crowd is going pagal over non-issues because they are being fed BS by our many "pundits" and "experts" who for lack of "rozgar" have nothing better to do but get invited by like minded idiotic journalists to spout constant, illogical bakvaas on a daily basis.

The Kashmir issue is sitting as it has been over the past 60+ years and while the people and GsOP have gone nuts over this place, all it has done is to turn the rest of Pakistan into a shithole. The indians have absolutely zero interest in doing anything to change status-quo because it is only our side which is losing leverage by the day thanks to our idiotic policies and faltering economy and social system.
Tehrik-e-Taliban PAKISTAN is nothing but terrorist and big game with INDIA 1st USA is destroying itself in AFGHANISTAN in my opinion india is a big target of pakistan coz india will never accept our dignity n freedom
Who do you consider Pakistan's biggest threat ?

None of the Above. Pakistan biggest threat is Pakistani people and our corrupted Politicians. Problems in Pakistan is created by the people of Pakistan not someone from outside. Look at Malaysia, Indonesia, even Bangladesh doesn't have many problems as Pakistan.

Problem in Pakistan are not created by Mullahs or Islam. There are some group of Mullah on the payroll of India/Raw/Massad but that can be fixed easy.
Islam is the way of life and I guess some of us don't know that.

For last 60 years Pakistan have been blaming others (West, USA, Israel, British, India, Arabs states). Pakistan need to fix the problems it has been facing for a long time.

Every other democratic government is a puppet government who only cares about loot and stealing the money from the people of Pakistan. 60+ years old Kashmir conflict and there isn't a single Muslim country that support Pakistan on this issue. Not single Arab country (Government) support Pakistan on Kashmir Issue.

If a countries is internally weak (Political, Economic, lack of unity) no other country will support it. It will take a revolution to bring a change in Pakistan.

1) Remove landlord (zamidar,wadara,choudary) system, convert 4 into 16 Provinces or Super districts.

Re-organize the political system, 4 main party system, parties should be based on non-ethnic base.

3) Pakistan need one Islamic institute which control Islamic research and development (to stop Bidahti, stop unislamic Sufi practices, worshiping graves and URS (Singing, Dancing and smoking ganja at the qabr of buzrug), madaris and all Masajid.

4) Pakistan can request to be a junior member of GCC and GAFTA to have political and economic union with Arab states while still working with Turkey and Iran. If Turkey can be a part of NATO and Russia can become a Junior member of NATO then why Pakistan can't be part of GCC & GAFTA.
1. Pakistan's main problem is self grown Extremism.

Solution: Saudi style Islamic Shura system, all the madaris, masajid, Imambargahs, Jamat Khanas, Mandirs, Churches and Gurdwaras should be under the supervision of religious affairs.
Islamic seminaries (Madaris)- should implement South Africa Seminaries curriculum.

2. Abolish medieval feudal system of Pakistan ("Feudalism has to be abolished if the country is to prosper for all, and in peace.")

3. Unity, internal cohesion and political stability (“Internal cohesion and political stability are the products of a participatory political process that is broad-based, transparent and fair, offering equal opportunities to new aspirants to political power and influence.”) De-concentration of power to strengthening internal cohesion and moderating dissent.

4a. Social Justice and Equal Opportunity: Reform political and social life, promoting socio-economic justice for ordinary people as well as provincial rights & Economic development policies. Freedom from sectarianism

4b. Decentralization of Authority from Power to the People, Community-based Economics and Economic Justice. (Develop the country so we don't have to beg West for AID.) Create 16 smaller "Super districts" instead of 4 provinces.

5a. Develop Education system similar to South Korea. We need to build 50, 000 schools and 5,000 colleges and universities.

5b. Political Education process: Educated/ internship for those recently graduated with political science degree. Educating the Politicians of tomorrow.

6. As a major political party MQM/PPP should focus on water distribution among provinces, building of new dams for water storage and electricity generation, and demand for a new and more acceptable formula for distribution of taxes between the federal government and provinces.

7. Respect for Diversity: In last 60+ years Pakistan government hasn’t solved internal incoherence, they have alienated minorities like Balochi & Sindhi and Mohajir. Political Parties should work to promote harmony between different ethnic groups in Pakistan.

8a. Improvement of Financial system on City, State and Country level, reduced corruption.

8b. Stop Corruption, stupidity and greed.
No Corrupted Politician should be allowed to run for government office. MQM, PPP and PML-N need a new political leader/Party head. There should be no permanent party leader, party should selected for 2 years term and can't be selected for more then 3 terms.

