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Pakistan's Battlefield Nuclear Policy A Risky Solution to an Exaggerated Threat

Normal logic does not apply to pakistan. Its not a country but an army having a country. As such their main aim is to save the army not the country or its ppl. Think of it which country will think of exploding nukes on its own land or have so called strategic depth in a neighboring country at the cost of its ppl & land.
Here comes a typical butt hurt Indian with his idiotic philosophy.
All these stories of using nasr on Pakistani soil were first given by Indians in various forums and they are propogating this bull shit again and again.

And the reaaon behind this is because nasr has hit hard infact very hard on the balls of cold start doctrine.
Advanced simulation from one of the world's best engineering schools, one that does these kind of simulations for the US military too.

While I disagree with the use of battlefield nuclear weapons, such systems still have a detrimental effect on an enemy beyond the destruction of equipment.

Even if only 13 tanks would be destroyed in the above scenario for the givne yield, that forces Indian military personal t have to slow their assault to decontaminate an area of exploit an alternative path due to radioactive waste and wrecked land and military equipment.

That takes time to execute. Conducting CBRN exercises during wartime is a timely affair that doesn't allow for infantry cover of CBRN crew, air support or artillery support, except by specialized or specially trained units and personal. This leaves the CBRN crew vulnerable as well as units awaiting clearance to move through decontaminated land.






You can't rush these types of operations. It takes time to decontaminate an area, time to move CBRN crews to that area, time to move CBRN equipment to non-trained units on the front-line, units that can't move until the area is decontaminated, assuming they aren't being moved elsewhere to exploit another area of attack.

Destroying a handful of tanks with a NASR or babur missile doesn't just destroy infrastructure or tanks, it leaves dangerous radiological contamination that, like a sniper, can hold up an army.

Exactly. Simulations are just exactly that. They provide insight in limited predefined parameters, but don't go beyond that. They can never be a substitute for realtime scenarios. Don't be too sure about these numbers. They are just predictions. A nuclear war no matter how small and confined cannot be simulated entirely and accurately. Not even by the best engineering school on the planet.

Here comes a typical butt hurt Indian with his idiotic philosophy.
All these stories of using nasr on Pakistani soil were first given by Indians in various forums and they are propogating this bull shit again and again.

And the reaaon behind this is because nasr has hit hard infact very hard on the balls of cold start doctrine.

The fvckers have been planning a mass invasion for some time. They openly boasted about their cowardly cold doctrine. The reason why these fvckers act so hostile is because they know that this amazing deterrent has put their sh!tty doctrine in cold storage. Let them now make the mistake of even stepping a foot on our soil. The consequences are going to be so fvcking disastrous. One cannot even imagine what we will do these skinny veggies.
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Your whole post is based on assumption.
Who the hell has told you that we will explode nuclear bomb on Pakistan soil to stop Indian advancement inside Pakistan.

Only an idiot will do so, and secondly why you need a ballistic missile to target inside your area.
Its Your Approach to Target Mobile Forces With Nukes
Nukes Is deterrent Its Last resort in war That Why Even the World Most Old Rivalry Realized In Cold war
That's Why I respect Both US & Russia Because Even in Most Sadistic Rivalries These To Nation Keep there calm and Retort there Ambition For Global well Being

All Indian Invading Forces Is to do Is to carry this Beauty With them-self See For how much time this Stupidity last
Its Your Approach to Target Mobile Forces With Nukes
Nukes Is deterrent Its Last resort in war That Why Even the World Most Old Rivalry Realized In Cold war
That's Why I respect Both US & Russia Because Even in Most Sadistic Rivalries These To Nation Keep there calm and Retort there Ambition For Global well Being

All Indian Invading Forces Is to do Is to carry this Beauty With them-self See For how much time this Stupidity last
Wow words of wisdom.
So you respect the country which is the only country who has used nuclear weapons on civilians not once but twice.
I salute your sense of responsibility

By the way Indian plz enlighten us why will we nuke our own people and not the Indian infantry and armoured division moving towards our boarders well inside Indian territory.
Wow words of wisdom.
So you respect the country which is the only country who has used nuclear weapons on civilians not once but twice.
I salute your sense of responsibility

By the way Indian plz enlighten us why will we nuke our own people and not the Indian infantry and armoured division moving towards our boarders well inside Indian territory.

