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Pakistani protesters condemn Saudi aggression against Yemen

Pakistanis should accept Shia as their Kings and monarchs as this is best for all human beings. we in real will take you to moon and mars and beyond as whole universe belongs to us.

LOL! how come you even think that Shia Do not consider you Fools and will agree to fools being the incharge of the Nation. :lol: 90% of your claims are fake and bs

usa fooling people that their astronauts landed on moon while they never went there.
you are same like them. both messing the world. you all can fool the world but not the genius Shia people.

Pakistanis should accept Shia as their Kings and monarchs as this is best for all human beings. we in real will take you to moon and mars and beyond as whole universe belongs to us.

Rest we have no objections and we will give peace to all which you have failed during the past 1400 years. :pakistan:

Sunni are and will remain sovereign in Pakistan. :)

That's precisely my point - Pakistan's interests should be its own interests and should not align with any country based on that country being Sunni. Numbers don't matter because officially (i.e. through its constitution) Pakistan does not see itself as a Sunni, or Shia state. It is natural to align with Muslim countries because of our history and that Islam has a place in our constitution. It is something I can go along with even though I would prefer that we were secular. But sectarianism has no place in our country.

Supporting GCC is within Pakistan's interests or would you say that the remittances coming from the GCC which constitutes most of Pakistan's remittances is not something Pakistan should seek to maintain? Or the Saudi pumping money into Pakistan to stabilize its currency not to long ago was not within Pakistan's interest? Or should Pakistan disregard all that and support an Iran that has been pro India ever since the mullahs seized power? An Iran that is currently building a port to directly challenge Pakistan's own project with Indian funding. An Iran that created the first armed sectarians groups in Pakistan which started the tit for tat escalation by Saudis.
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the religion, Quran, Hadith, Islam, Quaid, iqbal etc are not for fools or mobs. they all misuse.

since you are not neutral, you are not in position to talk on behalf of all Pakistanis.
This is the problem. many say they are neutral but infact not.

why you jump directly to the last step ?

Before jumping to the last step you have to go thru all these steps. justice, peace, equality, leader.

There is no agreement on one leader and you want all to agree to the decision of disagreed leader :lol:

not achievable. rest continue beating drums and it is not going to produce good results.

No offense. You have been acting like this ever since i blamed KSA-Iran for the sectarian wars in ME, not to mention Pakistan not siding any nations other than Pakistan. I guess you only hear what you wanna hear. I mentioned it before, your hatred for other sects of Islam is clouding your rational thinking. Your hatred for other sects and your blindly love for other sects don't bode well for Pakistan, and i am glad you are not PM of Pakistan.

I can understand your love for Iranian-backed Houthis militant group, but for God's sake, you loyalty is supposed to be with Pakistan, not KSA-Iran. Enough for your sectarian agenda. You eat-love-die in Pakistan, not Iran-KSA.

If Pakistan made a decision to join KSA against Iranian-backed Houthis militant group, then we have no choice but to support Pakistan no matter what.

Would you be okay with Iranian-backed Houthis militant group killing stranded Pakistanis in yemen for the sake of your twisted love for Iran? If Iranian-backed houthis militant decided to attack on stranded Pakistanis in yemen, in my opinion they must pay for that.

I am neutral, but i am not PM of Pakistan. Since, it is decision of PM, you as Pakistani citizen should support Pakistan no matter what.

Besides, Pakistan is not getting involved concerning the matter of on-going yemen after clarification has been provided by foreign minister which is on the record. Pakistan is providing logistical support for the protection of Makkah+Medina and that is that.

