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Pakistani’s Not Allowed In “At Home” Chinese Restaurant Islamabad

So has anyone politely asked the establishment the reason for their policy?

Only one sentence in your whole post made some sense. Someone should politely ask the establishment for a reason for this discrimination against the Pakistanis. Though, I do not see how any reason can be acceptable.......

And regarding the places in India, constant racial discrimination is rampant in all cities. The typical scam goes like this: Pretend to provide a "service" to a foreigner, quote a price that is about 5X local price. Then lead them to a dingy suspicious place (especially true if they are the tuk-tuk drivers) so the foreigner becomes lost. Make up some excuse why the fare should now be 10X, and if they foreigner doesn't budge, make THREATS. Here, depending on the situation the scam/thief/police/owner may rob you, rape you, gang attack you, or much worse!

Everything that you write is a clear indication that you know nothing about India. I seriously doubt if you know anything about your own country, whichever that may be. You mentioned about the establishments in the Middle East, I know that the domestic jobs and the shared x 10 accomodation in Middle East can be really stifling and that then creates the state of mind in which you think that the whole world is bad. It is not Sir..... Probably you had a somewhat "hard pressed" experience by an Indian person. If that has been a case, I sincerely regret it but you are spreading misinformation, please do not do it. In fact I have read your other posts and some are quite informative, please maintain that high informative interest in this case too.

Say there's a vacant motel and you ask to rest. You see a vacant sign and you ask for a single bed. Seeing you are a foreigner their will either: 1) say there's no single beds, only double. Then you ask for double, and they immediately backtrack and say "sorry, me no double beds either!". "But you just said." "No. no. no. I say we only have super-special rooms" "Okay, how much for these rooms?" "$200/night!" "$200 a night?! Not only is that exorbant, but the sign says it's only $20/night right over there!" "No. no. no. you know noting get out!!!"


2) Even though there a empty rooms, they will tell you "No vacancies" (even though right before you people book rooms and after you people book rooms) "Go to XXXX place". So you go to the next establishment, and they say the same sh1t. On and on and on this goes, remember you are a foreign tourist with lots of luggage, and they KNOW you are tired so they EXPLOIT this fact. Finally you go to XXXX place and you find out the same scam as in 1) but only the PRICE is even HIGHER (because they assume, often correctly, that no other establishment will let you stay!)

You can easily see other foreigners get scamed numerous ways. Just as an example. A British man was tricked into missing his flight. Right away another Indian who works for a particular airline (say Deccan) walks up to him and says "I can help you come with me!" So he takes him to a set-up. They then engage in deceptive small talk, collecting data they will later exploit. Then they say oh this flight is "all booked solid (it's never booked solid)" and so he asks "When's the next available flight?" "Oh, not until 3-5 days from now (again a lie)" "But we have this special seat that someone canceled, but it's only a cheap $500 (real indian local price $30)." From their small talk the Indian fraudster knows this man has an important appointment so they reassure him "There's no other way for you to get to XXXX in time, you MUST pay for this!"

It is quite obvious that you show no respect to Indians but at least yo shoudl show some to people visiting India. The example you are quoting, which foreigner visiting India will be such an idiot to accept that logic. The average human intelligence whether Indian or Non-Indian is much higher than the above limits of your imagination and hence you need to cease quoting such false evil granny stories.

Everywhere in this world, there are random incidents of cheating with visitors and this is not exclusive to India. I have personally faced such incidents in better places such as South Side of Chicago or downtown Athens or the beatiful Oberstaufen in Germany or at Ramblas street in Barcelona (Gaudi is really magnificient) or even at the Tereskaya metro station at Moscow. In fact the worse financial loss that I ever had was in the Emirates Business Class lounge at Dubai (old terminal) was done to me by this Phillipino person. Irony is that I had offered him light and lit his ciggarrette for him just before he picked up my wallet from my jacket on my case and quitely disappeared. The police caught him via the cameras. And I know that he would have been very comfortable that night. Arabs though are good people but they like Philipinos.

These are only a few incidents, trust me there have been many more incidents. In fact at really worse places such as Manila and Cebu, the experience has been even more horrible and bordering on the lines of human shame but such random instances do not in any way gives us a yardstick to judge a civilization or nation.

I hope that I have been clear in my request to you to refrain from abusive and derogratory comments without specific information about the occuring of these alleged instances.
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Update from Nida S Zaman, the person who launched the protest against the restaurant, that it has been temporarily closed down at its current premises. The landlord of the restaurant has ordered them to vacate the place. Sometimes, a silent protest is worth it. Thanks everyone for the support.
^^^why are you so worried for the freedom in Pakistani resturants?
didn't you read my post properly....before asking questions?
It is private bussiness off limits.... we need to solve the matter of indians having soldiers in embassy against international norms.
we have to solve the issue of americans harrasing Pakistanis in streets which is public place... and disrespect policement which are public officials.
i know in india million places where only white tourists are allowed but not stinky people. will you go there?

As a private business owner you have to right to decide who you do business with
When your actions undermine public harmony it becomes difficult to continue business practices

imagine a restaurant owner in Lahore with signs "Europeans only" and "Indians and Dogs not allowed"
Such signs were common hundred years ago
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