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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

Yep, in stop/stare mode the range jumps to 540nmi/1000km.

View attachment 686682

The E2-D platform is small and will not have the signal signal processing and computing performance available to it as the WedgeTail will have. It is not 'just' the radar transmitting energy that is important, it is also the associated signal processing and computing power to be able to extract as much information from the returned energy as possible that is also important. That is the advantage that the Wedgetail brings.."

Meh, this isnt really the case with modern electronics, you can pack alot more power in a smaller space now. Besides, they would not overspec the radar by such a margin without the processing power to back it up. In terms of operator consoles, sure, thats true to some extent i guess, but you can also make the other arguement that less operators consoles is better, less cost etc etc.

Lastly, in terms of using P8's to monitor Pak troop movements, ok? The PN used P3s to monitor insurgents also? Point being? You can do the same job with smaller platforms, i.e the ELINT King Airs the PA operates, or something like the SAAB Swordfish/globaleye, infact, the E2s are also capable of monitoring the ground situation, granted, this would be via their radar and ESM suite, as opposed to an EO sensor like the STAR SAFIRE of the P8, however, they are still capable of conducting the same role from standoff ranges.

Great posts, very knowledgeable. I would argue that if the Indians are forced to use P-8s to monitor Pak Army positions this is a massive waste of resources, and means a slightly easier time for PN. A job PA/PAF do with lighter and cheaper assets
Hi, while I was just checking google map, I found these aircraft on karma airbase. One of them is of a pink color, which is not common. Please shed some light on these pics if possible.



Quality is not good sorry for it.
I also sometimes check PAF airbases on google maps when I'm bored.
You can usually see F-16s, Mirages on the runway.
Hi, while I was just checking google map, I found these aircraft on karma airbase. One of them is of a pink color, which is not common. Please shed some light on these pics if possible.

View attachment 689088

View attachment 689089

Quality is not good sorry for it.

No need to create separate thread for mere enquiry. Browse around and you can find information or at-least try to utilize existing thread.

And then info provided in this thread was picked up by India and they arranged TTP for that.

Thank you posters.

Now we want a same thread for P8I.
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