If Iranian-backed Houthis militant group dares to attack on stranded Pakistanis in yemen, Pakistan not getting involved to make them pay will be big mistake. After all, unlike you, our loyalty goes with Pakistan and that includes our stranded Pakistanis in yemen, not KSA-Iran.
lol. continue living in the world of fools it is over 1400 years now and keeping illiteracy 99% in the kingdom till the britihs and west came. it is the british education system that you got educated and became masters, graduates doctos engr. etc. you already lost it.
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No offense. You have been acting like this ever since i blamed KSA-Iran for the sectarian wars in ME, not to mention Pakistan not siding any nations other than Pakistan. I guess you only hear what you wanna hear. I mentioned it before, your hatred for other sects of Islam is clouding your rational thinking. Your hatred for other sects and your blindly love for other sects don't bode well for Pakistan, and i am glad you are not PM of Pakistan.
I can understand your love for Iranian-backed Houthis militant group, but for God's sake, you loyalty is supposed to be with Pakistan, not KSA-Iran. Enough for your sectarian agenda. You eat-love-die in Pakistan, not Iran-KSA.
If Pakistan made a decision to join KSA against Iranian-backed Houthis militant group, then we have no choice but to support Pakistan no matter what.
Would you be okay with Iranian-backed Houthis militant group killing stranded Pakistanis in yemen for the sake of your twisted love for Iran? If Iranian-backed houthis militant decided to attack on stranded Pakistanis in yemen, in my opinion they must pay for that.
I am neutral, but i am not PM of Pakistan. Since, it is decision of PM, you as Pakistani citizen should support Pakistan no matter what.
Besides, Pakistan is not getting involved concerning the matter of on-going yemen after clarification has been provided by foreign minister which is on the record. Pakistan is providing logistical support for the protection of Makkah+Medina and that is that.
If Iranian-backed Houthis militant group dares to attack on stranded Pakistanis in yemen, Pakistan not getting involved to make them pay will be big mistake. After all, unlike you, our loyalty goes with Pakistan and that includes our stranded Pakistanis in yemen, not KSA-Iran.

iranian backed, pakistan backed, pakistan backed iranian backed. please come out of all these games. there is no such thing. it is just like that india blames paksitan in kashmir. pakistan backed. this all is stupidity.

nowhere in the world shia hate anyone but the ziponists+wahabis whom they consider enemy of peace and the root cause of all problems in the many continents. we have no problem with our sunnis brothers or another.

what is loyality ? loyality to war. how we can support it ?
when shias were targeted during the days of zia we told things will go wrong and you can see the result yoursefl.
today again we say it is bigger wrong than zia and the results will be far more dangerous than previous wrong.
today those who support war in yemen their sons will say them wrong in future.

one side you are neutral. otherside you support war pm. this is not neutral.

today the state agencies purchased by ksa marginalized shias in paksitan and we should say they are good. they can only be good if good people take the charge and work for pakistan instead of ksa.

samething happened in yemen. why houthis have risen ? it is all due to the yemeni state agencies purchased by ksa started marginilzation of the shia.

today attackers support a puppet in yemen who asked foreigners to attack yemen. wow.
the attackers have lost all reasoning when the same will come to them in future.

no one is against pakistan in our country. it is only the soldout people who have created problem and division.
Pakistan was created to be an Islamic state. but it is becoming what we all know it well.
Let pakistan remain islamic.
we are with you, we all have same fate. either we do mistakes or you do mistake or pm do mistake we all have to face together.
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iranian backed, pakistan backed, pakistan backed iranian backed. please come out of all these games. there is no such thing. it is just like that india blames paksitan in kashmir. pakistan backed. this all is stupidity.

It is clear that you are avoiding when it comes to Iran. lol

nowhere in the world shia hate anyone but the ziponists+wahabis whom they consider enemy of peace and the root cause of all problems in the many continents. we have no problem with our sunnis brothers or another.

No one is talking about sects of Islam here.

what is loyality ? loyality to war. how we can support it ?
when shias were targeted during the days of zia we told things will go wrong and you can see the result yoursefl.
today again we say it is bigger wrong than zia and the results will be far more dangerous than previous wrong.
today those who support war in yemen their sons will say them wrong in future.

It is simple. Iran or Pakistan.

Evading the topic won't brush this topic under the carpet.

Let me repeat:

1. Would you like it if Iranian-backed Houthis militant attacks on stranded Pakistanis in yemen or let stranded Pakistanis suffer at the hands of Iranian-backed Houthis militant in yemen?

2. Do you want Pakistan not to rescue stranded Pakistanis in yemen from Iranian-backed Houthis militant group?

3. Should the loyalty of Pakistan goes with Iranian-backed Houthis militant group or stranded Pakistanis in yemen being targed by Iranian-backed Houthis militant group?

4. Pakistan or Iran-KSA deserves your loyalty?

one side you are neutral. otherside you support war pm. this is not neutral.

I am neutral, and PM of Pakistan is being neutral here, hence no participating in yemen.

But you are not being neutral, and you want war given your war-monger statement against other sects of Islam and most importantly, your hatred for other sects of Islam is dangerous for the followers of other sects of Islam in Pakistan, and for Pakistan due to your blind love for Iran which you are willing to ignore its ambition towards Balochistan.

