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Pakistan's acquisition of the U-214

^^ You been eating too much curry today? Showing a lot of hostility and frustration, aren't you Indian? It's not your fault. It's in your nature to act hostile and crap at the same place that provides you the hospitality and opportunity to share your nonsense. LOLZ This is coming from an Indian whose country literally steals and paints every item bought from Russia. You boast about BrahMos yet it's an imported missile that has been coloured with cheap Indian paint. Heck, India only buys off the shelf products from Israel, Russia etc. LOLZ In what indigenous or JV project for that matter have you even managed to succeed? You're a big failure, but also very jealous that Pakistan is able to produce results despite the lack of resources available. You have the nerves to indulge in others matters? Just mind your own veggie curry a s s Indian. Your input isn't appreciated in Pakistani matters.

You don't worry about the SLBMs Indian. If we can produce nukes, subs, tanks, ballistic and cruise missiles, SLBMs isn't too much asked. Whether we modify or paint our stuff doesn't really matter. As long as it performs reliably we are totally satisfied. We don't need to reinvent the wheel because we improve the tech that we already possess. We put our energy in improvement rather than reinvention. We are very confident about our proven capabilities. At least our missiles won't malfunction during a real war scenario. That cannot be said about your failed Indian defence industry. You just fix LCA, BrahMos and Arjunk before criticizing others. You're in no position to open your despicably loud mouth.

Don't worry about our economy Hindu. The defence deals with our ally China as usual will be based on soft loans. We will work something out as true allies always do. I know it's a bitter pill to swallow for you Indians.

Besides, what's up with the 600+ million beggars in your country? What's up with the Dalit, Christian and Muslim minorities? Why are Christian nuns raped in broad daylight? Why are Muslims burnt alive? Why is more than half of your population living below the poverty line? Why don't these people have any roof or toilet? Why don't these people have any proper education or even the right to live as equal citizens? Why is India one the most aids infested country on this planet? Care to elaborate?
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It all depends how news media make news, for example.

Handover of 3 German subs to Pak delayed

Dr. Jassim Taqui

Islamabad—The sale of three sophisticated fuel-cell-powered Type 214 submarines to Pakistan had been approved, and an export credit of 1 billion euros (1.3 billion dollars) had been offered, but no contract had been signed yet, Spiegel said.

Under German law, the manufacturers must obtain clearances from Chancellor Angela’s Merkel’s national security council for the sales. The council, an inner cabinet of ministers with security portfolios, issues clearances before contracts are signed. It said the sale negotiations were dragging out. With Pakistan destabilized by Taliban advances, the council had decided to adjourn further deliberation on the sale till after September.

The submarines are extremely quiet and can lurk under water for weeks, giving them the same capability as nuclear-powered submarines.

HDW, the largest conventional submarine maker in the world, finalized technical specifications with the navy to build three Type 214 submarines in Pakistan.

HDW would use facilities at the Karachi Shipyard for building Type 214 and minimal upgrade would be required. The Type 214 was 100 percent German and there was no chance of embargo on it in any case.

This is the first submarine deal with Germany. Earlier, during mid-90s, the Pakistan navy had selected three French Agosta 90-B submarines, which were in addition to the two acquired earlier.

This time French firm Armaris had offered to supply Pakistan three updated single-hulled, diesel-electric submarines all-French version of the Franco-Spanish Scorpene boat equipped with air-independent propulsion, a deal totaling about 1.2 billion dollars.
Top Stories | Pakistan Observer Newspaper online edition
They will be in Pakistan soon. Its old tradition of Pak armed forces..always stay low profile. No announcement with "band bajja". Band bajja announcement is Indian style, for example LCA or procurement of 126 new jets.
Well even if not then French Scorpene is already in waiting list. Pakistan has much more experience in modifying French subs.
what crap...wonder how long Pakistan suffers under pretext of talibani insurgency..
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^^ As long as India keeps on supporting and sponsoring terrorists from across the border. Don't you for a moment think that you won't suffer as a result though. In fact, your suffering will be even greater. Mark my words.
wonder if you ever got my words..
ask yourself where this hatred is taking you....
ask yourself how many international platforms did your leaders used to help yourself from various crisis.... all they endorsed was Kashmir....
even today when pakistan is under such pressure your leaders are unable to make the world understand your pain.....
mark my words brother get that hatred out..
I disagree Babur.I think we should divide arm purchases towards several nations instead of 1 or 2 ie (US and China) that will keep all of them in check.
wonder if you ever got my words..
ask yourself where this hatred is taking you....
ask yourself how many international platforms did your leaders used to help yourself from various crisis.... all they endorsed was Kashmir....
even today when pakistan is under such pressure your leaders are unable to make the world understand your pain.....
mark my words brother get that hatred out..

