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Pakistani teen girl Malala seeks Bangladesh’s help

Yawn. Poor propaganda.


what is the source of this?
Why is there an issue if Malala had wanted help? Bangladesh has done better in women empowerment than most countries in the subcontinent. I'm just wandering, How is she perceived in Pakistan?
any other source? @CaPtAiN_pLaNeT

seeing how poor bangladesh is, malala must be not in her right mind to seek from a third world country who is also seeking help from the UN and other charity organisations?

Well, we may not be in any position to do so due to being "third-world" developing nation. China also happens to be a developing nation and there is poverty and social issues in the rural parts of the country.

What weapons or how rich a country is are meaningless in this regard.

We do however have many specialized private NGO's like BRAC, so I guess that might help as far as children's education go.

If I am not mistaken, Pakistan has the second highest in the category of children lacking access to education; whereas Nigeria happens to be the first in that category.

Try not to think of this as fake or real. Or the Awami League or whatever the OP said. But instead focus on actual problem at hand.

BRAC has good experience in this regard. Children are the seeds of the nation's future. So I do wish Pakistan or any nation for that matter all the best on this regard.

That's all I can say on this!:cheesy:
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It is a piece of TRASH as claimed by your own fellow Citizen @idune who knows the reality of that internet RAG.

I can't expect a better reply from a person who doesn't know the difference between a blog and a newspaper
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that will only help the greater evil reign

I fail to see how people would justify hartal during Ramadan..

JI are just plain weird. They are pretty much shooting themselves in the foot by being so. It'll only make them more vulnerable than they already are.

Best thing is for the will of the people to take shape and let them decide.

What a minority of wealthy religious/non-religious say are irrelevant in the long-term.

How's this related to the topic?:what:
Who cares! He is representing Bangladesh there, not Awamileague

People should care, because these Awami thugs in diplomatic label represent awami interest than Bangladesh or Bangladeshi people. We have seen that throughout last 5 years how Bangladesh being turned into a subservient state. First you spread mis information and when you got caught you come up with line "who cares". Just like Awami ministers said after Awami League killing thousands that it not serious.
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