Judging by your previous statements earlier, you are no different than TTP.

and sure they must be shia ?

Good question. :tup:
It is clear that you are avoiding when it comes to Iran. lol
No one is talking about sects of Islam here.
It is simple. Iran or Pakistan.
Evading the topic won't brush this topic under the carpet.
Let me repeat:
1. Would you like it if Iranian-backed Houthis militant attacks on stranded Pakistanis in yemen or let stranded Pakistanis suffer at the hands of Iranian-backed Houthis militant in yemen?
2. Do you want Pakistan not to rescue stranded Pakistanis in yemen from Iranian-backed Houthis militant group?
3. Should the loyalty of Pakistan goes with Iranian-backed Houthis militant group or stranded Pakistanis in yemen being targed by Iranian-backed Houthis militant group?
4. Pakistan or Iran-KSA deserves your loyalty?
I am neutral, and PM of Pakistan is being neutral here, hence no participating in yemen. :lol:
But you are not being neutral, and you want war given your war-monger statement against other sects of Islam and most importantly, your hatred for other sects of Islam is dangerous for the followers of other sects of Islam in Pakistan, and for Pakistan due to your blind love for Iran which you are willing to ignore its ambition towards Balochistan.
Judging by your previous statements earlier, you are no different than TTP.
Good question. :tup:

if neutral then good for all. hope shia marginalization in pakistan will too end soon.
Capital Talk on Geo News discussing Yemen-Saudi situation gave a lot of historical information and also how government plans to move ahead
iranian backed, pakistan backed, pakistan backed iranian backed. please come out of all these games. there is no such thing. it is just like that india blames paksitan in kashmir. pakistan backed. this all is stupidity.

nowhere in the world shia hate anyone but the ziponists+wahabis whom they consider enemy of peace and the root cause of all problems in the many continents. we have no problem with our sunnis brothers or another.

what is loyality ? loyality to war. how we can support it ?
when shias were targeted during the days of zia we told things will go wrong and you can see the result yoursefl.
today again we say it is bigger wrong than zia and the results will be far more dangerous than previous wrong.
today those who support war in yemen their sons will say them wrong in future.

one side you are neutral. otherside you support war pm. this is not neutral.

today the state agencies purchased by ksa marginalized shias in paksitan and we should say they are good. they can only be good if good people take the charge and work for pakistan instead of ksa.

samething happened in yemen. why houthis have risen ? it is all due to the yemeni state agencies purchased by ksa started marginilzation of the shia.

today attackers support a puppet in yemen who asked foreigners to attack yemen. wow.
the attackers have lost all reasoning when the same will come to them in future.

no one is against pakistan in our country. it is only the soldout people who have created problem and division.
Pakistan was created to be an Islamic state. but it is becoming what we all know it well.
Let pakistan remain islamic.
we are with you, we all have same fate. either we do mistakes or you do mistake or pm do mistake we all have to face together.
You are absolutely right.
Tell me one thing Bhai. Is there any chance that some Muslim may herm Mekka or Madina? To my limited understanding these two place are holy for any Muslims irrespective of Islamic sects ( Sunni, Shia etc).

In that case why you need to protect him from other Muslims ? Is Pak establishment's justification to send force to protect holy places rational or just eye wash?

Mr Najam Shetti told Pakistan cannot say No to SA can delay the process only.

I am little confused here.
Tell me one thing Bhai. Is there any chance that some Muslim may herm Mekka or Madina? To my limited understanding these two place are holy for any Muslims irrespective of Islamic sects ( Sunni, Shia etc).

In that case why you need to protect him from other Muslims ? Is Pak establishment's justification to send force to protect holy places rational or just eye wash?

Mr Najam Shetti told Pakistan cannot say No to SA can delay the process only.

I am little confused here.

Basically Pakistan has no valid reason to send its military to invade another country.

the only reason they brought is that their friend ksa is in danger by shia and wahabis are happy to send military to yemen.

Shia people and majority of sunni have no concern with ksa and their leaders have pressurized government not to send the military to invade another country.

The best justification they brought in for the people is that they sending military to protect the holy cities.

Any invasion in yemen by pakistan is dangerous and could lead to all out and decisive war between IRAN vs Pakistan/Turkey.
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