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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

Lets put it in another way..
they have issues selling it to countries they consider potential future enemies.

I think it has more to do with the Taliban/Terrorist problems, since Pakistan is not involved in a war against a neighboring country at the moment. The same (and financial) issues had blocked procurements of other European countries as well and we know that Saab offers their aircrafts and techs for other South Asian, or Gulf countries today, so it must be indeed a more Pakistan specific reason.

After selling Saab awac, Swedish parliament banned any further weapon purchase to Pakistan. I think due to this reason, Saab is not helping PAF , Only assistance in maintenance, training for Awac handling will be given.


For the reason that PAF deceived the swedes by telling them that they would buy the grippen---found out its capabilities--and started working for their own---.
thats a lame excuse, didnt india did the same?..they just marched them around when they weren't interested in single jet engines in first place
thats a lame excuse, didnt india did the same?..they just marched them around when they weren't interested in single jet engines in first place


There is a difference between what india did and what pakistan did---india wanted pakistan to see it bargaining power---it wanted to strut around and say---look I have them all standing outside of my door---this indian deal was more of a show---ow.-. You always blunder into something that you did not want in the first place when you have so many choices----.

By rejecting the F 18 and F 16 and F 35's open offers the indians have blundered--otoh---pakistanis were intent and focused on what they wanted from the grippen---. Indians had no intention of building another plane of their own---. They are extremely satisfied with the "one" they have now.

Any link to validate this statement?


Why do I need a link to validate---you people need links--you live and thrive on links---.

For the reason that PAF deceived the swedes by telling them that they would buy the grippen---found out its capabilities--and started working for their own---.

Yes, if you look at the operational parameters, the JF-17 and Gripen are very similar!! Payload, thrust to weight ratio etc. Also the tail fin, the stabilizers, everything! LOL

For the reason that PAF deceived the swedes by telling them that they would buy the grippen---found out its capabilities--and started working for their own---.

that's something new for me how on earth swedes give us data blue prints of gripen for just talks?with out any agreement mou for buy grippen?
what i meant mastan sahab that india elevated and got more info on gripen then pakistan did while knowing very well that they wouldnt induct it.
saab knew that if US doesnt allow it they cant get it(engine and some parts plus weapon suit!) and if US allows it they would prefer F-16s so how come this all happened ? doesnt make sense?
that's something new for me how on earth swedes give us data blue prints of gripen for just talks?with out any agreement mou for buy grippen?


My apologies my man for any mis-understanding---but nowhere did I mention any blue prints and data exchange---now did I---.

As it is news for you---consider it same hare---it is news to me as well---did you by any chance hear it from some other source that you might not remember.
Is this the upgraded Dassult Falcon 20 ?



After: (Notice the Nose and the Belly)

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