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Pakistani writers should not attend Jaipur Lit Festival, BJP warns

Have you noticed how only Indians keep doing this shitty behavior. Pakistanis never engage in "expel the Indians out" type behavior.

And how often do Indian artists/sportsmen/commoners flock Pakistan?

To deny entry or to expel, Pakistan should first have a similar influx of Indian visitors.

Let there be that first step, and then we will see what the news state.
You don't get it do you. Government of India has to take people's opinion into account. Its the people who elect the govt.

Didn't you see that GOI was not opposing Pakistan after LOC incident. They waited for investigation. They took into account the reports. Indian govt. didn't make any move without getting the facts.

As for declining investigation, I have given reasons over and over again. Its bilateral issue. We don't want third party. Period.

India is happy with status quo. Did you see India launching attack on Pakistani in Kashmir ? It was Pakistan that did in 1999.

See point here is, India is too much focused about its economy, its poor people, its other problems like internal issues such as Naxalites, illegal immigrants, it has to build infrastructure to sustain economic growth, increase literacy increase R & D, become more strong country.

We think whatever Kashmir we have, we are happy with it. We don't want more but we won't let it go what we have.

This is called prioritization. Look what Pakistan got because of obsession over Kashmir and what India got ignoring Kashmir dispute.
that is the problem with india you wont let any third party to investigate you wont accept the ends results when we give any, then what should we do? you just want to imppose what you think is right on the peoples mind, and yes why would we not take kashmir issue up. kashmiris dont want to be with india they want us or independence,,, and yes you helped bangali's so why would we not help kashmiris??
Have you noticed how only Indians keep doing this shitty behavior. Pakistanis never engage in "expel the Indians out" type behavior.

the poor Indians get hurt over petty issues and get happy over such childish acts.

In a nut shell they are weak people who love to get self-inflicted injuries by blabering over everything.
that is the problem with india you wont let any third party to investigate you wont accept the ends results when we give any, then what should we do? you just want to imppose what you think is right on the peoples mind, and yes why would we not take kashmir issue up. kashmiris dont want to be with india they want us or independence,,, and yes you helped bangali's so why would we not help kashmiris??
See, we can argue over what Kashmiris want for hours. There is a separate section for it. As for bengali's, you sent intruders which killed 50,000 innocent people, women and children.

Do you think sending Kasab was helping Kashmiris ?

As for Pakistanis, Indians have done a lot on humanitarian ground. If you want I can prove that. Just check Pakistani patients treated in India, their stories about how Indians treated them and many cases where free of cost operation and concessions were made.

We are not bad people, neither are you. But few things are close to our heart. For my soldiers, I am very reserved. I am filled with rage when I saw the wife and mother of that beheaded soldier. But I don't want war. I don't want more soldiers on both sides of borders to get killed.
And how often do Indian artists/sportsmen/commoners flock Pakistan?

To deny entry or to expel, Pakistan should first have a similar influx of Indian visitors.

Let there be that first step, and then we will see what the news state.

Flock is a word the represents large number which is not the case even with Pakistanis artists going to India.

When Pakistan becomes a big market we might see yours flocking to Pakistan but even then we could have done the same to your few writers/artists and sportspersons coming to Pakistan BUT we Pakistanis are not small dkheads like Indians.

Secondly lets just quote example of large number of Indians who flock to Islamic countries for earning despite the Indians hate for arbs and Islam you are NOT kicked by them.

This again shows another contrast between big hearted Muslims and Small hearted Indians ;)
the poor Indians get hurt over petty issues and get happy over such childish acts. In a nut shell they are weak people who love to get self-inflicted injuries by blabering over everything.
I can give befitting reply but leave it.

You should first question why your artists are dying to come to India. Hum beigharat sahi par tum kyun ho ? :D
Have you noticed how only Indians keep doing this shitty behavior. Pakistanis never engage in "expel the Indians out" type behavior.

You did stop cross border trade, discuss of revenge by killing Indian soldiers in return which BTW PA carried out..DIscuss about canceling MFN status, which I dont see much future in, and I dont think there are any Indian artists or players in Pakistan right now.
I can give befitting reply but leave it.

