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Pakistanis Become Refugees in Own Country


Apr 7, 2012
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Pakistanis Become Refugees in Own Country
PESHAWAR – Once home of thousands of refugees from neighboring Afghanistan, the sprawling Jalozai camp has now become a home of thousands of Pakistanis displaced by fighting in the country's troubled tribal belt.

"We have become a shuttlecock between the security forces and Taliban," Pakistani farmer Abdul Sabur Khan told OnIslam.net.

"Both are penalizing us.

"Even if we offer a glass of water to Taliban, no matter willingly or forcibly, security forces make life hell for us. And if we give any favor to the security forces, then Taliban are very much there to treat you in the same manner," he said.

Abdul Sabur, a father of five, has migrated from Khyber agency in north-western Pakistan over the ongoing fighting between Taliban militants and security forces.

"Life has become extremely miserable there, which rendered us with no other option but to leave our homes and hearths, and look up for a place, where at least our lives are safe," he said.

Thousands of Pakistanis have fled their homes in the troubled tribal area on borders with Afghanistan over ongoing fighting between the Taliban and security forces.

Around 20,000 refugees have been registered during the past few months, mostly hailing from neighboring Khyber agency.

According to UNHCR, there is a 100 percent increase in migration from Khyber agency during last three weeks.

Nearly 150,000 people have so far migrated from the troubled agency and have either taken shelter at Jalozai camp or with their relatives in Peshawar and adjoining areas.

Some 8000 refugees from Mohmind and Bajur agencies have already taken shelter at Jalozai camp.


Sabahat Khan was among thousands of Pakistanis who fled their homes over the ongoing fighting.

"Taliban and security forces have been pounding each other incessantly for last many days, which has crippled the course of life in the area," Sabahat told OnIslam.net.

"Mortars landed near our house at least ten times a day."

The displaced Pakistani accused security forces of obstructing their migration from the area.

"Security forces have set up their pickets just outside our homes. We were not allowed to go outside even if we needed water and food," he said.

As security forces blocked their migration, Khan secretly fled the area with his family under the cover of darkness.

"We could take some cash, clothes, and other essential items with us," he said.

Security forces often clamp curfew in the area, which further adds to residents’ hardships, preventing them from even moving patients to hospitals.

"If there is a blast, security forces start searching all the houses situated in neighborhood, which is another cause of anger among the local population," he said.


Even after fleeing, refugees live a miserable life in at Jalozai camp.

"I have been waiting for registration for last one week, but nobody is here to listen to me," an irate Abdul Sabur told OnIslam.net.

A large number of newly migrated refugees are still waiting for registration, which allows them access to accommodation, food, and other facilities.

Long queues of refugee, including children, are seen get food and fetch water at 14 different sections of the camp.

Each section consists of huge water tanks, and a long row of make-shift toilets-both for males and females.

Refugee families are provided with caches of flour, sugar, and other food items on weekly basis, however, many complain about shortage of food.

An aerial view shows a khakhi tent city sprawling over 5 kilometers with thousands of male and females engaged in routine business.

Eight schools have also been set up for imparting education to refugee children in different parts of the camp.

Located 30km east of Peshawar, Jalozai camp was set up in early 1980s for Afghan refugees, who had fled to Pakistan, mostly from northeastern Afghanistan following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

The camp was barely closed in early 2009 after repatriation of many Afghan refugees and relocation of others.

Under an agreement between Pakistan and the UNHCR, a large number of Afghan refugees have opted for volunteer repatriation from 2004 to date.

However, many of them have returned due to poor law and order in most parts of northeastern Afghanistan, one of the epicenters of battles between US-led foreign troops and Taliban.

Noor Afridi, a displaced Pakistani, blames the camp administration for a discriminatory attitude towards refugees from Khyber agency.

"We are being discouraged by the camp officials to get registered here," he told OnIslam.net.

"But even if we managed to get registered, they are providing us much lesser quantity of food items than refugees from other areas."

When asked why he thought that, Afridi said “I don’t know why, but whatever I have been facing, I have told you."

"Refugees from Mohmind and Bajur are being provided with a food package of 10 kg, whereas refugees from Khyber agency are receiving 3 to 5 kg packages," he said.

But camp officials deny the accusation, citing the paucity of funds as a major challenge.

"There is no discrimination vis-à-vis distribution of food," Muneer Khan, one of the camp officials, told OnIslam.net.

"They all are equal to us. But the shortage of funds has become a daunting challenge for us.

"We wish they all (refugees) go back to their homes before culmination of summer, otherwise things will further deteriorate as we don't have enough funds to cope with winter-related expenses."


