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Pakistani Taliban say fighters going to Afghanistan

it is the best time to take back our all lost lands from militants in FATA
and to build the state of the art defense paramaters there
so that these rats can't come inside oiur peaceful anytime more again in the future.....
How is NA worst than Taliban ? Was NA bombing every mosque in Pakistan as Taliban does ?

Please stop glorifying the NA thugs that are ruthless and inhumane. The NA warlords are heavily involved in drug trafficking. These people have no regard for human rights. For instance, much criticism has been levelled against the NA for alleged breaches of human rights, by both Afghan and international groups, such as the Dasht-i-Leili massacre. The influence allied warlords have in their territories where they make their own, often draconian, laws is one factor. Human Rights Watch has released documents alleging internal displacement and executions, widespread rape, arbitrary arrests and "disappearances" targeted against the civilian population. The NA massacred each other during the civil war. Comparing the Taliban with the NA is like comparing Hitler with Mussolini. Whether the Taliban are involved in the bombing of Pakistani mosques doesn't justify the evil committed by the NA.
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Pakistan was the supporter of this so called Northern Alliance(it shouldnt be called NA as they held the forces from other parts of the country and not just the north) long before the indians supported them. they only chose india once they saw that pakistan started to fuel civil war and supporting one group against the other.

HAHA check ur facts again....
a new propaganda from so called TTP
i think its is not right name for them they was must be something other not with PAK name .:undecided:
How is NA worst than Taliban ? Was NA bombing every mosque in Pakistan as Taliban does ?
Talking about Afghan taliban not ur friends.

Dustam used to kill first and after beheading ppl he used to put fire on head. Its start dancing which dustum loved to watch.
And you don't have any thing better to do but to post gibberish, if you are going to accuse Pakistan then might as well back your statement with a fact can you.
Well said, Khalidali. Exactly my words (the ones in Bold) when I come across your fellow Pakistanis posting and I quote you "Gibberish /accusing" against India. I just hope more of your people had the same level of reasoning i.e., to provide proof/a credible source to back up their accusations or just STFU.
Well said, Khalidali. Exactly my words (the ones in Bold) when I come across your fellow Pakistanis posting and I quote you "Gibberish /accusing" against India. I just hope more of your people had the same level of reasoning i.e., to provide proof/a credible source to back up their accusations or just STFU.

Thank you for agreeing with me but the fact is that this issue is not common to us Pakistanis only but it runs well on both sides of the line, so it is not us only who should STFU but the same goes for you and your brethren.

And on a side note a statement can be made with out making an @$$ of your self so be careful when you open your mouth and talk about my country and my countrymen.
And on a side note a statement can be made with out making an A$$ of your self so be careful when you open your mouth and talk about my country and my countrymen.
OMG, :rofl: Exactly my words (to you and your like) again.
PS: Just so that some don't take the word "A$$" as obscene and need not be printed encrypted. A$$: (Noun) a donkey or similar horse-like animal with long ears and a braying call. 2 informal a foolish or stupid person. This forum settings wont allow me to write the word A$$ with two S's instead of the dollar sign. Looks an A$$ with dollar signs is more acceptable than some a_s_s.
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OMG, :rofl: Exactly my words (to you and your like) again.

So basically you are going to use my words all day long and try to make a statement with a smiley. Dude grow up make a point if you have the mental capacity to make one or f**k off.
PS: Just so that some don't take the word "***" as obscene and need not be printed encrypted. ***: (Noun) a donkey or similar horse-like animal with long ears and a braying call. 2 informal a foolish or stupid person.

Thank you for clearing the air or the people might have taken you for the @$$ that you are and not the one that you gave the def for.

Well kid i am off enough of me waisting my time with you.
Shows your mental capacity and your vocabulary.

Do you seriously have any thing to add to the debate other then the crap, and don't worry about my vocab you understood what I was trying to say. Now "thank you come again". :wave:
Waliur Rehamn is a lier and a cold blooded murderer , he claimed resposibility of the murder of the children in Parade Lane mosque bombing and when asked about all the unsuspecting worshippers that were killed he said 'they dont matter'!

now this animal is talking about living like brothers and sending fighters to Afghanistan ?!

Absloute lier , he has seen the seriousness of the offensive in SWA and he knows that the Armed forces are coming after them so he wants play up the fight in Afghanistan ( of which these rats have done none ).