Thank God we got the nukes. These Modi toadies are the worst kind you will ever see. We'll keep them in check with Nasr. Just what the doctor prescribed.
To all the arm chair nuclear threat analysts please listen carefully :lol:
Since the NASR missile has already put the Indian cold start doctrine to it,s deathbed the indian desperation is clear regarding the use of NASR.I have seen plenty of such funny assumption based estimates of fatalities on pakistani soil and their final evaluation was just to show that NASR is a complete waste of time and resources and no power in this world can stop a advancing mighty indian army of shiva and Brahma :lol:
NASR carry a neutron bomb and it will only cause human fatalities and destroy the man power military equipment which makes the invasion successful.And it won,t left a pakistani land radioactive for decades as most indians claimed .It will just make the invasion route radio active for a time being and stop the invasion by indian forces as @Sven already said.
As far the pakistani civlian casualties are concerned in the full war ,civilian casualties are inevitable even in the conventional warfare.so what,s the big deal here and how it NASR any more harmful than a artillery shells hitting our own civilian villages at chawinda sector?Oh and more thing is that those exaggerated pakistani civilian fatalities does not make sense when NASR is aimed at and capable of only hitting the advancing indian army columns with almost pin point accuracy.Yes the civilians around also suffer but the scenario definitely won,t be like killing thousands of Pakistani civilians just to destroy few tanks of indian army :lol: If the NASR will be used let me remind you most vicitms(90%) will belong to indian army.
So stop embarrassing yourself and try to come up with a new doctrine which actually works against paksitan :)
The study posted is swearly flawed and erroneous.
They assumed that Nasr is a WW2. design nuclear weapons which had efficiency of 2% and only 2% of fissile material fissioned and 98% just dissipated over large area contaminating the area with radioactivity.
That's why they are putting such high numbers of civilian casualties.
But Nasr has a very advanced trigger increasing efficiency and not much residual heavy radioactive material to linger on in the area killing civilians.
The other assumption the study makes is that Nasr will try to destroy tanks and armoured columns with blast heat and pressure wave, that's why they are putting such low numbers of Tank casualties.
In reality Nasr isn't designed to create blast wave,heat or pressure wave. It is designed to create a very high energy large Neutron flux,which travels much farther than Blast pressure wave and also penetrates Armour which blast waves cannot.
Nasr isn't a destruction weapon it's a disablement weapon. Figure that out.
The study posted is swearly flawed and erroneous.
They assumed that Nasr is a WW2. design nuclear weapons which had efficiency of 2% and only 2% of fissile material fissioned and 98% just dissipated over large area contaminating the area with radioactivity.
That's why they are putting such high numbers of civilian casualties.
But Nasr has a very advanced trigger increasing efficiency and not much residual heavy radioactive material to linger on in the area killing civilians.
The other assumption the study makes is that Nasr will try to destroy tanks and armoured columns with blast heat and pressure wave, that's why they are putting such low numbers of Tank casualties.
In reality Nasr isn't designed to create blast wave,heat or pressure wave. It is designed to create a very high energy large Neutron flux,which travels much farther than Blast pressure wave and also penetrates Armour which blast waves cannot.
Nasr isn't a destruction weapon it's a disablement weapon. Figure that out.

So this is supposed to be a simulation by the best engineering school? This is good though. It means they don't have an idea of our capability. Not even a clue.

Wow words of wisdom.
So you respect the country which is the only country who has used nuclear weapons on civilians not once but twice.
I salute your sense of responsibility

By the way Indian plz enlighten us why will we nuke our own people and not the Indian infantry and armoured division moving towards our boarders well inside Indian territory.

You see, the Indians have already made the decision that a war against us is going to be fought on their terms. Meaning, if they say that we won't nuke their infantry and armored division we will oblige. That is the Indian perception of how this war is going to be waged.
This is Indian logic. Be the first to produce nuclear weapons and threaten a neighbor by its use. Yet, shed crocodile tears when the neighbor opts to have them for its security. Don't make us laugh.

No. Indian logic is either no one should have nukes or everybody should have nukes. Pretty fair right?
So this is supposed to be a simulation by the best engineering school? This is good though. It means they don't have an idea of our capability. Not even a clue.

You see, the Indians have already made the decision that a war against us is going to be fought on their terms. Meaning, if they say that we won't nuke their infantry and armored division we will oblige. That is the Indian perception of how this war is going to be waged.
That's what happens when you are biased and have fixed ideas in your head, your intellect gets tainted.
The MIT students who wrote this study have the perception that Pakistan has primitive nuclear weapon design and unable to make sophisticated Ceramic capacitor based trigger mechanisms and unable to make staged Fission fusion devices . Which is what nasr is, a layered fission fusion device.
The 5 kt TNW is estimated to destroy 13 Indian MBTs

The least causalities in the outskirts of Rahim Yar Khan and Sukkur.

May i know who told U that we would be actually waiting for U to enter our borders so we can happily fire Nasr inside our own territory? U failed to understand the very basic rule of deployment of Nasr, it is dubbed as death to Indian Cold start doctrine as it is suppose to hit the massively gathered attacking formations inside Indian territory. Also can U plz just justify for sake of sanity that how on earth wud 5Kt of TNW wud destroy only 13 Indian MBTs? Are U kidding me?
It only shows that your immature attempt to mass occupy Pakistan through conventional means has been laid to permanent rest. Remember, this capability has been developed to put the Indian cold doctrine in its deathbed. Your emotional response confirms our success. This capability now ensures that India will have to think a million times before even attempting any misadventure.

Now, interestingly you talk about genocide. Didn't your coward country think about this before introducing nuclear weapons in the subcontinent? What happened to your false national pride mantra there? Let me guess, you are one of those hypocrites that likes to deal in double standards.

This is Indian logic. Be the first to produce nuclear weapons and threaten a neighbor by its use. Yet, shed crocodile tears when the neighbor opts to have them for its security. Don't make us laugh.

EXACTLY! That is why india was so powerless to attack Pakistan after mumbai 26/11/2008 despite india having abundant access to advanced Russian and western high-tech weapon systems.
Even if only 13 tanks would be destroyed in the above scenario for the given yield, that forces Indian military personal to have to slow their assault to decontaminate an area or exploit an alternative path due to radioactive waste and wrecked land and military equipment.

The battlefield is very large for the IA. If an IBG survives, it won't sit around waiting to decontaminate the area. And there will be multiple IBGs in reserve and waiting before the strike corps are in position for the main invasion.

The IA has no interest in capturing cities. Threatening cities while capturing important objectives in Pak is more than enough. Say, IA can move into the heartland of Pak and assist in the overthrowing of the Baloch province in the favour of a new country. Now, there's TTP. There are many other irregular groups around which create safe zones for Indian troops to operate in.

And the useless spammers @randomradio attacks this thread.

Same back at you and your exaggeration on nukes.

India has better weapons to destroy tanks from the air than Pak does. The best you can come up with is an outdated neutron bomb.
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