I'm not being hateful! Are you blind? Haven't you read what one of your dear countrymen wrote? He's the one full of hatred and misconceptions. I just returned the favor. I will never attack anyone on a personal basis. That's just not me. I only react. Well, the world can go to hell. They will never understand Pakistan's pain. They never did after the Cold War. The world has abandoned Pakistan before. We are pretty used to that. We can survive and have proven that we can. I'm not hateful!
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I disagree Babur.I think we should divide arm purchases towards several nations instead of 1 or 2 ie (US and China) that will keep all of them in check.

I've never opposed diversification. In fact, I wholeheartedly agree with diversifying our defence needs. However, in this particular instance I believe that Pakistan should opt for a nuke sub. A nuke sub that Pakistan can modify to complete the much needed nuke triad which otherwise won't be possible with U-214. China is the only country that can provide Pakistan with a nuke sub. The U-214 won't offer any added value. We already possess a decent diesel-electric sub that suffices PNs needs. That's my personal opinion. Of course, I could be totally wrong...
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The deal is on and will be finalised by March 2010. We're in midst of a financial crisis and borrowing money from IMF and FoP. Its just not the right time to place the order.

I've been told that the delay is caused by contractual details rather than political retraint from German opposition. Merkl is supporting the deal so is the defense insustry and export department. :coffee:
^^ You been eating too much curry today? Showing a lot of hostility and frustration, aren't you Indian? It's not your fault. It's in your nature to act hostile and crap at the same place that provides you the hospitality and opportunity to share your nonsense. LOLZ This is coming from an Indian whose country literally steals and paints every item bought from Russia. You boast about BrahMos yet it's an imported missile that has been coloured with cheap Indian paint. Heck, India only buys off the shelf products from Israel, Russia etc. LOLZ In what indigenous or JV project for that matter have you even managed to succeed? You're a big failure, but also very jealous that Pakistan is able to produce results despite the lack of resources available. You have the nerves to indulge in others matters? Just mind your own veggie curry a s s Indian. Your input isn't appreciated in Pakistani matters.

You don't worry about the SLBMs Indian. If we can produce nukes, subs, tanks, ballistic and cruise missiles, SLBMs isn't too much asked. Whether we modify or paint our stuff doesn't really matter. As long as it performs reliably we are totally satisfied. We don't need to reinvent the wheel because we improve the tech that we already possess. We put our energy in the improvement rather than reinvention. We are very confident about our proven capabilities. At least our missiles won't malfunction during a real war scenario. That cannot be said about your failed Indian defence industry. You just fix LCA, BrahMos and Arjunk before criticizing others. You're in no position to open your despicably loud mouth.

Don't worry about our economy Hindu. The defence deals with our ally China as usual will be based on soft loans. We will work something out as true allies always do. I know it's a bitter pill to swallow for you Indians.

Besides, what's up with the 600+ million beggars in your country? What's up with the Dalit, Christian and Muslim minorities? Why are Christian nuns raped in broad daylight? Why are Muslims burnt alive? Why is more than half of your population living below the poverty line? Why don't these people have any roof or toilet? Why don't these people have any proper education or even the right to live as equal citizens? Why is India one the most aids infested country on this planet? Care to elaborate?
Please do not respond to trolls in kind - report them instead.

Report: German Submarine Deal With Pakistan Goes Quiet

Dubai’s Khaleej Times relays a Der Spiegel report that Germany has approved a sale to Pakistan of 3 top-of-the-line Type 214 diesel-electric submarines with Air-Independent Propulsion. An export financing credit of EUR 1 billion euros ($1.36 billion equivalent) has reportedly been offered.

The catch? No contract. Contract negotiations were dragging out, and any contract is ultimately dependent on approval from Germany’s national security council, an inner cabinet of ministers with security portfolios. Pakistan’s insurgency has become a civil war, and recent Taliban advances are causing international observers to worry about the Pakistani government’s potential for collapse, or for a Taliban-backed coup led by the likes of Hamid Gul. In Germany, those developments reportedly led Germany’s national security council to take time away from serious matters like government efforts to ban paintball, and adjourn further deliberation on the Pakistani submarine sale until after September 2009.

If Pakistan buys the U-214s, they would join 3 new French Agosta 90B class diesel-electric boats equipped with MESMA AIP systems, and 2 Agosta 70 submarines commissioned in 1979-1980. The U-214s sit alongside the U-212As as the most modern submarines in the U-209 family, the world’s most popular line of diesel-electric submarines. Their Siemens AIP systems allow them to run submerged at reduced speeds for up to 2-3 weeks without surfacing for air, or at full speed for a shorter period of time.

All i see is a report from certified Idiot this report has no legs and no arms no start or the end it looks like a idiot trying to patch up his dream and reality into one without any thing solid.
the deal has gone quiet cause french want zardari to cancel the german deal and buy more frence subs, ofcourse mr.10% will get more than 10% commission. thats the reason why its stalling, and french are saying we will give u nuclear plant for ur energy needs but they are lying, just like they did in 70's and 90's
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