In this report the US Colonel has said that they havent seen large movement across the borders in his statement, if the US Colonel is telling the truth than Waliur Rehman is lying


Not so much in the past the US has been crowing about cross border movement but on this ocassion the US spokesman denied it ( maybe cause this was about their pets the TTP )?!?!
SHAKTOI, Pakistan: A top Pakistani Taliban commander says he has sent thousands of fighters to neighbouring Afghanistan to rebuff incoming US troops, a claim that comes as a Pakistani army offensive is believed to have pushed many of his men to flee their main redoubt.

Waliur Rehman told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview Monday night that the Pakistani Taliban remain committed to battling the army in the South Waziristan tribal region, but they are essentially waging a guerrilla war.

Rehman is a deputy to Pakistani Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud, and the man in charge of the group's operations in South Waziristan.

‘Since (President Barack) Obama is also sending additional forces to Afghanistan, we sent thousands of our men there to fight Nato and American forces,’ Rehman said.

The Afghan ‘Taliban needed our help at this stage, and we are helping them.’

Col. Wayne Shanks, a US military spokesman in Afghanistan, called Rehman's comments ‘rhetoric’ that were not to be believed.

‘We have not noticed any significant movement of insurgents in the border area,’ he said.

Ishtiaq Ahmad, a professor of international relations at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad, speculated the comments were just an attempt to worsen the already tense relationship between the US and Pakistan.

‘When the United States expects Pakistan to synchronise its own counterterrorism policy with the troop surge...the militants issue these statements in an attempt to create problems in this relationship,’ said Ahmad.

Either stance is nearly impossible to independently verify. Access to the tribal belt, especially conflict zones, is severely restricted. Pakistani army spokesmen could not immediately be reached for comment.

Rehman spoke in a large mud-brick compound in the Shaktoi area of South Waziristan.

He looked relaxed as a he sat on a carpet surrounded by seven rifle-toting guards and Azam Tariq, a Taliban spokesman. It was apparently the first time either he or Hakimullah Mehsud had given an in-person interview to a journalist since the Pakistani military launched the ground offensive on October 17.

To meet Rehman, the AP reporter travelled to North Waziristan's town of Mir Ali and from there was taken by Taliban militants on a six-hour ride to South Waziristan in a vehicle with tinted windows.

The army sent some 30,000 troops to battle as many as 10,000 militants in South Waziristan, including hundreds of Uzbek fighters. The military estimates it has killed about 600 Taliban fighters. Rehman claimed he'd lost fewer than 20 fighters.

But many of the Pakistani Taliban militants are believed to have fled to other parts of the tribal belt, a semiautonomous stretch of rugged territory that runs along the Afghan border. Most were believed to have gone to North Waziristan, Orakzai and Kurram tribal areas.

The military has launched airstrikes in the latter two regions in recent weeks, and a full offensive might be in the works there.

Rehman, considered to be the strategic brains behind the Pakistani Taliban, said most of his fighters had reached Afghanistan and he didn't need that many insurgents to take on the military in South Waziristan.

He said Hakimullah Mehsud was ‘not far away’ and safe. Hakimullah Mehsud took over the extremist network in August after a US missile strike killed former commander Baitullah Mehsud.

Earlier this week, fliers signed by Mehsud appeared in North Waziristan warning Taliban fighters taking refuge there not to cause problems. It appeared to be an attempt to keep peace with other militants in that region — some of whom have truces with the government.

‘The claims of sending thousands of warriors into Afghanistan and the circulation of such leaflets to appease the warriors in North Waziristan are basically a reflection of increasing desperation of the Pakistani Taliban as it comes under increasing pressure from our security forces,’ said Ahmad, the international relations professor.

Rehman also said his group would stop attacking Pakistani forces if the country would sever its ties with the United States, a somewhat more moderate stance compared with his proclamation in a video he recorded before the South Waziristan operation that the group would fight until it set up an Islamic state in Pakistan.

Since October, militants have launched numerous attacks throughout Pakistan in a wave of violence that has killed more than 500 people, many of them civilians.

‘We would again become Pakistan's brother if Pakistan ends its support for America,’ he said. He claimed the Taliban only attacked security forces and disavowed any strikes on civilian targets.

Rehman urged Obama to focus on shoring up the beleaguered US economy. ‘He should know that Americans don't want war,’ Rehman said. ‘He should use this money for the welfare of his own people.’

He further claimed that Osama bin Laden was safe and alive, but that he had never met the al-Qaeda chief in person. Pakistani officials have long cast doubt on suggestions that bin Laden is hiding in the tribal belt.

‘I know he is in touch with his people and he is communicating with them to convey his instructions,’ Rehman said.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Pakistani Taliban say fighters going to Afghanistan

that's the taliban's excuse for getting their ***** handed to them in SW? :azn:
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