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Pakistani student beaten up in Indian university

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Yeah I have read of many incidents where Indians were attacked, in Australia in US.. One of my friend died in US because of unknown assailants.. so you claim that no amount of ragging or anything will land a person in hospital means you guys are better... I'm congratulating you.
I am sorry to hear about your friend...

But it is somewhat true...we dont land kids in hospital...esp not foreign kids ...

However I do admit there is ragging...so far I have only heard of 2 (stupidly rich) kids in a shooting but that was coz they were stupid, rich and it was about a girl I think....but back to stupid and rich...meaning rare cases!
By passing the typical example, ... Pakistani artists and performers being hounded even forced to cancel or wrap up their performance, Pakistani women cricketers forced to sleep in the club grounds others ending up drinking detergent, just a few examples of the celebrated Indian hospitality, on the contrary do you ever hear of an Indian visiting Pakistan getting same treatment......Pakistanis leave their fight at the borders not on the playing fields or venues. All to do with the psyche of the nations.

That is because barely any Indians visit Pakistan anyway whereas tens of thousands of your people come here every year for tourism , studies and medical treatment. Intstead, you equate your Hindus to Indians and treat them in such a way that those poor guys have to come to India for permanent settlement in the thousands each year.

Free medical camp: Indian doctors reach out to Pakistani patients by fixing hearts – The Express Tribune

Indian doctors help Pakistani patients - Los Angeles Times

Hundreds of Pakistanis travel to more medically advanced India each year to seek help. Many expect hostility in a nuclear rival of Pakistan, but they find compassion instead.
Who is asking them to come in the first place!!?? :undecided:
Unlike the Indians on PDF, Pakistani artists or otherwise don't turn up until and unless they are sponsored or invited so one should put his money where his mouth is.
We appreciated that...but PDF Indians are all for the 3 attackers...that is shocking us more!
what's shocking? college fights? it's a common thing here. If the guy was beaten for just being Pakistani that's condemnable but if it there is some other reason behind it than, not a big deal. Wait for a police report before pointing out how bad the Indians/hindus are.
I am not defending it though. How can I defend, a clear case of criminal offence? The student could have potentially been harmed worse.

I am defending the notion that this proves that somehow, every Indian is a murderous scumbag.
Oh i wasnt talking about you,i know your a very balanced Indian here,was hinting at a general reaction of most of the indian fellas here....

nah not every Indian is and cant be....i dont believe in declaring each and every person of any nation as criminal/accused...that's silly!
When was the last time you heard an Indian be

Unlike the Indians on PDF, Pakistani artists or otherwise don't turn up until and unless they are sponsored or invited so one should put his money where his mouth is.

Or in the case of Pakistani Women cricketers, detergent.
Talon why are you shocked at this stage?
I dont expect human beings to try to justify beating up just because of different nationality :unsure: It is beyond me! Had an Indian been beaten in Pakistan...as long as he wasnt causing harm to Pakistan....I would have condemned...never supported it!
We appreciated that...but PDF Indians are all for the 3 attackers...that is shocking us more!
Where,where where ,we have no problem calling spade a spade,we dont support them.

But dont like someone giving it someother colour
what's shocking? college fights? it's a common thing here. If the guy was beaten for just being Pakistani that's condemnable but if it there is some other reason behind it than, not a big deal. Wait for a police report before pointing out how bad the Indians/hindus are.

It is serious. But it should be treated as a criminal offence and the perpetrators brought to book.

If they confess it was due to his nationality, then the mud slinging is justified.
:P yoru anti-social elements are in universities ours are associated with al-qaida terror lolzzzz

your argument was not good
First of all most of your anti social elements are indigenous to your nation and not fresh imports from land of Arabia.
But it does not change the end result, a dead person is afterall dead and beaten/roughed up person is afterall alive.

Given a choice b/w Pakistan and India, which country do you think a foreigner would likely visit, be it for tourism, medical purposes or higher studies?
Clearly the results speak for them selves on which country is safer for foreign national.
It is serious. But it should be treated as a criminal offence and the perpetrators brought to book.

If they confess it was due to his nationality, then the mud slinging is justified.
otherwise it will happen again and again.....will bring more shame then!
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