9. Utilizing E-government technology, cut-overheard, developing new policies to improve over all political process. improved government office efficiency and administration.

10. Thousand more things

Click here to read my post on this subject --

Pakistan should create 16 smaller provinces or 16 "Super districts". (I created this Map 2 years ago, you may find it on many internet sites)

If pakistan fails as a state as some have stated will happen.

PAKISTANIS are to blame.

IF PAKISTAN comes out of indian shadow then kudos to pakistan.

Channel your limited resources but huge desire to beterment of pakistan

If pakistan fails as a state as some have stated will happen.

PAKISTANIS are to blame.

IF PAKISTAN comes out of indian shadow then kudos to pakistan.

Channel your limited resources but huge desire to beterment of pakistan


The main hurdle in progress of Pakistan is not in identifying the priorities. The main problem is in identifying those who alter the requisite priorities, and the imperative steps required for the betterment of the country as a whole. There is a tug of war for power among those elites and institutions, that are completely opaque to the commoners.

Purely my opinion: There is an omnipotent but completely hidden mental institution in Pakistan that has taken the responsibility of altering the ideology and outlook of Pakistanis for the sole purpose of keeping them blind to the basic problems faced by the state and the people themselves. This unsaid, unwritten institution is run by the elites who keep projecting the solutions to outside secondary problems as the first and foremost duty of each and every single Pakistani. First, such projections (ex: East Pakistan/Kashmir/Afghanistan/Tajikistan/Iran/Israel) serve the sole purpose of diverting the frustration of an already frustrated mass away from, an impending meaningful revolution, to the selfish means of those elites. Second, and more importantly, these problems may empower the elites to use the finances and resources of the state, but not be held accountable for the same. It is not like they are building roads and schools in Pakistan, that can be seen and verified by even an illiterate poor man.

I have come to this conclusion after carefully analyzing the hugely contrasting differences between Jinnah's and Liaqat's foundation, and today's Pakistan. That Pakistan, and this Pakistan, are completely opposite of each other, changed through time for the sake of selfish purposes of its leaders. These leaders, from time to time, kept changing the policies of Pakistan, and very disrespectfully kept twisting the founder's ideology and constitution to eliminate their rivals. However, amazingly, although sitting at opposing poles of ideologies, none of these leaders fails to command utmost respect from the common Pakistanis.

To me this fact shows only one thing: The powerful leaders and institutions of Pakistan continue this tug of war while making sure no other rivals emerge from the mass to their level, for that particular rival will change the face of Pakistan giving away the much needed power back to the people. One such example was a powerless Mohajir from Sindh called *Altaf Hussain. This man shared nothing in common with the traditional elites, and he did command the mass. However, fearing an alteration in that hidden, unsaid, unseen, mental institution, the elites joined hands, and this man was thrown out of Pakistan. Their tug of war still continues, and that mental institution is omnipotent.

*Please do not take my naming this man here as my vouching for his honesty or anything as such. I mentioned his name in the context where I find it suits the best, and appearance of his name in this post serves no further purpose.
The main problem is in identifying those who alter the requisite priorities, and the imperative steps required for the betterment of the country as a whole. There is a tug of war for power among those elites and institutions, that are completely opaque to the commoners. Purely my opinion: There is an omnipotent but completely hidden mental institution in Pakistan that has taken the responsibility of altering the ideology and outlook of Pakistanis for the sole purpose of keeping them blind to the basic problems faced by the state and the people themselves.
What you need to look for and find are those institutions and people in them who wield government power without being accountable to the people, either to the people or their elected representatives. Those people form an aristocracy accountable only to themselves. That is the part of government that must be changed.
What you need to look for and find are those institutions and people in them who wield government power without being accountable to the people, either to the people or their elected representatives. Those people form an aristocracy accountable only to themselves. That is the part of government that must be changed.

Yes Solomon2, that lack of accountability is the main problem. And their nexus goes from the police of morality, to the protectors of border, to the political faces of Pakistan. There is a cut-throat competition among them to attain greater power, then again, they all unite whenever they see a threat to their powerful positions. Sadly, few Pakistanis possess the eye to look through them critically.
Father of the nation i believe is the best man to answer this question and he did answer it. We just keep forgetting it from time to time. Unfortunately he is not around anymore( has not been for long time) to show us the way. We need to look back at what he told us, what ever he said back then is still valid today.
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