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Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to 'wake up


Apr 22, 2012
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Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to 'wake up' to the threat posed by minority communities

Read more: Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to 'wake up' to the threat posed by minority communities | Mail Online
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Dominic Grieve made the remarks in a newspaper interview
He said minority communities have 'endemic' corruption
The senior law officer said that the authorities should take action to combat electoral fraud in areas with high migrant populations

Corruption is rife in Britain’s Pakistani community, the country’s most senior law officer has warned.
Dominic Grieve said politicians needed to ‘wake up’ to the threat of corruption posed by minority communities using a ‘favour culture’.
In remarks that will inflame already sensitive diplomatic relations with Pakistan, the attorney general said he was referring to ‘mainly the Pakistani community’.
David Cameron sparked outrage earlier in his premiership when he accused Pakistan of ‘exporting terrorism’ while on a visit to India.
Mr Grieve told the Daily Telegraph that corruption could also be found in the ‘white Anglo-Saxon community’ as well as among other groups.
But he said the rise of corruption was ‘because we have minority communities in this country which come from backgrounds where corruption is endemic. It is something we as politicians have to wake to up to’.
He said electoral corruption was a problem in constituencies such as Slough in Berkshire. Tory councillor Eshaq Khan was found guilty of fraud involving postal ballots in 2008.
The Electoral Commission is planning to introduce tougher identity checks at the ballot box in Tower Hamlets in East London, another area that has suffered from electoral fraud.
Baroness Warsi, the Foreign Office minister, has previously said the Conservatives lost three seats at the general election because of voter fraud in the Asian community.


Warning: Dominic Grieve, the country's most senior law officer, said minority communities have brought with them 'endemic' corruption

Mr Grieve, whose Beaconsfield constituency in Buckinghamshire has a sizeable Asian community, said: ‘I can see many of them have come because of the opportunities that they get.
‘But they also come from societies where they have been brought up to believe you can only get certain things through a favour culture.
‘One of the things you have to make absolutely clear is that that is not the case and it’s not acceptable.’


Inflammatory: David Cameron sparked outrage on a previous visit to India by suggesting Pakistan was 'exporting terrorism'
Asked if he was referring to the Pakistani community, Mr Grieve said: ‘Yes, it’s mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community. I wouldn’t draw it down to one. I’d be wary of saying it’s just a Pakistani problem.’
He added: ‘I happen to be very optimistic about the future of the UK. We have managed integration of minority communities better than most countries in Europe.’
Mr Grieve also admitted that the ‘volume’ of potential immigrants from Romania and Bulgaria next year when movement controls were lifted ‘may pose serious infrastructure problems’.

Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to 'wake up' to the threat posed by minority communities | Mail Online
There are a lot of reports of Britishers and British authorities having issues with Pakistani community there.

With the way things are progressing there is a high likelihood that Britain would drastically reduce new visas given to Pakistani's in an effort to keep more of them out.

Is there a possibility of such a thing happening @Jungibaaz ?
David Cameron sparked outrage on a previous visit to India by suggesting Pakistan was 'exporting terrorism'
Why the 'outrage' in Pakistan? I thought the whole world knew this? So, are the LeT and the JeM a figment of our imagination? :rolleyes:
Pakistani British community should make sure this guy loses his voice in the media.

Why the 'outrage' in Pakistan? I thought the whole world knew this? So, are the LeT and the JeM a figment of our imagination? :rolleyes:

Pakistan has every right to support militants against India, as long India occupies Kashmir. Get over it.
Good --- Keep it up, make them corrupt to core, they are also funding & supporting terrorists in our country not to mention bribing corrupts of Pakistan with so called "AID"
Pakistani British community should make sure this guy loses his voice in the media.

Pakistan has every right to support militants against India, as long India occupies Kashmir. Get over it.
Then why are you guys bellyaching when the BLA is being allegedly supported by India for an independent Balochistan? Get over it.
Pakistani British community should make sure this guy loses his voice in the media.

Pakistan has every right to support militants against India, as long India occupies Kashmir. Get over it.

Militants to you = terrorism to India. Karma for you = TTP in Pakistan. The favor is being returned 10 fold. Shouldn't you reconsider your stance ?
There are a lot of reports of Britishers and British authorities having issues with Pakistani community there.

With the way things are progressing there is a high likelihood that Britain would drastically reduce new visas given to Pakistani's in an effort to keep more of them out.

Is there a possibility of such a thing happening @Jungibaaz ?

There is an actual task force that is trying to solve the problem with a partiuclar Pakistani community. Their entire basis of existence is on benefits and they rarely contribute much to the economy. Infact, the many changes to the VISA rules in the UK(and other western countries) is due to Pakistanis engaging in finding loopholes and indulging in corrupt practices.
for e.g. If one man managed to get a UK citizen ship.. he sponsors his wife, his children.. his cousin(as his wife) her children(as his own) his parents and others.. and so on. They come there, at maximum sit at some store for 8 hours..have no formal education and spend most of their time on unemployment benefits. Seeing these people in operation made me ashamed of being a Pakistani in the UK.

