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Pakistanis becoming less Anti-Indian, but do Indians reciprocate?

Most Indians who actually have conversations with Pakistanis are friendly... others who have never spoken to Pakistanis and are easily effected by emotional media outcry are as usuall...but in recent past we have been seeing lot of sympathy for Pakistan when it comes to terror attacks.. As time goes on and people to people interaction continues things will only get better ...
Except for killing innocent unarmed Indians, Pakistanis can't do jack, I think that is what he meant. And of course only Pakistanis can feel proud of something like that. Disgusting

LOL look who's talking ...Remember that @$$hole sarbajeet

So mean killing innocent civilians is your achievement. what did you achieve by the way? A terrorist tag?

You know what we did? We cut you into 2 different pieces:rofl:

U couldn't do anything about it even if u have proofs...wat pity... :rofl: and they say we can't do jack :omghaha:
thats why you are miserably failing since birth in gaining peace-
being a smaller neighbor doesn't mean you look down on us as weak- there is a difference between nepal- bhutan- maldives- bangladesh et all. and Pakistan-

Pls do remember that all wars we fought was all started by you. Its you who sees India as a walk over. I remember seeing one discussion in one of your TV channel about Kargil war. An analyst said that during the planning phase your GHQ was of the opinion that 'Hindu Baniyas' does not have the courage to take too much casuality. If a large number of Indian soldiers can be killed in the first phase the rest will run away and will come to negotiation table. If thats the mentality in your GHQ in the late 20 the century...I suppose you will only understand 'Peace through Strength'.
We have concerns about the state terror inflicted on the kashmiris.

The indian establishment continues to support the killing-torture of kashmiris......your right nothing has changed.

Your so called Kashmiri freedom fighters have commited many murders among the Kashmiri populas that is why they continue to join the Indian army in their thousands.

Dont talk rubbish.......during the past wars you had no structures-dams in place to divert the waters......that why pakistan carried on getting water.

When you ban the RSS or do something about them maybe then your demands will hold more weight.

And at time of kargil there was plenty of structure , then how come you kept getting uninterrupted water ???
And it is stupid to expect that there were no dams at time of 71 and 65 wars.

An outfit responsible for ghastly attacks like 26\11 and attack on Indian parliament is being equated with RSS.
Could you kindly tell for which terrorist attack you hold RSS responsible for ?
Becos Now Pakistan is at weakest point in its history....

Now imagine reverse, Pakistan is one of strongest countries in Asia, what would Pakistanis want

1. would it want peace with India or would it want to liberate Kashmir from clutches of weaker Indian army?

2. would not castle of Islam want another weaker country India to be Darul Islam

3. will the Marde Momins Jernails and Kernails of great Pakistani army keep quite against weaker Indian army or would it want peace...?
First modify the doctored history they teach in primary schools. Otherwise no point !
Well we did in 2003 and mumbai...but u were not the man enough to do anything...so shhushhh and come again blacky :laughcry:

If someone is being obnoxious, feel free to correct them. But please watch the implications of what you say in return. Two egotists do not cancel themselves, they just create a bigger problem.

And at time of kargil there was plenty of structure , then how come you kept getting uninterrupted water ???
And it is stupid to expect that there were no dams at time of 71 and 65 wars.

An outfit responsible for ghastly attacks like 26\11 and attack on Indian parliament is being equated with RSS.
Could you kindly tell for which terrorist attack you hold RSS responsible for ?

I hope you realize that no dam can store more than its design limit. To starve Pakistan would take more than a dam and would bring war. Implications and consequences.
Pakistanis becoming less anti-Indian !!!! ...............................lolzzzz

No sign of it in PDF though.....
Mani Shankar Aiyar is not the AUTHORITY in India to say anything on this matter.

Not In the Govt. ----> CHECK.

Not In the Lok Sabha -----> CHECK.
Becos Now Pakistan is at weakest point in its history....

Actually, Pakistan has never been stronger than as of now. We have beaten the odds and established a functioning democracy and our systems are functioning better.

Economy is a concern, but not for long. We actually manage to grow no matter what happens. So, no worries. We are changing an entrenched mindset and I hope it happens with reciprocity.

About your other concerns: you may have a point. But when there is a change in attitudes, similar circumstances do not necessarily have similar outcomes.
Pakistanis becoming less Anti-Indian, but do Indians reciprocate?

What does transit aid to India by Pakistanis tells us?

What about the open smuggling of indian goods via Pakistani ports? is it permitted by public or only sindhi politicians are getting rich!
Pakistanis becoming less anti-Indian !!!! ...............................lolzzzz

No sign of it in PDF though.....

Are you sure? Maybe you are a part of the problem and therefore can not see the solution.

If you can not see the forest for the trees, then what are you doing on this thread? Go raise hell in some Pakistan vs. India thread. Leave us be.
Mani Shankar Aiyar is not the AUTHORITY in India to say anything on this matter.

Not In the Govt. ----> CHECK.

Not In the Lok Sabha -----> CHECK.

You need someone from outside the system to tell the situation as it is; sort of like calling in a consultant, if you will. If Mr. Aiyar had a stake in status quo, he would not say a word. By this logic nothing would ever change. Great.

If you are castigating Aiyar, then you sure would not give time of day to (former) Ambassador M. K. Bhadrakumar.

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