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Pakistan's Army Is the Real Obstacle to Peace

this thread is bad. Criticizing one of the best army in the world for the works of some cowards backed by those who wish to eliminate pakistan is not good. I hope
My brothers won't tolerate
this thread is bad. Criticizing one of the best army in the world -
If the U.S. Army had fostered a terror group which then turned around and started slaughtering Americans it would be accounted the most incompetent and stupid Army in the world, not one of the best.
If the U.S. Army had fostered a terror group which then turned around and started slaughtering Americans it would be accounted the most incompetent and stupid Army in the world, not one of the best.

Osama Bin Laden :hitwall:
Mira didn't claim that Bhatti was murdered for blasphemy, but for "doing his job."
Dont try to feed me BS, you know what i meant. Still, 'the job Bhatti was doing' included his voice in support of the Pakistani Christians' basic rights.

In other words, you refuse to make his righteous cause your own. Is that an appropriate way to honor his memory?
Like i said, dont feed me BS and dont you dare extrapolate my comments to whatever that suites you.

We all stand by Bhatti's cause. BTW, we dont require a Martin Luther King for the purpose.

And you are glossing over the incompetence and irresponsibility of an Army that bred "stateless" terrorists to go after its enemies yet allowed the to escape control and run amok among its own citizens instead. Those soldiers didn't have to die if Pakistan wasn't so keen on embracing terrorism.
Army that bred stateless terrorists? Are you sure?

Last time i checked Talibans were formed with the money and weaponry the CIA provided us.
Also had the yanks thought just one bit that the ghost that they created in the 80s would come back to haunt them again in the 2000, they would sure never had abandoned the war torn Afghans after the Soviet defeat, nor did they had turn their a$$es towards the agency that had made success possible for them.

She thinks that 9/11's most important effect is that it allowed Pakistan's Army to extract huge funds from the U.S. once more. You know your officials. Would they really think sacrificing a couple of thousand little Pakistanis and a few big opponents wasn't worth the price of keeping their wealth and power? Their fathers, after all, were the ones who invaded and raped and slew East Pakistan into Bangladesh, and were not called to account afterward.
That's what the our ultra-liberals who never had studied, lived or had been brought up in Pakistan think. (Un)Fortunately it suites to your sensibilities too. BTW, if she's right then why dont you people just fcuk yourselves alone in Afghanistan without our support? Last time i checked, the yanks were still asking us to operate in North Waziristan, they termed it crucial for their success inside Afghanistan. Now i dont know whois right, an ex-teen namley Mira or those who know the stratagem of war very well. And guess what, next time you tried to play a smarta$$ by sugercoating 'little' Pakistanis and bringing in the indian bee ess of X millions rapes in Y many days by Z many Pakistani soldiers in E.Pakistan, believe me i'll insult you!

Xeric, I think you're among the more sane Pakistanis here, but this line either shows you as ignorant or (more likely) as one who makes extremely repulsive value choices if you think that was the Taliban's only sin!
Why dont you tell me their other sins against mainland United States of America. May be i am ignorant. Let's see how the bastard child you left for us to bring up fits in your reasoning to open war upon this world.

As the P.A. knows quite well, "sealing" borders is a fool's errand that wastes resources, not sound strategy.
Pakistan Army wants to seal the border, but then as you want to keep a finger of yours inside the Pakistani hole et al, you dont want the border to be sealed. But then it was too late before you guessed that some holes can have snakes in them.
How about the ISAF beat the terrorists and they transgress into Pakistani territory and then the PA do the same and they move back to that little belt across the Pakistani border inside Afghanistan where no ISAF soldier DARES to venture. How about this ping pong game continue for another decade. Let's see for how long the yanks can sustain it. BTW, if you remember we have been saying that if Afghani govt is ready to share the cost we can construct a fence there, or may be if the US really wants that this war should actually end for once and all, she might have already spent only a fraction of $$ it had spent on the active war and get the damn border sealed.

We call this height of begairati.

I do not believe you. Among the Egyptians it was precisely the righteousness of the Bush Administration at democracy-promotion that the revolutionaries found appealing.
And i though you were Jewish.

The P.A. did when it provided refuge to the Talibs in 2001.
Wake up and get your facts straight.
We were in bed with the Talibs since the day you people funded and then turned your a$$es toward both of us.

Sorry, don't understand, could you expand this explanation further?
What next? Goo goo gaa gaa language, may be?

Judging by the cheering lawyers who supported ST's murder, aren't the "sane minds" less clear-headed than they have ever been?
Who lawyers? Oh the ones who beat the Police every now and then and refuse to abide by the law themselves?
Guud choice solomon, guud choice. Now i am really impressed by your 'correct' understanding of our society.

I call that the "everyone is equally good" fallacy. Take a tour of a prison sometime. Doesn't it have its own share of a$$holes? Who is to say that the population in a prison is any better than the one outside it? Aren't prisoners just as good as everyone else?

Why go to the prison. If you want to see your own AHs, why dont you just have a look at your local news channel back at home?
nice fantasy writer
if that writer is really a Lahore native then she should pray that the evil army doesnt feed her to taliban

Or worst; the villain army orchestrating the events such that she end up being video tapped while being flogged.

We may have another Mukhtaran Mai then.
REPLY @ SOLOMOON2......................................................................................o hello...don't try to be over smart we know Americans.1st u beg to have colaboration with ISI and now u say u are innocent wow .....it was u and your Zionist lobby who wanted taliban to be created and to stop USSR ......i think let alone u must have being pissing in your pants...
Dont try to feed me BS, you know what i meant.
No, I don't. You're not one of those who thinks I'm an Indian, are you?

dont you dare extrapolate my comments to whatever that suites you.
I will continue to apply logical deduction and induction as I see fit.

Army that bred stateless terrorists? Are you sure?...Last time i checked Talibans were formed with the money and weaponry the CIA provided us...Why dont you tell me their other sins against mainland United States of America. May be i am ignorant.
All the CIA's idea. Pakistan kept the CIA far away from the Taliban project, the only interaction the U.S. had with the Taliban in the 1990s seems to have been through our diplomats: link

Also had the yanks thought just one bit that the ghost that they created in the 80s would come back to haunt them again in the 2000, they would sure never had abandoned the war torn Afghans after the Soviet defeat -
You don't think we did what our loyal ally, Pakistan, desired? To leave Afghanistan totally within its sphere-of-influence and without America's further meddling?

That's what the our ultra-liberals who never had studied, lived or had been brought up in Pakistan think. (Un)Fortunately it suites to your sensibilities too.
Almost certainly the Pakistanis I've interacted with here can be classed as ultra-liberals. However, you have not demonstrated that my analysis is mistaken as a result.
Pakistan Army wants to seal the border, but then as you want to keep a finger of yours inside the Pakistani hole et al, you dont want the border to be sealed.
The idea of "sealing borders", even with fences, is totally unworkable in irregular and mountainous terrain for ANY army and no one knows that better than the P.A. which has great experience in penetrating such borders.
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