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Pakistan's Army Is the Real Obstacle to Peace

I wonder why isn't Jews army is obstacle for peace for what they are doing in Palestine

I wonder why isn't US army is obstacle for peace for what they are doing in Afghanistan and Iraq (killing civilians)

I wonder why isn't Indian army is obstacle for peace for what they are doing in Kashmir

These Hippocratics have no idea what they are talking about
If you can show me that Pakistan's Army has demonstrated repeated accountability to Pakistan's elected civilian leadership I'd be more than happy to reverse my agreement with the words of the author.

And if you show us that Pakistan's civilian leadership has demonstrated accountability to the people of Pakistan, we all will SHUT UP.

---------- Post added at 05:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:13 PM ----------

Its like asking for supporting facts if you say that pakistan has chances to win world cup?

You don't understand what denial means, do you? Go look it up. Can't remember how many times some bharati has thrown that word around without knowing what it means.
It is a great poster for Pakistani freedom of speech - that ms sethi, can speak her bs - safe in the fact - that their are young men and women, awake and vigilant - so she can speak, I think the irony is lost on her.
It is a great poster for Pakistani freedom of speech - that ms sethi, can speak her bs - safe in the fact - that their are young men and women, awake and vigilant - so she can speak, I think the irony is lost on her.
Why shouldn't she be able to speak? It's not like she's a dissenting minister or parliamentarian or is challenging the regime. She's just describing it.
Why shouldn't she be able to speak? It's not like she's a dissenting minister or parliamentarian or is challenging the regime. She's just describing it.


I pak members are using this article as a trump card for freedom of speech..well then the stae of affairs in pakistan is really sad.It seems pak members have forgotten what it means to have a truly liberal pov and not be scared of making ot public a, and if need arises , be proactively spreading teh awareness
Pakistan army has not earned respect from pakistanis..it has demanded respect from pakistanis.....and I do agree with the writer.....Pakistan army has made pakistan the most unstable state in the world over the years
Pakistan army has not earned respect from pakistanis..it has demanded respect from pakistanis.....and I do agree with the writer.....Pakistan army has made pakistan the most unstable state in the world over the years

what non sense ...! are you living in cave ..
This is the biggest piece of crap load article i have ever read in my life... for minutes i was trying to make sense out of it ... as to what, why and from where. I author has absolutely no idea what she is talking about .... I dare not say that Pakistan Army has nothing to do with where we stand and past horrendous mistakes are surely haunting us now but to state that we are holding the world at ransom ...!! that was actually funny. The girl really needs to get her history lessons again and her facts straightened up for herself. I offer you today, write an article of hope and vision and send it to any newspaper and they will never publish it .... no matter what ... at the same time ... write anything that tarnishes a national institution, defame an organization, especially if uses army as the punching bag ... and VIOLA!!! you'll be published ... try it and see for yourself ....!!!!
If you can show me that Pakistan's Army has demonstrated repeated accountability to Pakistan's elected civilian leadership I'd be more than happy to reverse my agreement with the words of the author.

Can you show me that the civilian leadership of Pakistan has ever been truly sincere and held themselves accountable to the people of Pakistan ?? Just give one instance. Even this govt, even though army has not said anything to them and fully supports it, is filling its pockets and taking the country to worse, rather then making this country better. These same poiticians who are sitting on the opposition benches tomorrow are gonna knock at the doors of the GHQ with the plea to save Pakistan from these corrupt thugs, and the cycle goes on. So, why would army be any better ??

Guys like you come yelling after the army, forgetting that your own country, the great US supported all the dictators which have come in Pakistan, and supported to the full extent till their own objectives met. So, kindly before trying to understand the army, try to understand our politicians, who bang on the doors of GHQ to safe Pakistan as they can't do it for Pakistan, since these all politicians are from one bag.

And also, before lecturing us, kindly ask your own govt, to not support dictators, be they are in Pakistan or anywhere around the world. Plus, before showing us the mirror, which we are looking at, do look yourselves up in the mirror. Told you that many time though, but alas since you are after Pakistan, it seems you don't have time for your own self.
Pakistan army has not earned respect from pakistanis..it has demanded respect from pakistanis.....and I do agree with the writer.....Pakistan army has made pakistan the most unstable state in the world over the years

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guys such are "side effects" of open media and freedom of speech.. a good news from pakistan though, as far as freedom of speeech is concerned..
All right, we have a "No, I can't demonstrate the P.A. is accountable and the author is wrong" from the moderator. Anybody else?

Guys like you come yelling after the army, forgetting that your own country, the great US supported all the dictators...look yourselves up in the mirror-
Excuses. I'm here at PDF talking to you, if I give a donation does that mean I'll be accused of "supporting" you to the extent that I'll be considered responsible for the words and deeds of every Pakistanis here?
All right, we have a "No, I can't demonstrate the P.A. is accountable and the author is wrong" from the moderator. Anybody else?

Excuses. I'm here at PDF talking to you, if I give a donation does that mean I'll be accused of "supporting" you to the extent that I'll be considered responsible for the words and deeds of every Pakistanis here?

why are you dragging in the moderator thingy ?? Did i said something which gave you the impression that i am using my mod tools ?? Did i threaten in any way that you are bringing in my moderating title ?? I replied you as a Pakistani and not as a moderator.

Yeah, you guys do become responsible, when the dictator comes why don't you guys sanction that country ?? Did u guys sanction when mushy came in power, 9/11 happens and u guys give him a free pass, same case with Zia, free passes for more then a decade and u guys don't say anything and let them do whatever they want and even give them money. So, you, the so called biggest champion of democracy around the world, should have acted like one, not when your own objectives met and then through out the dictator or ask him to leave his seat.

And do read my post again, i did not defended the army, i said they are the same, wht makes them different, they are human being too, thus prone to blunders.

But my point is, kindly see both sides of the coin, criticizing the army for its wrong doing is rightful as army is not for playing politics, but on the other hand, do criticize the political leadership too, which leaves vacuums to be filled by the army.

Army's role is to defend the borders, not play politics, but when politicians are not upto their mark, who else will take their place, the army obviously.

So, the political leadership has to make itself strong that army can not come into play.

Had political leaders been strong and had been doing good for the country the masses would have come into the streets to protect their leaders, but alas here, when politicians are removed, ordinary masses distribute sweets on getting rid of the politicians and welcome the army and the cycle goes on.
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