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Pakistani women gives a great reply to India and Pakistani media

I prefer the intellectual discussion on the Rg Veda which is going on here compared to the pointless banter by other posters :D

@Bang Galore @p(-)0ENiX and others contributing to that discussion, could one of you please start a different thread on the subject if one doesn't already exist. As a novice history lover, I find your discussions quite interesting and well presented. I personally know squat about the subject
I prefer the intellectual discussion on the Rg Veda which is going on here compared to the pointless banter by other posters :D

[B @Bang Galore[/B] @p(-)0ENiX and others contributing to that discussion, could one of you please start a different thread on the subject if one doesn't already exist. As a novice history lover, I find your discussions quite interesting and well presented. I personally know squat about the subject

At the moment, I won't have the time to discuss this topic exclusively on another thread. However, I will reply to [MENTION=24361]Bang Galore[/MENTION] as soon as possible.
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haaaaaaaaaaaaa.............must watch...how young Kidd and women getting influence
why they are worried ...you will get answer......it is war....which was plan by late smt indira gandhi

Wow! I didn't know that Indira Gandhi had planned to invade Pakistan through saas-bahu serials. :lol:
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I prefer the intellectual discussion on the Rg Veda which is going on here compared to the pointless banter by other posters :D

@Bang Galore @p(-)0ENiX and others contributing to that discussion, could one of you please start a different thread on the subject if one doesn't already exist. As a novice history lover, I find your discussions quite interesting and well presented. I personally know squat about the subject

Plenty of threads where this has been discussed threadbare. Gets boring repeating the same things after a while. I don't bother intervening in most threads but occasionally get sucked in if the other poster seems to be a reasonable person. There is no correct view point, we are for the most part dealing with conjectures. If the Rg veda is brought into discussion, it opens up an area for rebuttal. Almost everything else is open to interpretation.
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1000 years of servitude to us makes the hate amplify in you.

Btw, where those surgical strikes at?

Zara lollipop chup ke soch.

I don't understand this, Pakistan did not exist on earth before 1947.... this is I think the outcome of skewed history taught by Zia Ul Haq....
no matter what pakistanis say,to me majority of pakistani punjabis look just like any other andhraite(people of andhra pradesh).the only people who look diff are north easterners.i dont know how and when pakistani punjabis became separate race .
i will accept tht pashtuns are a diff race but pakistani punjabis are no diff from andhraites or UPite or bihari or rajastani

Yep no difference between Punjabis and dravidians, now can you honestly tell why bollywood is 90% punjabi despite being 2% of population? Infact majority of bollywood decendents moved from Pakistan in last century. And why actors of other Indian industries dont look like bollywood actors? Why someone from Pakistan punjab Zafar Ali have better chance of working in bollywood then non-punjabi in bollywood?
There was an Indian civilization with an Indian identity both in India and abroad, North-West was not distinct. Even the modern Punjabi and Sindhi languages are closely related to Hindi/Urdu.

You do realize punjabi is much much older language then urdu/hindi? But before Baba Farid in 11th century it was only spoken and not writen. And with it comes arabic influence, so thats why punjabi have many arabic words apart from sanskrit. Urdu/Hindi come later and because of Punjabi influence on them they both have many arabic/persian words also.
You do realize punjabi is much much older language then urdu/hindi? But before Baba Farid in 11th century it was only spoken and not writen. And with it comes arabic influence, so thats why punjabi have many arabic words apart from sanskrit. Urdu/Hindi come later and because of Punjabi influence on them they both have many arabic/persian words also.

I meant the dialects of Hindi/Urdu especially Khariboli which originated around 9-10th century.

A Dramatic Prakrit, Shauraseni was the chief language used in drama in northern medieval India. Most of the material in this language originates from the 3rd to 10th centuries AD, though it was probably a spoken colloquial around the 5th century BC. Its descendants include the varieties of Hindi, the Central Zone of modern Indic or Hindi languages, the standard registers of Hindustani based on the Khariboli dialect, and the Punjabi language.
Shauraseni language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yep no difference between Punjabis and dravidians, now can you honestly tell why bollywood is 90% punjabi despite being 2% of population? Infact majority of bollywood decendents moved from Pakistan in last century. And why actors of other Indian industries dont look like bollywood actors? Why someone from Pakistan punjab Zafar Ali have better chance of working in bollywood then non-punjabi in bollywood?

All Punjabis don't look fair. Majority of Sindhis and Saraikis resembles more like Dravidian people.
I don't understand this, Pakistan did not exist on earth before 1947.... this is I think the outcome of skewed history taught by Zia Ul Haq....

It existed even 5000 years ago and then foreign people called it Meluhha. And India also existed 5000 years ago, we called them barbarians and our ancestors converted them to Hinduism. The process started when Vedic civilization was in peak. Remember first Rig Veda was written in Pakistan and later ones in India by brahmins who were ancestors of people living in Pakistani region. Even now DNA tests proves that Brahmins no matter where in India will on average have more west asian genes compared to other populations despite mixing for thousands of years with locals. Sanskrit birth place is Pakistan. That's why there is Aryan-Dravidian divide in India now.

You cant deny any of this, you can at best say that there was no Pakistan back then! Thats what every Indian have to say when presented with facts. Another excuse they come up with is but but Pakistanis are descendent of arabs, iranis and turkish people. Well thanks to DNA tests this theory also has been debunked.

All Punjabis don't look fair. Majority of Sindhis and Saraikis resembles like Dravidian people of South.

Did i say all Punjabi look fair? Indian obsession with skin colours blind them for obvious facial features which are clearly different unless you are blind! There are dark as Dravidian pukhtoons but they will not look anywhere near like Dravidians or other Indian populations.
It existed even 5000 years ago and then foreign people called it Meluhha.

Meluhha was the name for country of traders coming to trade with Mesopotamia from Gujarat's coast.

Did i say all Punjabi look fair? Indian obsession with skin colours blind them for obvious facial features which are clearly different unless you are blind! There are dark as Dravidian pukhtoons but they will not look anywhere near like Dravidians or other Indian populations.

That tag belong to Pakistanis, read the comments of majority of Pakistani members here. :lol:
I meant the dialects of Hindi/Urdu especially Khariboli which originated around 9-10th century.

Amir Khusrow the "father of urdu language" teacher himself was student of Baba Farid. So when people ignorantly say look how Punjabi sound so similar and copied from urdu/hindi when in fact its other way around.
Meluhha was the name for country of traders coming to trade with Mesopotamia from Gujarat's coast.

Wrong, that small piece of current day India was part of Indus Valley. And main centers of IVC have always been in Pakistan.

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