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Pakistanis becoming less Anti-Indian, but do Indians reciprocate?

Chak Bamu

Jan 3, 2013
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Pakistan’s animosity reducing, India needs to change attitude: Indian lawmaker – The Express Tribune

WASHINGTON: A senior lawmaker from India’s ruling Congress party said Monday that Pakistan’s historic animosity toward New Delhi was fading and called for his country to change its own attitudes.Mani Shankar Aiyar, a diplomat turned politician known for his dovish views, said he saw a shift as Pakistanis who remember the subcontinent’s partition in 1947 – and defined their identity accordingly –grew older.Aiyar, speaking on a visit to Washington, said that Pakistanis had increasingly suffered themselves from violence by extremists and that the neighbouring country had economic and cultural interests in better ties.

“The visceral anti-Indianism of a previous generation is almost out of the picture now and will be totally out of the picture about the time that they lower me into the grave,” Aiyar, 72, said at the Atlantic Council think tank.Aiyar said that “nothing similar has happened in India,” which has fought three full-fledged wars against its neighbor since independence.“There is a kind of clinging to the belief that since the Pakistanis have been hostile in the past, they are necessarily hostile now, and therefore Indians should behave like housewives who heard on the radio that a convict has escaped for the nearby jail and start putting up more and more barricades.”

His optimism comes despite concerns by India and the United States over extremist groups in Pakistan such as Lashkar-e-Taiba, which investigators blamed for the November 2008 siege of Mumbai that killed 166 people.Aiyar, who was close to slain former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi, said that India should pursue “uninterrupted and uninterruptible” dialogue with Pakistan to deprive extremists of one perceived benefit of launching attacks.

Aiyar praised overtures by Pakistan’s incoming prime minister Nawaz Sharif, while conceding that Sharif’s record on anti-India violence “is not a very happy one” during his previous two stints in office.But Aiyar said that Sharif apparently believed that building a better relationship with India “will pay him huge domestic political dividends.” Sharif likely sees “that the best way of doing this is not to take the Lashkar-e-Taiba on absolutely upfront, but to try and restrain them” and stop support to the group from within the Pakistani state, Aiyar said.

Though I do not agree with phraseology of Mr. Aiyar, but I have certainly felt the same over the past few years. His observations about some reactionary Indians are spot on. I have noticed the same on various forums and websites. Peaceniks among Indians seem either a minority or a silent majority.

I would like to invite opinions from fellow forum members who actually live in India and are in touch with the popular mood. @Ayush, @KRAIT, @orion Hunter, etc.... Pls contribute and ask others to comment.
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The thing is that Pakistanis now realised that they can't do a jack to India. So now they are acting accordingly. They wholeheartedly supported the terrorism but now those very people are killing them lol. It was expected.

For India, we never had or we will never have any issue with Pakistan except the terrorism.

So our mentality remain the same.
The thing is that Pakistanis now realised that they can't do a jack to India. So now they are acting accordingly. They wholeheartedly supported the terrorism but now those very people are killing them lol. It was expected.

For India, we never had or we will never have any issue with Pakistan except the terrorism.

So our mentality remain the same.

Disagree! I have been using internet since 1992. I have seen Indian attitude in freeze-mode, while Pakistanis have shown willingness to change. But there is almost zero reciprocation. Actually your attitude reflects the problem from Indian side. Pride does no good to anyone.

As India's growth slows, Indian policy makers realize importance of Pakistan. But the populace is stuck in a negative mindset, it seems.
It is not a issue with the people of Pakistan who on the whole would like to see better ties between our countries. India has concerns relating to terrorism from Pakistan such as groups like LET, after 26/11 nothing really has changed and the Pakistani establishment continues to support such 'non state actors' whatever that means.
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