I think drone attacks and war must be stoped....As I already tolder here that these dron attackes has displaced people and Pakistanis are suffering alot, there is alot of frustration...PTI leader, Imran Khan already told USA that with every attack people are multiplying, as the sentiments of the public against US rosed after energy-starvation from past five years, economic, poverty .it is loosing stability and .....Why not consider an option to hit a bomb to Pakistan like in JAPAN as now everyone is agaist the policies of USA, it wil kill your all 180million wanted terrorists and you will get PEACE champion trophy, instead of waging a war from past decade (looking like Pakistan is in the state of) and doing massacre )...even I know here in UK very well educated foreigners who were assuming USA as warrior not helping people in the region...:hitwall:
What a nice way to treat an old friend (question mark!)...Friends not MASTERS a book writen by the Pakistan president devoted to PAK-US friendship...
How sad, refugees within their own land..
US drones are only pounding the region where the GoP has themselves claimed to have little control. It's just prudence of US to bomb those restive places..
How sad, refugees within their own land..
you dont know much do you? the pashtoons on both sides consider each other brothers and sisters, they dont even know that a border exists there

It's worth a shot at least :coffee:
not really, f16's cause more damage thn the drone strikes but they are more accurate
It's worth a shot at least :coffee:
It won't be a worth of shot.
Only worth of shot will be to take these refugee Camps near US embassy and demand their maintaince.
Shooting drone will be a worst decision on Pak side at this time.
Drone attacks can stop two ways
1. Removal of Taliban ( Pak & Afgan ) from Pak
2. Send F16 fighters to bring it down :D

Both are NOT easy options for Pakistan. Last thing Pak need is making USA an enemy by shooting the drone down. Let's see what Pak will do :D

The pitty thing is they are expecting Pak to let go the NATO strick issue but can they let go any PAF action on their DRONES ??? I think not :D

you know what its the last thing for USA to make Pakistan a enemy state, if Pakistan turn against USA , Afghanistan will become living hell for USA ...
you dont know much do you? the pashtoons on both sides consider each other brothers and sisters, they dont even know that a border exists there

And whose fault is it? Please do not say non-sense stuff.. I'm not happy it is happening, the reason I said it is 'sad'... understanding sentences behind helps
if the Gop decides to act and clear the place of militants . the drones will not be necessary . but unfortunately they have not been able to do so .

I doubt that. Any trained force can effectively clear the area and weapons if the will is strong. If Pak decides to do it one year atmost.
you know what its the last thing for USA to make Pakistan a enemy state, if Pakistan turn against USA , Afghanistan will become living hell for USA ...
Dude, wake up smell the coffee, you know this posturing of closing land routes to NATO is not what it seems from the outside.. USA will be kissing Afghan goodbye in 2013. USA is not there for long term now, they would have got that if they were really really enthusiastic on that..
you know what its the last thing for USA to make Pakistan a enemy state, if Pakistan turn against USA , Afghanistan will become living hell for USA ...

If Pakistan turn against e USA situation in Afagan will become worse. No doubt. But it's not good now too and they are leaving so that will not make much difference to them. What about Pak after that ???
It will be hell for Pak and not for US.
Actually that is what USA wants and doing to displace majority of people from these agencies into camps and trigger, hated towards the arm forces.... they can prove us wrong by listening to what the reports are saying,

once Pakistan is soften they can take actions against our nukes, that is what the major plan is,

they can only prove us wrong with some actions by stopping these drones,

I doubt that. Any trained force can effectively clear the area and weapons if the will is strong. If Pak decides to do it one year atmost.

Bro, But problem is that a decade of force has been used...we remember the bitter taste of using millitary in 1971 in our other part....If USA leaves this region then let the people do their civil war (MAY ALLAH not)...these civil wars happen,let them rise themselves...at one side you are funding and otherside killing (God knows best), but ordinary people of PAK and Afghan suffering...it is PAkistan who accomodated huge Afghan brother (why Pakistan took part in the war of soviat union when their was china, IRan? (I'm no political either)....
If Pakistan turn against e USA situation in Afagan will become worse. No doubt. But it's not good now too and they are leaving so that will not make much difference to them. What about Pak after that ???
It will be hell for Pak and not for US.

lol, they wont be able to leave afghanistan like USSR did, they cannot leave all that gold (Military stuff) behind,
There are no land routes to take these things back :)
Cost of air lifting them is very high... (BTW all equipment cant be air lift)
Destroying them is not a option , as information of materials will leak out...
etc etc etc list is so so long ....

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