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Pakistanis becoming less Anti-Indian, but do Indians reciprocate?

WASHINGTON: A senior lawmaker from India’s ruling Congress party said Monday that Pakistan’s historic animosity toward New Delhi was fading and called for his country to change its own attitudes.
Mani Shankar Aiyar, a diplomat turned politician known for his dovish views, said he saw a shift as Pakistanis who remember the subcontinent’s partition in 1947 – and defined their identity accordingly –grew older.
Aiyar, speaking on a visit to Washington, said that Pakistanis had increasingly suffered themselves from violence by extremists and that the neighbouring country had economic and cultural interests in better ties.

Manishankar Iyer is ............ . No words for him,

@ reality: Pakistani have become more radical, more religious than earlier generation. The Julfi era Pakistani were open minded. Today's Pakistani youth are asking for sharia , Islamic rule and other such things..
Law enforcement agencies will do what they are assigned to. Here we are talking about normal common public.

Just pick up any Indian newspaper (except The Hindu) and see the comment sections, the language and mindset of Indian edcuated readers is a blot on the name of Education itself :)

Now just pick up even a local eveninger paper from Pakistan and see the comment section, you will find the difference which Mr. Ayar is talking about.

You have a point.

Well they mirror a deep sense of frustration more with GOI .

The only response GOI has given to Pak is not playing cricket !
You have a point.

Well they mirror a deep sense of frustration more with GOI .

The only response GOI has given to Pak is not playing cricket !

Well if you are talking about matters relating to Pakistan then we can accept the notion but the issue is that even if the news is about India and Indian Muslims even then one way or the other Indians drag Pakistan into it for their frustration.

Even when the matter is about Congress :))
Mr. Ayar might be wanting justice for over 60 Pakistanis who were burnt alive by Hindus in Samjhota Express inside India much before Mumbai attacks.

So please wait for your turn i am sure it will take 100 years atleast

Purohit and Aseemanand , the masterminds of the Samjhauta attack were arrested, are in jail and being prosecuted as we speak along with others who aided them.

Abhinav Bharat , the organisation responsible is going ot be banned soon as well.

Muslim Mirror » Abhinav Bharat likely to be banned; Centre seeks NIA

Compared to this, Pakistan has done nothing about Bombay .
If we have any economic benefit in engaging Pakistan then we should do it,otherwise once in a while papi jhapi is all we should offer :coffee:
Purohit and Aseemanand , the masterminds of the Samjhauta attack were arrested, are in jail and being prosecuted as we speak along with others who aided them.

Abhinav Bharat , the organisation responsible is going ot be banned soon as well.

Muslim Mirror » Abhinav Bharat likely to be banned; Centre seeks NIA

Compared to this, Pakistan has done nothing about Bombay .

many are roaming free. And When you Indian committed terrorism against those Pakistanis that too inside India in a train by burning them alive howcome you even open your mouth crying foul?
many are roaming free. And When you Indian committed terrorism against those Pakistanis that too inside India in a train by burning them alive howcome you even open your mouth crying foul?

Because at least we are punishing those involved unlike you who have given the terrorists who attacked India a free run in your country. That's a major difference.

And who is free. Please name the person involved in this attack who is roaming around free. Many others have been arrested and being tried for this attack.

Details are here.


Compared to this what has Pakistan done about Bombay attackers ? and LeT ? sorry JuD now ?

Pakistan should just admit that they have no willingness to fight terrorists who attack India and Afghanistan because it is not in their national interests. Not that the world hasn't understood this fact already.
Because at least we are punishing those involved unlike you who have given the terrorists who attacked India a free run in your country. That's a major difference.

And who is free. Please name the person involved in this attack who is roaming around free. Many others have been arrested and being tried for this attack.

Details are here.


Compared to this what has Pakistan done about Bombay attackers ? and LeT ? sorry JuD now ?

Pakistan should just admit that they have no willingness to fight terrorists who attack India and Afghanistan because it is not in their national interests. Not that the world hasn't understood this fact already.

there is NO atleast or wetleast. This wetleast does not hide the fact that Indians first attacked and killed Pakistanis. You should not cry foul .

Come on equal ground and then debate .
Pakistani people today have many more terrible problems in their lives that it made them forget who is/not their enemy but once they get 'rota, kapra, pani, bijli' then the enmity will return; so it's too early to say anything.

Soon every thing will come back to normal like it used to be in 80/90s- on east and immediate west- :whistle:-
there is NO atleast or wetleast. This wetleast does not hide the fact that Indians first attacked and killed Pakistanis. You should not cry foul .

Come on equal ground and then debate .

You have no points to argue on as usual.

Fact is that Indians punished those responsible for Samjhauta whereas your country has done next to nothing about the perpetrators of 26/11.Period.Thanks for accepting facts.
Things to remember while dealing with Pakistan

Trust but Verify

Good Fences makes good neighbours

Peace through Strength.

thats why you are miserably failing since birth in gaining peace-
being a smaller neighbor doesn't mean you look down on us as weak- there is a difference between nepal- bhutan- maldives- bangladesh et all. and Pakistan-
The thing is that Pakistanis now realised that they can't do a jack to India. So now they are acting accordingly. They wholeheartedly supported the terrorism but now those very people are killing them lol. It was expected.

For India, we never had or we will never have any issue with Pakistan except the terrorism.

So our mentality remain the same.

Well we did in 2003 and mumbai...but u were not the man enough to do anything...so shhushhh and come again blacky :laughcry:
Well we did in 2003 and mumbai...but u were not the man enough to do anything...so shhushhh and come again blacky :laughcry:

Except for killing innocent unarmed Indians, Pakistanis can't do jack, I think that is what he meant. And of course only Pakistanis can feel proud of something like that. Disgusting
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