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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

Is there any use of stealth AEWCs
In my humble opinion, it would be useful in as much you would have your eyes in the sky which the enemy won't be able to detect without some difficulty (i.e. until too late). But it should have LPI sensors like AESA and shouldn't come at too much of an additional cost.
In my humble opinion, it would be useful in as much you would have your eyes in the sky which the enemy won't be able to detect without some difficulty (i.e. until too late). But it should have LPI sensors like AESA and shouldn't come at too much of an additional cost.

One lower cost option is to use aesa blimps tethered to the ground.. It can be detected but there can be many decoy higher reflector smaller blimps around complicating the target for enemy aircraft.


Another option is not a B2 bomber copy but a propeller pusher delta wing body like a larger version of the one below. It would at least be semi-stealthy if the propeller blades are curved & ram painted. It can be an uav and removing the pilot cabin and there can be a long sideways+forward looking aesa radar on top at the place of the pilot cockpit.

The Boeing 737 AEW&C- E-7A Wedgetail is by far the best platform in the world right now. If Pakistan can "buy" any platform from the US as it is "still" considered a non-nato military allie, ie it is prepared to pay full dollars for it(or F16s as numerous senators in the US have said), then should it not buy this 1 or 2 units of this platform to complement the current fleet, support the F16s better and stop the Indians from getting it? India will not buy this platform if PAF operates it also.

Some good use of the platform recently.

Surely, the risk versus reward ratio on this makes it a more worthwhile acquistion than F16s?

If India purchases this platform, it will hurt PAF far far more than any other acquistion that India can make right now. It will complement the Rafales perfectly to provide network centric warfare capabilities which it currently lacks... it will negate alot of the work the PAF has done in the last 10years by equalising the arm arms interms of an integrated, network war fighting capabilities.
The Boeing 737 AEW&C- E-7A Wedgetail is by far the best platform in the world right now. If Pakistan can "buy" any platform from the US as it is "still" considered a non-nato military allie, ie it is prepared to pay full dollars for it(or F16s as numerous senators in the US have said), then should it not buy this 1 or 2 units of this platform to complement the current fleet, support the F16s better and stop the Indians from getting it? India will not buy this platform if PAF operates it also.

Some good use of the platform recently.

Surely, the risk versus reward ratio on this makes it a more worthwhile acquistion than F16s?

If India purchases this platform, it will hurt PAF far far more than any other acquistion that India can make right now. It will complement the Rafales perfectly to provide network centric warfare capabilities which it currently lacks... it will negate alot of the work the PAF has done in the last 10years by equalising the arm arms interms of an integrated, network war fighting capabilities.
uh im pretty sure E2-D is the best awacs platform around, especially since the D variant incorporates a GaN based Phased Array which gives it the longest range of any awacs in the world.
uh im pretty sure E2-D is the best awacs platform around, especially since the D variant incorporates a GaN based Phased Array which gives it the longest range of any awacs in the world.

God Almighty!

The E-2D's radar and identification friend or foe (IFF) system can detect targets at ranges in excess of 345 miles (556 km)

uh im pretty sure E2-D is the best awacs platform around, especially since the D variant incorporates a GaN based Phased Array which gives it the longest range of any awacs in the world.

The E2-D platform is small and will not have the signal signal processing and computing performance available to it as the WedgeTail will have. It is not 'just' the radar transmitting energy that is important, it is also the associated signal processing and computing power to be able to extract as much information from the returned energy as possible that is also important. That is the advantage that the Wedgetail brings..

... alongside the much larger number of operator consoles to make decisions based on all that extra information...

The Indian's are using P8A's to monitor chinese and pakistani troop movements, that shows you how much additional capacity these larger platforms bring to the table and the P8A's were made for naval operations...
God Almighty!

The E-2D's radar and identification friend or foe (IFF) system can detect targets at ranges in excess of 345 miles (556 km)

Yep, in stop/stare mode the range jumps to 540nmi/1000km.


The E2-D platform is small and will not have the signal signal processing and computing performance available to it as the WedgeTail will have. It is not 'just' the radar transmitting energy that is important, it is also the associated signal processing and computing power to be able to extract as much information from the returned energy as possible that is also important. That is the advantage that the Wedgetail brings..

... alongside the much larger number of operator consoles to make decisions based on all that extra information...

The Indian's are using P8A's to monitor chinese and pakistani troop movements, that shows you how much additional capacity these larger platforms bring to the table and the P8A's were made for naval operations...

The E2-D platform is small and will not have the signal signal processing and computing performance available to it as the WedgeTail will have. It is not 'just' the radar transmitting energy that is important, it is also the associated signal processing and computing power to be able to extract as much information from the returned energy as possible that is also important. That is the advantage that the Wedgetail brings.."

Meh, this isnt really the case with modern electronics, you can pack alot more power in a smaller space now. Besides, they would not overspec the radar by such a margin without the processing power to back it up. In terms of operator consoles, sure, thats true to some extent i guess, but you can also make the other arguement that less operators consoles is better, less cost etc etc.

Lastly, in terms of using P8's to monitor Pak troop movements, ok? The PN used P3s to monitor insurgents also? Point being? You can do the same job with smaller platforms, i.e the ELINT King Airs the PA operates, or something like the SAAB Swordfish/globaleye, infact, the E2s are also capable of monitoring the ground situation, granted, this would be via their radar and ESM suite, as opposed to an EO sensor like the STAR SAFIRE of the P8, however, they are still capable of conducting the same role from standoff ranges.
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