You should first question why your artists are dying to come to India. Hum beigharat sahi par tum kyun ho ? :D

Why Indian artists dying to join Hollywood?

As far Pakistanis are concerned we dont come up with fake ghairat teachings viz a viz India its the Indians who on the one hand talk about cutting off all ties with Pakistan and peaceful Pakistanis on pretext of national ghairat but the very next moment a big beghairat Indian brigade come to PDF with multiple ids.
Flock is a word the represents large number which is not the case even with Pakistanis artists going to India.

When Pakistan becomes a big market we might see yours flocking to Pakistan but even then we could have done the same to your few writers/artists and sportspersons coming to Pakistan BUT we Pakistanis are not small dkheads like Indians.

Secondly lets just quote example of large number of Indians who flock to Islamic countries for earning despite the Indians hate for arbs and Islam you are NOT kicked by them.

This again shows another contrast between big hearted Muslims and Small hearted Indians ;)

Let the Arabs come in support of their Pakistani Ummah brothers and ask Indians to leave Arabistan, India will pull out its citizens before the Arabs even realize whats happening.
Let the Arabs come in support of their Pakistani Ummah brothers and ask Indians to leave Arabistan, India will pull out its citizens before the Arabs even realize whats happening.

No i dont want that its better that they get servants from Hindu majority country ;)
As for Pakistanis, Indians have done a lot on humanitarian ground. If you want I can prove that. Just check Pakistani patients treated in India, their stories about how Indians treated them and many cases where free of cost operation and concessions were made.

We are not bad people, neither are you. But few things are close to our heart. For my soldiers, I am very reserved. I am filled with rage when I saw the wife and mother of that beheaded soldier. But I don't want war. I don't want more soldiers on both sides of borders to get killed.
so has Pakistan we saved ur sailors from terrorists and showed we want peace, and yes many soldiers die on border, a year ago our soldiers died on siachen we asked to solve that issue but ur army didnt showed any intresst in solving it, we care about human life we know how it feels when some one dies, becouse we see it every DAY! and how would the families of the Pakistani soldiers who were killed how would their families would have felt?? the big problem is u alwayz put everything on Pakistan and that is wrong people die on both sides, but the attitude india has towards us is really not right
You did stop cross border trade, discuss of revenge by killing Indian soldiers in return which BTW PA carried out..DIscuss about canceling MFN status, which I dont see much future in, and I dont think there are any Indian artists or players in Pakistan right now.

the MFN status was not given in the first place and why should we act like Indian munafiqs when India is not the Most Favourit Nation for us why should we act hypocritaclly by giving just a juicy status.

Secondly we dint stop trade with INDIA.

Thirdly NO Indian soldier had been beheaded. look within the Indian army might be revering the head after cutting it and failing to convince the world against Pakistan.
Just a small question all those Indian members who oppose any kind of relation with Pakistan and advocate for hurting artists/writers/sportspersons from Pakistan on pretext that its question of Indian honour and sentiments and patriotisim then my small question to them is why this large number of Beghairat bridage is still on a Pakistani forum ?

Indians are here to irritate Pakistani like you.
Flock is a word the represents large number which is not the case even with Pakistanis artists going to India.When Pakistan becomes a big market we might see yours flocking to Pakistan but even then we could have done the same to your few writers/artists and sportspersons coming to Pakistan BUT we Pakistanis are not small dkheads like Indians.Secondly lets just quote example of large number of Indians who flock to Islamic countries for earning despite the Indians hate for arbs and Islam you are NOT kicked by them.This again shows another contrast between big hearted Muslims and Small hearted Indians ;)
We are Small Heaerterd ?

We literally gave heart to Pakistan.


India opens its doors for sick Pakistani child - YouTube

Healing hearts: Pak girl gets heart treatment in India - YouTube

We are not that bad. I don't like to post these, but you should also notice this. But yoou see selective things shown in Indian Media.
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