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Pakistani protesters condemn Saudi aggression against Yemen


idiot muslims.
Is Pakistan owned by Sunnis according to you? Or we are all Pakistanis no matter what our religion or sect? Should all non Sunni Pakistanis stay silent and never raise their voice?
Shias had already faced lot of trouble but mostly had public support they would loose all if they try to support Iran on this
Mr I am for peaceful solution but Houthis need to understand they are a minority and Pakistan has to support when entire sunni world is on one side We have to give Military support as well as put pressure on Iran to use its influence so Houthi start talks

lesson from yemen, syria, lebanon, iraq not enough ?

Houthis are backed by majority of Muslims. Yemen is united.

the filthy anti shia creatures will be dealth with in pakistan too.

one million terror monsters and 26 agencies can't do any thing.

just wait.

Beralvis have no say and have been the victims themselves like Hazars but to lesser extent but did anyway examples attacks on shrines in Lahore and Sawat and desecrations of their graves by terrorists
and whats more even their mosques are shut down, imagine this happening in India but a Salafi administration of Islamic universty just did that under false pretence and excuse

International Islamic University shuts down Barelvi mosque - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

International Islamic University shuts down Barelvi mosque

barelvis are peaceful and the wahabi clan take advantage of their nature.

and this clan is creating trouble in all corners of the world.

see nigeria what is happening there? there is boko haram.

they do not like to see others live in peace and freedom.
Mr I am for peaceful solution but Houthis need to understand they are a minority and Pakistan has to support when entire sunni world is on one side We have to give Military support as well as put pressure on Iran to use its influence so Houthi start talks

our support shouldn't be sectarian based or based on who has more people but on principles and justice

majority is not the rule of thumb what what is right. in many cases its oppressive and cruel and is not interested in truth

read the story of our 3rd Caliph Hazrat Usman R.A who doesnt get much mention. he alone embraced Islam out of his clan that was morbidly anti Banu Hashim and had personal grudge against Muhammad PBUH, read how much physical torture he endured he must have been told the same lines about disgracing the family, the majority of Meccans thought Muhammad PBUH and his handful of followers were mad.
The issue is protesting armed rebels who are fighting the government. Reminds me of the TTP in some ways. And condemning Saudi for attacking Yemen is weird, they took out aircraft and SAMs and made a no fly zone, they did not drop barrel bombs or anything on those lines.
And yes these protests should be controlled, it will lead to sectarian violence, the way the posters here are talking it seems like both sects act maturely and there is no terrorism issues in Pakistan.

What is your solution?

idiot muslims.

Sir, a genuine thought... i sometimes think is there really 1.5billion "muslims" or seperately sunnis or shias or ahmadiyya etc etc... i think muslim world need to be more united.. why should the word minority come when one is following same religion, maybe a slightly different version.... this sectarian war is killing muslims only...
stay out of middle east

clean out our own mess of BLA, TTP and its affiliates
Leads up to the question of who will our allies exactly be after this conflict. Iran has nothing to do with these rebels officially and Saudi Arabia has officially asked for our help. We can send retired army personal who wish to go, most are perfectly healthy and have no role in Pakistan. It will help us as well as solidify our relationship abroad.
@Zarvan Brother Zarvan It seems that your friends of yesteryears have been forced into a volte-face on their policies of using Jihadis as proxies in different wars and conflicts. Ok, the sense took quite long to peneterate into thick skulls but finally it prevailed over ignorance of colossol proportion. The time has come for Allah's soldiers to follow the footsteps of their former abetters, may you also find peace with yourselves.
Sir, a genuine thought... i sometimes think is there really 1.5billion "muslims" or seperately sunnis or shias or ahmadiyya etc etc... i think muslim world need to be more united.. why should the word minority come when one is following same religion, maybe a slightly different version.... this sectarian war is killing muslims only...

the problem is political agendas that are associated with being shia, sunni and others. unless we dont give up our political agendas and keep it simply a spiritual matter, we wont find peace.
Shias in Pakistan need to keep there mouth shut on this issue otherwise they will loose the support and may even face more attacks.

Frankly i dont see any harm if they are protesting, they got the rite to express their feelings, jus like you and me.... we need to respect that... these people are just protesting, not carrying arms or challenging the writ of the state ... state as well as you and me... we need to protect these people as they citizens of Pakistani's...
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