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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

PAF AWACS Fleet | PAF SAAB 2000 | PAF ZDK 03 Airborne Early Warning & Control System 2020


Turning past the 26,600-foot Nanga Parbat, two Photo Reconnaissance Mirage-IIIRPs head for the highest battle zone of the world, the Siachen glacier. Providing combat escort, a pair of watchful F-16s follow, while the operational crew in the DA-20 (foreground) ensure that the four fighters receive all the electronic support they need.

Wing Commander Masood Akhtar Pilot
Squadron Leader Aftab Iqbal Co-Pilot
Squadron Leader Ayaz-ul-Haque Controller
Squadron Leader Pervez A Khan Controller
Flight Lieutenant M Nawaz Electronics

Flight Lieutenant Asad Lodhi
Flight Lieutenant Nasir Kamran

Wing Commander Shahzad Chaudhry
Squadron Leader Gul Abbas Mela

eyrie cannot be compared with phalcons...phalcons r way to advanced than eyries.eyries r suitable for small airforces.phalcons can easily jam the elctronics of eyrie and make it isolate from its ground based radars and PAF aircrafts.then it will be an easy target for IAF fighters.
Just wondering where is this dude nowadays???
well what to prove???PHALCON IS THE WORLDS MOST ADVANCED AIRBORNE EARLY WARNING SYSTEM...even more advanced than NATO's E-3 C sentry which uses machanically rotating antenna(rotodome) so let alone eyrie...

this link will prove that phalcon is the worlds most advanced awacs.(read carefully)

The link I posted just to show that it is the most advanced early warning system.and it is clearly written there...besides I have lost so many sources which I always keep in DOC files becuz of the virus in my PC.but according to those sources phalcon has tremandous ability to jam the electronics of the most of the awacses.this was the main reason that america opposed isreal from selling it to china.this was the main reason that india gave up the idea to go for russian mainstay awacs as it could be jammed by E-3 which is in saudia airforce and its possibility to get into PAF's hands during the war.anyway if i get some free time from my busy schedule i will surely search again for those sources...
It would be interesting, if at some point in the near future if the PAF went for the Eryieye ER sensor and got it mounted on a Embraer Lineage 1000 jet, it would have a platform with very high levels of persistence and monitoring.

Or, have chinese sensors mounted on a Embraer Lineage 1000 jet. Have the advantage of the integration the best of chinese eletronics with the low running cost of Embraer jet.
Just wondering where is this dude nowadays???
jahan bhi hoga IAF ko maan behen ki galiyaan de raha hoga .

it was not only him it was mindset of most indians thoese days sir they were saying PAF can not even fly from airbases to counter india . we have read so much of BS here from 2005 to 2019 .
jahan bhi hoga IAF ko maan behen ki galiyaan de raha hoga .

it was not only him it was mindset of most indians thoese days sir they were saying PAF can not even fly from airbases to counter india . we have read so much of BS here from 2005 to 2019 .
Yeah 😂 i also read some old discussions like su-30 will track f-16 at a range of 400km and will shoot it down with its 200 km range bvr missiles lol
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