They do this for the US as well. And unfortunately, one particular community stands out and they ar notorious even among other Pakistanis who choose not to interact with them as such.
Here's my take on this issue...

The British came to the subcontinent. They looted and pillaged and introduced a culture of corruption in the political and administrative system which they implemented in the subcontinent. Now that some people from the subcontinent are returning the favor to Britain they protest :D
There is an actual task force that is trying to solve the problem with a partiuclar Pakistani community. Their entire basis of existence is on benefits and they rarely contribute much to the economy. Infact, the many changes to the VISA rules in the UK(and other western countries) is due to Pakistanis engaging in finding loopholes and indulging in corrupt practices.
for e.g. If one man managed to get a UK citizen ship.. he sponsors his wife, his children.. his cousin(as his wife) her children(as his own) his parents and others.. and so on. They come there, at maximum sit at some store for 8 hours..have no formal education and spend most of their time on unemployment benefits. Seeing these people in operation made me ashamed of being a Pakistani in the UK.

They do this for the US as well. And unfortunately, one particular community stands out and they ar notorious even among other Pakistanis who choose not to interact with them as such.
Questions for you @Oscar and @Jungibaaz .

1.Is it a British Govt task force? Or a task force by the Pakistani community themselves for self reform?

2. Secondly, I understand that you mean the Mirpuri's here. Tons of Pakistani's on the forum have bad mouthed them. However arent the majority of Pakistani's in UK, mirpuris? If so then they are the majority community of Pakistani's in UK and defacto representatives of Pakistan there.

3. Thirdly, I can understand that the first generation immigrants are not productive, use benefits and/or remain limited to low wage jobs. But why are their children not succeeding? All this trash about 'sharia zones' and what not showed clearly that its the youth who is indulging in all this.
Why is the Pakistani youth like this?
Why are they not succeeding in school(another thread shows that their school average is even below the natives there), like the other immigrant communities there?
Kids of educated pakistanis are as successful as kids of educated indians or whites. The problem is too many pakistani and bangladeshis in UK are not skilled, unlike the Indian diaspora there.

As to business ethics, not sure but I have similar observations. The loan default rate of pakistanis in UAE is many times higher than average, for indians its below average. The largest bank the region had stopped giving loans to Pakistanis completely three years ago, because far too many people just ran away.

@Oscar not many mirpuris in UAE.
Questions for you @Oscar and @Jungibaaz .

1.Is it a British Govt task force? Or a task force by the Pakistani community themselves for self reform?

2. Secondly, I understand that you mean the Mirpuri's here. Tons of Pakistani's on the forum have bad mouthed them. However arent the majority of Pakistani's in UK, mirpuris? If so then they are the majority community of Pakistani's in UK and defacto representatives of Pakistan there.

3. Thirdly, I can understand that the first generation immigrants are not productive, use benefits and/or remain limited to low wage jobs. But why are their children not succeeding? All this trash about 'sharia zones' and what not showed clearly that its the youth who is indulging in all this.
Why is the Pakistani youth like this?
Why are they not succeeding in school(another thread shows that their school average is even below the natives there), like the other immigrant communities there?

1.British government

2. Majority of Pakistanis are represented worldwide as raggedy turbaned folk with beards, an AK-47 and so on. That does not represent a true picture but does paint a picture nonetheless. Hence it is the bad luck of the rest that such a community represents them and ruins their impression.

3. The Children follow suit. Its a basic rule of thumb.. if you know you are being taken care of..and your monetary needs are being met by inter community trading and small focused businesses..then you have no need to study or progress in life. If you were ok with the bidet and find that you are satisfied with the level of cleanliness you achieve.. why upgrade to a proper loo so to speak.
There are a lot of reports of Britishers and British authorities having issues with Pakistani community there.

With the way things are progressing there is a high likelihood that Britain would drastically reduce new visas given to Pakistani's in an effort to keep more of them out.

Is there a possibility of such a thing happening @Jungibaaz ?

Too many issues if you ask me. I'm sick of it and sick of hearing about it.
There are some very real honest and hard working people here among us.

But as Oscar said I've seen some of these people myself, trying to find a way to gain citizenship by hook or by crook. And when they get that citizenship or even when they make it here, they consider it a life time's achievement, and they don't do anything.

A lot of this is again as Oscar said in one particular community who I wont name, because I don't want to upset people here.

These guys are lazy, they don't learn the language, they stick around in their own communities so they never have to. As such, they have no real jobs outside their own community some of them. Some others evade taxes through undeclared income, and then unemployment benefits. All throughout they look for what can be gained through the least amount of effort.

The radicalisation that we see in places like Luton is another huge source of shame. Then we had thug youth who were setting up 'Sharia Zones', the media ate that right up, more paranoia. Also grooming cases in places like Rochdale.

It really is shameful.

But coming to the question you asked, I do indeed see visa restrictions, but not targeted. See there's a reason why the government and local authorities don't target the Pakistani society specifically... They have all the right to, if they do this sort of thing, I'd applaud it.

But they don't want to come across targeting a vulnerable community, through racist measures.
They could do this below the radar, like that task force Oscar talked about, but frankly, I've not heard much about that.
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