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Pakistani protesters condemn Saudi aggression against Yemen

Shias in Pakistan need to keep there mouth shut on this issue otherwise they will loose the support and may even face more attacks.

Thats te spirit, Keep it up. Bomb/suicide attack all of them, afterall they are all heretics/devils. :):butcher::devil:
If someone had told me about this thread, and that incredible post by the resident fanatic, I would have turned on him angrily and asked him not to repeat scurrilous nonsense.

I am sorry that Zarvan has not been banned.
Shias in Pakistan need to keep there mouth shut on this issue otherwise they will loose the support and may even face more attacks.
What kind of logic is that? Keep the issue in Saudi Arabia/Yemen and Pakistan mutually exclusive. What you do there will have repercussions here.
Why? Do you have the sole rights for discussion here? NO!

With your bluff and bluster, shamelessly lambasting Shias on a forum, you need to be banned till kingdom come. Sectarianism is unacceptable in a civilized world and certainly not on PDF.

@Irfan Baloch You need to sort this guy out. This is what he wrote in a previous post:
I know what you are saying but he is only expressing an opinion that shias (meaning shia representative organisations) shouldnt protest. its a point of view
to be fair he is not supporting or suggesting any violence against that community.
Few people don't represent billions of Pakistanis so please change the heading.

Express News reporting Houthis have declared Pakistanis are enemy.

Wrong RSS guys are pro India and will never hurt India for any one. On the other hand @Zarvan will blow up Pakistan to pieces if his ARAB OWNERS wanted him too.
Well in Pakistan some people are Arabs carrying a Pakistani Passport and some are Iranians carrying the same Pakistani Passport..#NotReallyButBasically
Is Pakistan owned by Sunnis according to you? Or we are all Pakistanis no matter what our religion or sect? Should all non Sunni Pakistanis stay silent and never raise their voice?
dont listen to an extremist who would stoop down to the level where he will say You people (Pakistanis) as if hes indian or something else, that You attacke peaceful tribal people and then they took their arms
Oh really!!! Tell this to Shias. who have been battered in the past 30 years. Shia doctors, professors and intellectuals have been targeted. I dont know one Shia among my friends who has not been affected by Arab imposed sectarian war in Pakistan. Either some one very close has been killed in an attack in Imambargah or targeted individually.

And I m a Sunni. I hate to say this. Growing up, we did not have such differences. But now we have. Thanks to Arab and Iran investment in this business of hate.

What a stupid comment by you @Zarvan. Insensitive and illustrative of your myopic mindset.

Honestly..blaming Zarvan wont cure the sickness that has been spread along the mindset of some of the people of Pakistan...The fundamental question is not about why Shias are protesting or Sunnis but first of all if Supporting Gulf Alliances is of national interest of Pakistan then why the Shias prefer to protest when they know that the national interest of Pakistan is to support the gulf because Gulf stood by Pakistan at all times of economical, financial and also provides jobs to your people which Iran does not provide...

I am surprised to see why none of the sane Pakistan posters brought up this topic of national interest to the piicture...At the end of the day the national interest of Pakistan matters more than Shia and Sunni fight that is going on ? So you guys has to create a national narrative that will bind both warring parties at least in Pakistan and its people..

Hence, although I am with the side of Iran, but Pakistan's national interest lies with Gulf nation rather than Iran if it is forced to choose sides...so what is the point in playing in the backyard when you are already playing in the warzone..
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