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Pakistani protesters condemn Saudi aggression against Yemen

Shias in Pakistan need to keep there mouth shut on this issue otherwise they will loose the support and may even face more attacks.
wtf? are u mad? why'd you even say that?
its common sense pakistan has more than enough problems of its own it should not intervene in saudi at all they already have enough military and backing of regional bigwigs and usa pakistan should mind its own business.
Shias in Pakistan need to keep there mouth shut on this issue otherwise they will loose the support and may even face more attacks.

Why? If i say the same about you that you need to keep your mouth shut, how would you feel? Shias are also Pakistanis and they have every right to express their opinion, just like you and I have.
Shias in Pakistan need to keep there mouth shut on this issue otherwise they will loose the support and may even face more attacks.
its a point of view Zarvan just like our TTP, LeJ, Siphah Sahabah , Lashker Jhangvi , LeT, JuD brothers are praising the Saudi bombing of the Yemen.
I mean give them a break because of the change of roles, one the said party condemns the "barrel" bombing of Asad on innocent FSA, ISIS and Al Nusrah innocent fightings and other praises it so in case of yemen the roles are reversed

thats the beauty of speaking your mind and overing your heart... maybe the protesters dont represent all shias? specially Hazaras who have been effectively "shut up" by our pure Muslim brothers of correct faith and correct height of shalwars from the ankles?
Shias in Pakistan need to keep there mouth shut on this issue otherwise they will loose the support and may even face more attacks.

TJP and ISO were made for these days inside Pakistan !

what you minority say about majority barelvis ?

they are against KSA and supporting Yemen.
Shias in Pakistan need to keep there mouth shut on this issue otherwise they will loose the support and may even face more attacks.

jitni tere sehat hai, toun thalay do chandan piyya hun tay saray fitna gari to tobba kar lain..
Pakistani protesters condemn Saudi aggression against Yemen
Muhammad Toori
Press TV, Karachi

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government is once-again under strict criticism for supporting Saudi Arabia in its aggression against Yemen. People in the Southern port city of Karachi took to the streets to condemn the Saudi invasion of Yemen and the Pakistani government’s support.

These furious demonstrators are demanding the Nawaz-administration to step back from joining Saudi invasion of Yemen."

Participants slammed the government for supporting Saudi Arabia while it had turned a blind eye on the sufferings of Gazans when they were bombed by Israel. Saudi Government paid the Nawaz administration 1.5 billion dollars last year that the government insists, was a gift from the Kingdom.

In a press conference, Majlis-e-Wahdat-e-Mulimeen also condemned the federal government for making such announcement without debating the issue in national assembly. The opposition leader Imran Khan also tweeted that Pakistan should play a lead role in bringing peace instead of joining the Saudi invasion of Yemen.

Pakistan has supported the aggression but it has so far refrained from joining the airstrikes. However, the country has announced that it will safeguard the territorial integrity of Saudi Arabia.
we have differing opinions and shia sunnies have lived together side by side much more in peace than the rest of our Arabian brothers

there is a political angle there and such support and opposition to the events elsewhere in the middle east are dictated by which faith you follow instead of who is right or wrong (again a point of view depending on who you ask).

seems like the government (read army) has agreed with the views of the protesters and decided in principle to not join in this fight and thankfully so I mean look at the line up of the personalities supporting the Saudi actions, looking at their smug faces makes me throw up people like hafiz saeed and ASWJ flirting with the idea of shaping our foreign policy I mean come on.
what you minority say about majority barelvis ?

they are against KSA and supporting Yemen.
Beralvis have no say and have been the victims themselves like Hazars but to lesser extent but did anyway examples attacks on shrines in Lahore and Sawat and desecrations of their graves by terrorists
and whats more even their mosques are shut down, imagine this happening in India but a Salafi administration of Islamic universty just did that under false pretence and excuse

International Islamic University shuts down Barelvi mosque - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

International Islamic University shuts down Barelvi mosque
its a point of view Zarvan just like our TTP, LeJ, Siphah Sahabah , Lashker Jhangvi , LeT, JuD brothers are praising the Saudi bombing of the Yemen.
I mean give them a break because of the change of roles, one the said party condemns the "barrel" bombing of Asad on innocent FSA, ISIS and Al Nusrah innocent fightings and other praises it so in case of yemen the roles are reversed

thats the beauty of speaking your mind and overing your heart... maybe the protesters dont represent all shias? specially Hazaras who have been effectively "shut up" by our pure Muslim brothers of correct faith and correct height of shalwars from the ankles?
Mr I am for peaceful solution but Houthis need to understand they are a minority and Pakistan has to support when entire sunni world is on one side We have to give Military support as well as put pressure on Iran to use its influence so Houthi start talks
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